GlobeGander (
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Captain America has officially become Marvel’s Metal Gear Solid and I am loving it. Also, notice how the sound FX are wrapping around the machine as it transforms, emphasizing its movements. Ain’t that nifty?
It’s not really misogyny. Black Manta just wanted to get thrown in jail so he could join Task Force X/The Suicide Squad. He would have face-slammed anyone who was behind that counter. Still, out of context…
This Church elected to draw Jesus Christ in the images of Nicholas Cage (left) and Chuck Norris (right).
In-context, this is an incredibly tragic scene. Out of context, it’s almost hilarious. Tony Stark, Everybody!
At first I thought that Hyde was a weird choice for an initial antagonist, but with the revelation of Eli and how the Rider works, it’s rather perfect. Contrast Hyde’s conversation with Zabo and Robbie’s enraged shouting match with Eli
The Catman Rises Catman Returns Catman Forever And my persona favorite: Catman Commences
Here’s hoping for a 21st Century Bat-Tusi in the upcoming film!
Persona 4: The GOLDEN Animation Space Dandy Season 2 This could very well be the best July of 2014 ever.
Somehow…this explains SO much.
Well…I can think of worse ways to get Jamie Foxx’s Electro into the comics. Granted, none of them come to mind right now.
Godzilla trying out for The Expendables.
Saw “Son of Batman” recently, and like many people, I had my fair share of criticisms concerning the film. *SPOILERS* The biggest and most blatant offenders being: 1) Damian’s “and history repeats itself” line at the fairgrou
So I heard that there’s some good will being generated for Maria Hill after the Winter Soldier movie. But did you know that Maria Hill HATES Summer Vacation? Yeah.
Dr. Gel isn’t the only ape man that Dandy’s crossed. Unless Modula was actually a younger Gel, in which case I withdraw my previous statement.
No Joke, this is how Norman (plastic surgery’d) escapes the clutches of two Spider-Men and a whole bunch of civilians. He literally just runs away. No invisibility field, no glider, no helicopter, no teleporter, no giant drill, no jet-ski. He
BONES sure love its ray gun-shooting, mecha piloting, Space Dorks, doesn’t it? A commission that Ceshira did for me a while back. She said I could post it on my tumblr and stuff, so here it is. The idea sprung from this pic: Basic premise has Raven returning
Jeez, Heroman’s been working out big time over the last few years! That, or he’s been gobbling down Rare Candies like crazy since Joey moved in with that ultra rich cheerleader chick. At least he got a sweet tricorn hat out of the deal.
I removed the QUALITY spin to give the Space Flamenco Uppercut more PUNCH!
Godzilla’s foe in his upcoming movie is apparently going to be the Hot Topic cousin of the Cloverfield monster if this toy is of any indication.
Mug Shot
It’s a testament to how good the music, visuals, and writing in this episode were that I still felt a great deal of sympathy and fear for QT. Keep in mind, he’s died about 3 times in the first season alone and you know that he survives the
“Who you callin’ pinhead?!” -Patrick Star Manga QT does not want to be the P in BBP. Bit of levity in the face of the Robot Romance Ragnarok that was the first season finale.
It’s just a mask…for you!
What a nice, tidy, happy ending. One wonders…
Manga Meow proves to be a bit more subtle, potent, and mobile than his anime counterpart. No small feat
Some of the new characters from the Space Dandy manga, whose dramas Dandy finds himself embroiled in.
Ever wonder what happened to Meow at the end of Episode 3? For a red hot heavy hitter in heels, Scarlet can be pretty cold at times. Also included in the first volume of Space Dandy: Presented with a pair of rare, star-crossed lovers, will Dandy choose
Space Dandy OST 1 shots They’re really going full hog on this BBP thing.
Something, something, innuendo, something. I dunno, you could probably do better. Oh, I know! “Loss for Words” Because its tongue is occupied and chameleons can’t speak!
First Volume of Manga First Volume of OST Exclusive Tower Records Cassette Tape (4 tracks) An awesome sticker that will never be used as a sticker And a complimentary paper receipt Good Haul.
Bemuh-bemuh-bemuh-baby, Be my baby, Bemuh-bemuh-bemuh-baby, Be my baby, Be my baby.
More Evangelion shout-outs in KLK.
“It’s an anime about nothing.” QT became a meme at last.
“Get in the robot, Dandy!” Well, we all knew she was going to snap eventually.
I love how profound Dandy can be sometimes.
Knowing the show, this AMV is probably going to be made wanting due to some mind-blowing revelation in the final two installments.Still, I thought it was appropriate at the time the last episode came out. This song just seemed to be the perfect fit: flighスペース☆ダンディ-1-イベント優先申込券付-Blu-ray-諏訪部順一/dp/B00HQSG54E/ “Space Dandy is a dandy in space! This dreamy adventurer with a to-die-for pompadour travels across the galaxy in search
Commander Dandy has to make some tough choices out there in the void of space. Luckily, he has this magic glowing wheel to help him out! Courtesy of an anonymous DrawFriend.
Teen Titans TOP!!! Dragons, Adventure Time, Gumball, Regular Show, and even the dastardly Johnny Test were no match to impede the Titans from fulfilling their destiny: Being the NUMBAH Numero #1 show on Cartoon Network!!! For the first week of March at
No worries. Just remember that it’s all in your head. But then again, what isn’t?
Weaving aside the blatant implications, I must hand it to trigger for really nailing this episode. Two thumbs up. It was a real cut above the rest. Much applause is due.
Viva Namida
Whatever Happened to the First Boy Wonder? Or should I say, what will happen to the First Boy Wonder?
Cosmic Treadmills are so last nanosecond
This plan is the best plan.
Revenge tastes like snot.
Slipped on an underwater banana peel, he did. Now he can truly sleep with the fishes.
Never forget the…person who started it all.
Some handy little bingo cards for the final three episodes of Samurai Flamenco!
3 Episodes Left! What will YOU look like at the end of KLK’s Wild Ride?
People who got off early missed out. And the ride’s still going.
Included the blank version for whoever wants it.
That latest episode, I don’t even know man. That was some heavy…I just need to take a walk.
Never mess with Batman. Even when he’s fictional.
Space Reefer Madness: A Cautionary Cosmic Tale
Real talk: This is probably how it went down.
The abrupt, tragic, and inexplicably hilarious demise of the Martians in DC’s The New52. J'onn tells it like it is.