Otters & Buildings & So Forth, O My! (
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cales-vision: shaun sandridge Improbably pretty (no complaints here!)
cales-vision: Jared Allman
cales-vision: Goran Jurenec Particularly nice boat, too - this one’s for my pal Tom’s amusement…
He’s aged well, too…and the other guy (show I don’t watch…whatsit?!) - also woof!
cales-vision: Will Chalker
cales-vision: aidan quinn I could watch this man read the phonebook…
mcdermott451: The greatest architect you’ve never heard of - American architects of the late 19th and early 20th centuries would often leave empty spaces in their blueprints and simply write, “Guastavino here.’’ They had faith that Rafael Guastavino
blahblahblahcoyotes: The mezzanine at the City Hall subway stop. The herringbone tile on the vaulted ceiling is the trademark of Guastavino. Guastavino mastered a method of using tiles and mortar to create arched or vaulted ceilings. Marvel at a spectacu
kittivanilli: The domes and vaults of Rafael Guastavino y Moreno are everywhere, but they are not always easy to see. Some of the best work by Guastavino and his son, Rafael Guastavino y Esposito, like the stairwell of Washington Memorial Arch or the
irmasdisko: ”Built in 1914, the Guastavino vaulted staircase in Baker Hall at Carnegie Mellon University is so complex that MIT students have not yet figured how to replicate it.”- Michael Freeman
esietukeme: Guastavino Vault Replica at the Boston Public Library One of the coolest parts of the Guastavino exhibit is the “Guastavino Vault Replica” - a half-scale reproduction of the original vault above the exhibit in the same room that was construct
choopakrampus: Guastavino vault - NYC city hall subway station
yyz-edi: (by berkeleyhomes-dot-com) Guastavino vaulting is my favorite building technology going…alas 99.99999% defunct for decades (there have been halting attempts to resurrect it in Britain, I think, and some of the vernacular Catalan timbrel
beardsftw: [[ Follow BeardsFTW!
Am I bein’ dim, or is this the stunning & talented Mr. Aiden Shaw?
ideageneration: Dieter Rams, Stereo turntable PS 500, Braun AG, 1968. Happy to say, that I own a model like this, family heritage. It’s still working perfectly, High Quality, indeed. Ooh…never knew about this one…onto the pie-in-sky
daddy-fluffer: Beautiful. Damn near perfection in my book…wow!
sweathome: Mattias Adolfsson - Blue Rocket
12gauge: ryanpanos: Grundtvigs Church by Kim Høltermand Why don’t I see more of this building? Its amazing.
carolina-bisceglia: alvar aalto
mollystormjackson: COWS. Piece I did last semester.
architectureofdoom: Città, Virgilio Marchi, 1919
theimportanceofbeingmodernist: All’s fair in Love and Warr: De La Warr Pavilion, Bexhill by Erich Mendelsohn- Designed in 1933, Erich Mendelsohn fought off 230 competitors to win the De La Warr Pavilion commission. Situated in Bexhill near Hastings
artyucko: oops, fell down a rabbit hole. Cool house - never seen this before…
furncum: How could I not reblog this?! Hmm…I know some folks are gonna hate on me for this, but this guy is naturally stunning and the tatts only detract from that…otherwise: wow!
decoarchitecture: Fanciful beyond belief! losangelespast: Three views of the Art Moderne Academy Theater, Inglewood, 1939, and a Google Street View of the building today.
Ginger-furry legs - mmmmmmmm!
pittpigg: (via TumbleOn)
legrandcirque: Berenice Abbott, Penn Station, Interior, Manhattan, 1935-1938. Source: New York Public Library Abbott was a spectacularly good and smart and dedicated photographer, and this space utterly magnificent. Tremendously sad it was destroyed
scootersguf: (via TumbleOn)
alfaspiderclassic: It´s more fun to drive a new Alfa Romeo, vintage poster Hoffman USA Great little cars!
chromjuwelen: 1963 Lincoln Continental Sedan by aldenjewell on Flickr. 1963 Lincoln Continental Sedan
chromjuwelen: 1963 Lincoln Continental Sedan and Convertible by aldenjewell on Flickr. 1963 Lincoln Continental Sedan and Convertible
fdo: archi-versus:Houses Over The Ria De Aveiro_RVDM Sweet detail
picsofyou: Grão with Canon FTb Protopan 400
hotwithu: beared
ghostsofthewoods: Hiroshi Yoshida
fluxstation: Havana. Lebbeus Woods. 1994.
divincul: Nico Urquiza
favhob: myhairymen: Jonathan Best My Favorite Hobbie:
wherearechildrenwhonevergrowup: Chester ;)
furrytrade: Follow both of my blogs @ &
midcenturymodernfreak: 1951-1956 Le Corbusier’s stunning Villa Shodhan in Ahmedabad, India Designed for the secretary of the Millowners, Surottam Hutheesing but the original plans were later sold to fellow millowner, Shyamubhai Shodhan. Via: 1 | 2
Oh, duh, it’s Corbusier in India (see earlier)…
thefurrylibrarian: Check something out from the Furry Librarian’s Library
blua: This is totally cool - I’d kill for a simple program that would do this from a JPEG…
seahorsebear: (via garbageguy, gaysleaze) I miss Scotland and kilts (on the right guy, and this is certainly a right guy…)…still trying to figure out how to live out me days in Edinburgh…
thefoxnz: Watching TV in sweats. Mmmm
vikingposts: BEARDS, DESIGN AND MORE -follow: