submit your pics
*GEM HEIST*written and boarded by Lauren and me (Hilary)check it out tonight!Woops- it’s on at 7, not 7:30! Sorry!
Some of this and that.goals: I want to be able to love everyone as much as Kevin loves himself.
My professor from SVA contacted me recently to give a talk about my comics and how I get into animation to his comics class at USC (where he now teaches.) I was nervous but the students were great despite being worn out from being in the thick of finals.
My sister took care of a magical dog this weekend
Some boards from my section of Gem Harvest!CA is rad but this episode reminds me that I miss me some east coast autumn. Maybe I just need more corn in my life…..?
22 minute special TODAY at 7:30 on good ol’ CNPlease check it out!
Smudge city #brushpen
ink on paper
Ink on paper
Last One Out of Beach City (please drive safely y’all)Thanks Amber for cleaning up and giving extra love to Pearl struggling with those pants!
Beach City! Get out of it! (this thursday at 7pm)
Desert dessert painting I did while in an actual desert. #guache
It’s tonight! Check it out!
From ‘Steven vs. Amethyst’I had a lot of fun doing the last action scene. I feel like I finally got drawing Amethyst down! Now to just hold on to it…I gotta give Kat, Amber and Rebecca big props too for helping me as well. It’s not like
UM. Guys. I pre-made all this promo art ‘cause I was on break and I forgot to post this one?! All my planning totally dashed!Well, I hope you liked Beta which already happened -__-;EDIT: …I guess it only aired in Canada or something? We’re
Zero crying in baseball
Ok, so ignore the date on this drawing and just tune in tomorrow (just noticed it’s wrong and am posting from a phone so can’t edit… Ugh.) ANYWAY. Steven! Amethyst! Get pumped!
Worked with some cool kids on this one! Check it out this Thursday 7/28! That’s tomorrow!
This one’s for Friday (or tonight if you’re at Comic Con!) Spoiler alert: I love writing Kevin, Initial D and Tokyo Drift. Thank you Rebecca, Ben and Matt for making my dreams come true! TURN UP THE EUROBEAT, PEOPLE!
SO. I made an Initial D x SU crossover comic because those are things I like. Maybe those are things you like too?? I dunno! Anyway, I’ll be at Comic Con Friday for sure and maybe a bit of Saturday with a bunch a copies to hand out to SU cosplayers
Summer of Steven continues! Seriously! It won’t stop! I have so many promos to draw!! Please enjoy ‘Too Short to Ride’ tomorrow!
ianjq: STEVEN UNIVERSE PANEL AT SAN DIEGO COMIC CON! We’ve been excitedly preparing for our panel this year and it’s going to be the best panel ever! Jam-packed with music, exclusive clips, and surprises! We’ve got an incredible lineup of Crewniverse
Sketchbook Amethyst. Not sure when I did this… #stevenuniverse #su
All @what_is_horus all the time #brushpen
Brush pen @what_is_horus
I enjoyed writing this one a lot. Surly Lapis is great and it was fun to give a shout out to my own artistic journey via Steven.
Side note: I call it a leak because even though it was released through official means in France, it was information that definitely wasn’t supposed to be shown to many other viewers before this Thursday and the next. And I totally get the temptation
All new episode this week! (unless you were into that lame leak biz)BARN MATES written & storyboarded by Lauren and me! Please check it out this Thursday at 7:00pm on Cartoon Network.
warm up Enid from OK KO (she’s my favorite!)
Some old sketchbook finds! There from sometime around/in college. (I still feel that way about boots)
That time Kevin was in BigBang.
Dawg drawing. Dawg painting.
Gauche Pearl on a post-it. #Pearl #stevenuniverse #cn
Gauche Renaldo on a post-it. #stevenuniverse #cn #renaldo
Gauche Lapis on a post-it. #lapislazuli #cn #stevenuniverse
Was pumped to draw Opal stretching out.
Pushing people off roofs is a major no no!…. but it’s also comedy gold. (in animation, not real life!)
Log Date 7 15 2! This Friday! At 5:30pm on CN! End of the Steven Bomb! Yeah!(P.S. sorry this promo is a little wonky. i didn’t want to skip making one but time was money and i was on a tight budget.)
This week’s Steven Bomb is halfway done! Will I make a promo in time?! (Who knows…) #stevenuniverse
Drew my pup on a post-it. (Shout out to Office Depot, I guess…)
Maybe my dog, Horus, dressed up for the Long Live the Royals episode tonight. You should check it out too so you don’t disappoint this gentleman dog!
seanszeles: Holy cow! I made this 4 part mini series and it airs tomorrow! Watch it Monday - Thursday at 7:45pm #lltr #longlivetheroyals #cartoonnetwork #seanszeles Look Chickies, Steven is still on hiatus so how about checking out some different fun
Post it Sardonyx #sardonyx #stevenuniverse
Candy from France. #rose #stevenuniverse #candy #cannibalism? #happyhalloween
watercolor with some finger smudges
New SU this Thursday boarded by Lauren and me! (Unless you were at NYComic Con and saw the sneak peak… It’s just another rerun for you peeps.)
Panels from some parts of ‘Catch and Release’ that I boarded.
junk food for my drawing hand
YO. Set your clocks ‘cause this Thursday is an all new Steven Universe! (boarded by Lauren and me)
SVA Features Steven Universe
Working on the weekend.