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Luke and Danny bridge the generational gap by bonding over their shared love of late 90s/early 2000s hip-hopDanny: You actually met Method Man?!Cage: Sure enough…Looking back, I think I might have even saved his life.Danny: Wh-wh-what about the
This Samurai Jack/Steven Universe crossover isn’t at all like how I imagined it would go.
This can only end well.from Legend Quest
Dr. Agam’s Original painting and model changes“Recently, many players gave us feedback, telling us that the originality of skills is not high, so the official R & D team (after accepting the views of many players), has gone to work on changing
Iron Fist: The Living Weapon, featuring the latest solo adventures of the titular Bronze Age Martial Artist Superhero, is burdened with the task of living up to its Eisner Award winning predecessor, The Immortal Iron Fist; a series that greatly expanded
Jon gives as good as he gets in Super Sons #2!
“It’s just a prank, bro!”from Super Sons #2.
That’s No Windmill! That’s My Wife! Spain’s own Splendid Sentinel: Don Quixote!!!“November 11, 2108, later known as the destruction of the day, this year Don Quixote 36 years old, his father hope he can become a dedicated knight,
She HACKS! She BLASTS! She shows off what’s left of her original skin!Meet MURPHY!!!
He who wields the strength of Ten-Hundred Men,It’s THOUSAND HANDS!!!
Hero Duty’s own Annihilation Arrow: King of the Eye!His Bow is BIGGER!
Oh look, it’s that Meihem lovechild the Bible warned us about.China has decided that when it comes to representing their country, Mei just isn’t cutting it.Introducing, Hero Duty’s NA MEI!!!She’s pretty much just Evil Mei.And evil makes everything
Henceforth, all my Chinese Bootleg Overwatch posts will be tagged with “Hero Duty” as per the official translation.As official as it gets anyway.
Commander 9527 from Hero MissionThe former Republic of the Marine Corps soldiers, after the dissolution of the regiment, the family died on the day of the destruction of all the day, he walked a few days walk, and finally went to a guardian of the dawn
Too soon?Please watch Legend Quest on Netflix. It’s pretty good if you couldn’t tell.
The Kingdom of Mewni from Star and Marco’s Guide to Mastering Every DimensionBuy this book. Seriously. It’s one of the best things ever.
At long last! Last Names!Janna OrdoniaFerguson O’durgusonAlfonzo DolittleFrancis SmithingtonLars VanderdadJustin ArmbergSabrina BackintoshHope HadleyI guess you’ll have to buy the book to find out the rest!
Madman Leiden from Hero Mission(Note: You know how Roadhog had a sympathetic backstory? This guy doesn’t have one of those.)Born in California, a butcher family, addicted to sex, he made two guns, a light burst gun, behind also carrying a large Gatlin,
That, uh, really didn’t work out so well the first time, Star.But hey, at least you left out the part where you were more concerned about the possibility of being sent to reform school than you were about how you almost killed them all.
Panta from Hero MissionHis backstory reads as follows:Umbrellas have been trying to taboo scientific experiments, they try to give a variety of animal genetic reorganization, intended to reorganize a strong warrior. Try many times after the success, was
Dr. “Totally Not Junkenstein” Agan and his “Ace Bombs.”They also come in Evil Clown flavors.
Man, Marco. For a civilized guy, you sure can be SAVAGE.
LOGAN “Post-Credit” Stinger Man I wish this was real.
My mistake. This is the actual rip-off from the Chinese Overwatch Bootleg game for mobile and tablet Hero Mission.His name is (according to Google Translate) No Trace of the Wind.
Young Moon Butterfly reacts to shocking Plot Twists.Young River Johansen feigns intelligence.Young Moon Butterfly isn’t having any of it.Feel free to use the above template with your shocked proclamation of choice.Based on these panels from the Star
NOT WHAT SHE SEEMS!Man. This episode was pretty nuts.
Everything is going to be fine.gif
Huh. I thought they were dead or something.
Dang, Marco. That’s cold.
Winston the Space Panda!Immortan Hog!Bunnymaker!Lawd-Have-Mercy!And…Sephiroth?From 英雄使命!Also known as “Totally Not Chinese Bootleg Overwatch!”But seriously, guys. Sephiroth!
One joke, An entire multiverse-worth of punchlines.Most of them awful.
Ah, Rhetorical Judo. Gotta hate it with the force a trillion volcanic eruptions love it.So many interview/evaluation flashbacks caused by this scene. Where do you see yourself in 3 years?What are your strengths? Your weaknesses?What do you mean by etc.
If you want to understand the psychology of Deadpool and the wonders, conceits, grotesqueries, and tragedies of the character, then these three pages will bring you up to speed.Seriously, this is as eloquent and succinct as it gets when it comes to Wade.
“The point of Earth Magic is to allow yourself to be entertained by pretending that it’s real…just like love.”Well, that’s what I get for letting my guard down.Man, I’ve missed this show.
How is this not everyone’s favorite joke from Season 2?Scratch that. How is this not everyone’s FAVORITE MOMENT from Season 2?
(Based on SHINY from Moana set to the tune of this instrumental)Tamatoa is here to ruin Wholesome Week 2017!Well, well, well,Little Starry’s having trouble with her spells,You little exiled mini-monarchess!Ooh! And your scruffy pal Janna’s here too
What do you mean that isn’t what happened?Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, everyone!Well, it’ll be Merry and Happy for some.
Foolkiller hunting down the irredeemable patients of psychologist Greg Salinger, his alter ego, who has to either cure supervillains of their evil or make them die trying!This book is seriously good, guys. Please buy it so that it makes it to at least top of potentially undermining every actually TRUE claim of assault and general endangerment, Yasmin Seweid had the audacity to make a fool of Chris Evans,
Granny Solaria would have been proud.Of Moon.Sorry, Star.Find out why Future Mother and Daughter are Current Enemies in Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Deep Trouble #2!Available at your Local Comicbook Retailer or Joe Books LTD’s online store:https://store.j
This November, be thankful for the chances you took that didn’t blow up in your face.And if your choices didn’t exactly pan out, then feel free to asphyxiate that pesky sense of horrifying remorse and shame with a metric ton of Filthy Black Friday
Well, that’s one mystery solved.Probably.Maybe not.
Bon Bon the Birthday Clown was full of great scenes and sequences, so it’s understandable that a few might have fallen under the radar given the sheer amount thrown our way.Case in point, see above.Maybe it’s because she feels that she’s
Good gravy.She really is the coolest of the cool.
What was Moon Butterfly like before years of war, political intrigue, marriage, and very-very-very-very-very stressful child-rearing turned her into the Queen she is today?Pretty cheerful, actually.How pretty and cheerful?Find out by picking up a copy
“I still don’t like you, Kent.”“I still don’t like you, too, Wayne.”from Superman #11
Around Bats,Never Relax.From All-Star Batman #4
Winston tries to escape death by Mei and squanders his second chance at life.“A coward dies a thousand times before his death, but the valiant taste of death but once.”-William Shakespeare
by an Anonymous Drawfriend“Doc Fawkes returns from the Future to tell his only pal and reluctant lab assistant, Mako McHog, that there’s big trouble in the world of tomorrow and it’s got to do with his yet-to-be-born offspring!”Call me naive,
Can a modern giant monster movie frighten? Can films of the genre generate enough dread and suspense that they dip into outright horror? Yes. Can one starring Godzilla do so? Theoretically, perhaps, but that’s a much trickier feat. Godzilla, for all
The Gremlin meme might have died down, but it lives on in-game.
Reaper’s Halloween ShotgunsWhat a dork.At first, I wondered how he was supposed to reload with those candles on the hammers, but then I remembered who I was talking about.
Some of the standout Halloween skins.Apparently, Soldier: 76/Jack Morrison is a fan of Michael Jackson.Who would’ve thought?
Halloween Mercy ScreenYowza.
So apparently, when you put the Taiwanese names of Overwatch characters into Google Translate, you get stuff like this.Because apparently it misreads the character for “Mei” (Beauty) as “Mei Guo” which means AMERICA!!!Fun Fact: Roadhog is known
Wow. What a way to end the series.Major props to Daron Nefcy. You can just picture her waltzing into Walt’s house after she tricked that half-naked rat into giving her the green light for Star vs. the Forces of Evil Season 2 that THIS is how she wanted
Fred Flintstone on the dangers of matrimonyYeah, I don’t think giving the anxious, depressed caveman access to rope is a good idea, marriage counselor guy.from The Flintstones #4
It’s funny and sad because it’s true.from The Flintstones #4.
And here I thought the show wouldn’t deliver on its promise of a Game of Thrones-esque episode.Also, feel free to macro your satirical political statement of choice. Jojo jokes are also perfectly acceptable because that franchise goes with everything.