I Write Meta Not Tragedies (ghostmartyr.tumblr.com)
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Of the Attack-on-Titan-with-surgebinders-instead-of-titans-lesgo brand. Because let me tell you my thing for oaths.I think like two people might appreciate this, but the important thing is that I am one of them, and oh my gosh this is the greatest thing
This is why chapters need to be uploaded on time.
Sending a direct message to support should feel less like screaming into the void. I’ll admit that it adds some fun to mentally ranting about how awful Crunchyroll is with this when they can’t even send me a stock “your complaint is important to
It’s not like I’ll say no to an excuse to delay putting effort into something, but this is getting ridiculous. Again. My account is a gift, so I am not technically a paying customer, but generally speaking, manga is for premium users. People who have
mchandraws:D . M O N
LiveblogWhoa, it’s been ages since I’ve done one of these.By which I mean the last one I did was for an episode last season. And that was the first time I ever attempted something of such nature. About all I remember from that experience is that I
Thank you.
Oh, and in case I somehow forget, I wanted to say a very enthusiastic thank you to the folks who put spoiler warnings in their asks this month. I haven’t known so little about what’s in a coming chapter in months, and I really appreciate you guys
One of those months again, I see.
In all of my (v good, v valid) criticisms of the anime lately, I almost blew right past something they added that I really love.Eren’s the one having the obvious breakdown here, but it comes out in the same words Historia has always regarded herself
shadowfire1223 replied to your post: tsundere for the NSFW That is a vile, largely accurate characterization.
tfw you and your brother-in-law really don’t get along.