Otters & Buildings & So Forth, O My! (
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simonliedtke: New Haircut - Myself in 2013
wisegaymen: - Wise Gay Men 2239 -
bearded-ness: Ben Affleck Not usually an actor I crush on, but he IS handsome, and always looks great with a beard.
That guy again - from the random archive….
Who IS this dude? WOW!
Awww….So. Damn. Cute. (not to mention smoking hot).
thebullmonkey: #HenryCavill’sBodyIsEvil
furrytrade: Follow both of my blogs @ &
furrytrade: Follow both of my blogs @ & Alpha Males Geoffrey Paine
Another compilation from my net-sourced archive: handsome/appealing men with dogs. Woof. Indeed.
Again - a long term collection of favorites from all over - sexy men on boats, mostly sail (as it should be).
ninny-hammer: workspaces: Malmö Public Library, Sweden | architect: Henning Larsen
Assorted sexy men (‘otters’, 'wolves’, 'bears’ and other hirsute bipedal fauna…) with pipes, snatched over some years from here/there on Tumblr/the web - happy to credit where credit is due, but I’ve long forgotten&hel
Random Teraoka images - this guy is so talented AND clever/wry…I love the ‘gotcha’ aspects…
artforadults: masami teraoka This guy’s work is amazing - more to follow
simonerein: Masami Teraoka - Today’s Special - 1991 Teraoka is brilliant…
bartleby-company: Bruce Chatwin (via Escritores)
io-from-mars: Bruce Chatwin by Lord Snowdon / 28July1982 “What Am I Doing Here?” I’m feeling so always. Fascinating character…
cjwho: Peter Zumthor reveals the secrets of Therme Vals This place blows me away - really want to go!
33obres: Peter Zumthor, Kolumba Diocesan Museum, Cologne, Germany, 2007 Photo: Hèléne Binet
kathryntyler: A few images of Peter Zumthor’s sublime studio and home in Haldenstein. Absolutely elemental architecture; sure-handed perfection…
accordingtomac: Happy birthday [04/26] I.M. Pei and Peter Zumthor! East Building of the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC Thermal Baths, Vals CH
arqvac: Peter Zumthor, architect.
sloppy: “To me, buildings can have a beautiful silence that I associate with attributes such as composure, self-evidence, durability, presence, and integrity, and with warmth and sensuousness as well; a building that is being itself, being a building,
wearerestless: Kolumba Museum, Koln - Peter Zumthor Photographer: Michiel van Raaij
cinoh: Sharing a birthday with I.M. Pei, Peter Zumthor (April 26, 1943) turns 70 years old today.
b22-design: Peter Zumthor’s Home-Studio
b22-design: Peter Zumthor - Therme
handsome fellow, too…
artificialsweetness: Peter Zumthor & Louise Bourgeois’s Steilneset memorial to the witch hunts of the 17th century in the middle of the Norwegian winter, Vardø 2012. Via, 2, photos © Bjarne Riesto.
sapinoie-deactivated20140124: Louise Bourgeois & Peter Zumthor, ‘Steilneset’
arkitekcher: Zink-Mine Cafe (Top) & Mining Platform (Bottom) | Peter Zumthor Location: Almannajuvet, Sauda
tselentis-arch: Peter Zumthor : Memorial to the Burning of Witches, Steinset, Vardø, Norway, 2007 The witch monument is a memorial to the victims of atrocities during the burning of witches in Vardø. The monument is a collaboration between the artist
Thermal Baths, Vals, Switzerland Peter Zumthor
architectureofdoom: arkitekcher: Zink-Mine-Museum (2003-in corso/ongoing) | Peter Zumthor Location: Almannajuvet, Sauda View this on the map Zumthor’s an f-ing genius…