Yoga at its purest (
submit your pics
forever yoga with Viktoriya Aliko Аркадий Козловский
alovealive: “You are the sun, the rain, and the moon beams You are the Divine Goddess of my dreamsYou are the sun, the rainbows, the moon beamsYou are the Divine Goddess inside me You are me and I am youI’ll always be with youYou are me and I
mirror meditation
Chakrasana Сергей Пилтник
Best of Yoga!philneffphoto: Pose TR November 6, 2011 The Dog Farm, Virginia “A photographer gets people to pose for him. A yoga instructor gets people to pose for themselves.” ~ Jay Fields
yoga always and forever asleepylioness: This may be late but I was going back and forth on what photo to submit. So I decided to contemplate during my workout, when it donned on me I’ve had my perfect interpretation of reflection (pardon the pun)
fine yoga littlebird79: me by Edouard2p
melissatroutt: M-A-R-C | Connecticut 2012
#Urdhva Mukha Svanasana moonmarie: Moon Marie by Aubergine
phylactere: Proginor photographer How to work artistic nude - Workshop organized by Phylactere Model at Thierry Quenette’s studio
#St. Merrique = must reblog! robertweissner: Storm Shelter St. Merrique © Robert Weissner 2014
camillialee: Parsva Dandasana - Twisted Staff Pose Photo Courtesy of Brian Imaging
forgivetheheart: im getting more comfortable with my body, so im doing things outside my comfort zone.
Crow Pose carneymalone: rhomalie: Model Rhoma Carney Malone
beach yoga
half lotus - ardha padmasana
daily meditation
caciazoo: You must go on adventures to find out where you belong. Michael Blank/ Cacia Zoo
yoga forever
blackulaphoto: The Goddess Shoot
Sybil Hawthorne’s meditation reallifekink: Waiting for Daddy.
Viparita Dandasana
The King Dancer Amelia Simone(c) huitphotography
Selfportrait in Thailand 2 by Ultradevious
Lara by baineann
Twisted girl by fb101
Shiva Armed Girl by DurasMox
modelkimberlyjay: Models: Kimberly Jay and Leanne Photographer: LaoZart
funny kind of yoga
the beauty of daily yoga
Lotus on the rocks
yoga forever!
everybody loves yoga!
kirkobeeosimages: The Lady Maven
mikedunn: mikedunn: Cedar Island flip ©Michael D. Dunn Model: Elexa Probably one of my favorite Cedar Island images. Dat to point doe!
good stretching freelovemovement: wearetheweaversofasharedreality: i could use a stretch like this after tumblrin’ for the last couple hours!
yoga? curvyswervydames: Sue Owen (4) ::
Kymberly Jane = always reblog!
St. Merrique = always reblog
Marielle Debs in Chakrasana Copyright: Ed Yungmann 2012
Cali Logan in Padmasana Cassandra 245aby RTrib
lucarubbi: SARA
Chakrasana Nude (3) by Scottworldwide
Copyright:Sweet California Light Photography
jaimebeechum: north iceland booty, July 2012
kirkobeeosimages: The Lady Maven … so beautiful