Yoga at its purest (
submit your pics
yoga fantastique!
Pranamasana in Lotus timpile: Kayleigh Lush
Wonderful Backbend! Photo by Dan of Cacia Zoo mimicing mountains in the middle of Death Valley. Lowest elevation in North America. April 2014
looks like a forward bend
what a backbend! anastasiaarteyeva: Happy Earth Day!
find-the-instrument: Twisted out of Shapeby lovelizzie
nellymirikitani: Love thyself Tampa FL April 2014 wonderful #tumblr yogi
Chakrasana Lacy LeBlanc by Josh Coffman
Katlyn Lacoste and Melissa TrouttMeditation by ClockworkEros
Erin Elizabeth by mages in G
Kiera Stone’s Handstand by Desnudes
Partner YogaAcrobats by 3feathers
Ardha Padmasana - half lotus! sinsophrosyne: sub-91: Beautiful.
catalina-skyes: nude beach yoga
Kandharasana - Shoulder Pose
Yoga forever! mattblum: Tree Pose | Minneapolis, MN | March | 2014
allysonannelamb: Big Deva
in-troducing: INTRODUCING / Flora
romimuse: The Wall
yoga forever!
Hey, Ingrid Steeger!
lvnababe: Reverse prayer pose. I’m still a little clumsy with this one. Pranamasana
picsnclicks: Pressing by softfocusimages Pranamasana
Pranamasana Livin on a prayer by cmoyl
sekaamodel:Photographer: Michael Austin Ustrasana!
Festival Asana
yoga forever
tandem yoga
Yoga foerver! billymonday: Sprung (2014) Spring has sprung here in Maryland! I made this a couple of hours ago with Eli Sweetwater, with whom I hope to make many more images.
and one for Bovin3rotica Meditation by Alessandroguidi85
Ushtrasana! miss-kat-a-tat-tat: boudoir photography by noel Nichols kat-a-tat-tat. February 2014.
SwastikasanaMy Beautiful Muse by SAMIGUY101
St. Merrique = must reblog daveaharonian: Merrique
Yoga forever!
my bunny
pericotera: rabbit fairy-tales by CreameCaramele
… so spiritual akifhakannewworks: Sunshine State © 2014 Akif Hakan Celebi Miami , FL
Marjari Asana - Cat’s Pose! therealchipwillis: that aint no word
… so spiritual
and one for Bovin3rotica!Sharlie in the buff by elessge2012
Kymberly Jane in Sukhasana! KY 02257 by larryhoth
jacsfishburne: Jacs Fishburne x Gerdes Photography March 2014 | St. Louis, MO
Yoga!? melissatroutt: Passionate Optics | Newton Square, PA 2014
Yoga?! vexvoir // herbilish
wordsmatty: Washing dishes. Not warm enough to wear nothing at all, but a cardigan’s just enough to take away the chill. My roommate’s away for the weekend and It’s nice to be able to wear as much or as little as I want - but really I can’t
yoga forever! risenphoenixphoto8-28: Viola nu By Risen Phoenix
photodama: photodama Wenona!
Gravity by scottb
risenphoenixphoto8-28: Geometric Nude
mattthewpearl: mpv: recent photography shoot combined with our first shoot. the second shoot is more colored and vibriant. her name is heather and is an exceptional model for figurative work and her physical strength shows strong in these poses.