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Living the L.A. driving dream.
I hate water parks so bad.
Shannon O'leary laying the info out about Cartoon Network and comics! Yesterday she posted her interview with JG about indie comics and Regular Show on the Beat and today is part one of her individual CN interviews! She also has a nice piece on the
Sometimes when I come home, my dog calender saves my life.
Two weeks or so ago I got all pumped up to draw Mine Fujiko reading ‘cause reading is hot but then I must have gotten to drunk or something 'cause I didn’t finish. Obviously I should be reading more and drinking less.
I’ve been trying to pull my apartment together so I can feel a bit more human.
Some of my plant friends.
bentonconnor: New Regular Show episode “Busted Cart” by me and Hilary airs Monday at 8PM on Cartoon Network!
One of the better tattoos I’ve ever drawn
i’m really bored and on the hunt for the perfect summer playlist. oh friday night.
bentonconnor: Various rock band names/goofy names Hilary and I came up with that didn’t make the cut in last night’s Regular Show episode “Trash Boat” (Taken with instagram) So good.
one-cheek-wonder: I Love Love by Hilary Florido This comic is a very good representation of me Glad to see this has found its way to tumblr….
old stuff from long ago
Benton and I had some serious hard struggles coming up with names for the band and the other musicians. We were making tons of lists and spent like two days trying to figure out something that would fit just right. Anyone can be cool but awesome takes
My pillow guardian.
I am never allowed to put cats in the shitty 80’s pad. :(
Traaaaaash Boat
New episode tomorrow by Benton Connor and me!
I am coached by my betters to avoid bad Mordecai drawing habits. “no more hersheys” Thanks JG and Benton.
As of this Monday I will have lived in CA and worked at CN on Regular Show for a whole year. How did this happen?! The world is an amazing place….
bentonconnor: Muscle Man “Curley Shuffle” Benton working the Curley Shuffle with MM
New Regular Show episode “Big Winner” tomorrow!
Since the lottery is a trending topic, check out this clip of a new Regular Show episode “Big Winner” written/storyboarded by me and Hilary Florido, which airs Monday at 8 on CN! Another episode by Benton and me!
These happened during the boarding of ‘Video Game Wizard.’ They’re kinda terrifying. I’m not sure why I drew so many….
YES. bentonconnor: New Regular Show episode “Video Game Wizard” by me and Hilary Florido airs tonight at 8PM on Cartoon Network! Oh, and if Fred Savage is reading this, please don’t sue me…
Girls at Nikko waiting for the train
osaka aquarium
PARFAIT MADNESS I ate that chocolate banana one and it was awesome. The 5,550 yen (55 dollars) bucket parfait seemed appropriately notorious. Pictures of the victors and defeated were posted at the entrance of the cafe…. although, even as a winner
True (sad) facts. High school boys are dumb no matter what country.
Goodmorning studio
Guy on the train in japan
A clip from the episode ‘Video Game Wizard’ that I worked on with Benton Connor! Working on that commercial was the very best. bentonconnor: Clip from an upcoming Regular Show episode I worked on with Hilary Florido called “Video Game
Tru dat.
I’m pretty sure these are plum…
Tezuka museum
I’ve been eating a lot on this trip.