I Write Meta Not Tragedies (ghostmartyr.tumblr.com)
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Kill la Kill--Episode 13
SnK 53 Thoughts
dotesmite: rebellion story grumbles
Maybe I should get a new hobby. Sigh. Not exactly the most flattering game for a landmark.
blondaime: The light is law. The light is truth.
Ranked Anime Openings--2013
texts from wall maria
skysshadow: And here we are at the end
Valvrave 24
tinyglowingtardis: Bow ties are red The TARDIS is blue The Ponds are dead Now Eleven is too
♫ She’ll go down in Historia. ♫
Kill la Kill--Episode 12
Valvrave 23
I believe the time to give up and admit my own hopelessness is at hand. How do people make friends on Tumblr?
Shingeki no Twitter
Kill la Kill--Episode 11
Valvrave 22
jeankirschteinz: fma + otp
Mikasa and Yumikuri
Texts From Walpurgis Night
SnK 52 Thoughts
Madoka Magica: Rebellion
Sharing my joy seemed like the only humane thing to do.
Because that’s fair.
…I’m torn between deeply regretting ever wanting a Krista-centric chapter and being incredibly obnoxious about how the events of this chapter tie back to Ymir’s comment of, “Cause if people get involved with you and end up dying…
Kill la Kill--Episode 10
Valvrave 21
Texts from the Evangelion Cast
brigriv: Quick reflexes there, good job!! ♥
Kill la Kll--Episode 9
Valvrave 20
cuileggs: hi I’m in the fandom
ask-chibi-reinerb: Shingeki no Puppet Pals?
aizhaodao: Oh look, I actually drew SnK 47 stuff. Thought it hilarious how Ymir and Bert are just having some serious talk while Reiner was trying to restrain a bats*** crazy Eren.
Doctor Who 50th Note
bradofarrell: Pokemon X and Y was about medieval wealth imbalances and it’s starter were based on a the classic medieval fantasy tropes of a knight, a mage and a thief. Pokemon Black and White was the first game to be set outside of Japan and it was
Doctor Who
awabubbles: Charlie and Dorothy in Oz. Action! Adventure! Romance! A flying monkey sidekick! Background referenced from Oz the Great and Powerful.
Kill la Kill--Episode 8
Valvrave 19
“Do you hate me?” “I wonder. I don’t… really know.” I keep trying to come up with something clever to say about this, but all I really want is to point out that while everyone else is staring in horror while a Titan
I have a ticket to see the Madoka Magica movie! Everything is wonderful and nothing hurts except the knowledge that it’s in December and I have 30,000 more words to write before then. But YES.
textsfromwalpurgisnight: i was gonna queue this but it describes my life too accurately so posted it goes
bosmitze: One of my other prints I made for Anime Expo 2013! I gotta give some credit to my little bro who was so picky about every detail and complained about the slightest things so that I can make this picture somewhat descent enough to sell. I plan
Legend of Korra--Darkness Falls // Light in the Dark
LoK--Night of a Thousand Stars // Harmonic Convergence