Insipid Lullabies of Compliance (
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You switch on your gaydar.Well, that settles that. You can now happily and permanently put to rest every stupid and unlikely scenario in which this random nameless cat ends up in your bed, because it will never happen no matter what.The best power
b-epon: Back when the Mane 6 fighting game got the C&D i was worried. Now after seeing some of the new characters I’m even more excited than before. Look at how fabulous this doe is! I can hardly handle it! Awww yess <3 I love those reindeer
It’s a nice fitFor my desktop at leastNot so much for Brisby though huehue ;>
damndirtyfurry reblogged this from ecmajor and added:Mrs Brisby…for…..reasons..It’s because we’re damn dirty furries isn’t it
R34 that really needs to appear in ECM art soon probably
Wow, my blog is sexy as hell today
omg i need to go find this episodeTina is the best
Holy shitthis is some of the best rule34 art ever. Even if that giant dick is a little out of place, whatEVER. Wow
freegameplanet: Sploot is a silly seagull pooping simulator in which you fly around a town eating bread and constantly crapping, aiming for pedestrians, buildings and cars as you try and get as high a score as possible.Created from the ground up to work
askmessysketch: tinytsunamis: z3al: celebrasian: This is probably one of my most favorite things to happen on Tumblr. How on earth how ((perfect)) that guy is getting a disproportionate amount of pokélove :I
fuchs4chan: satyrday! “late sunday” -editionthat´s Glimmer wearing a micro bikini. that´s all. I can’t believe it’s Satyrd- er, Sunday already, wowAlso this is really hot <3I would give a lot of bits to absorb fuchs’ ability to draw cute
Random hyena power sketch
birdghost: terriamon: pug-the-thug: sarcastickoopa: terriamon: I’m trying to convince my dad that its okay for people to want to fuck dragons he thinks i’m a freak for wanting to fuck dragons but I want some hard proof that i’m not the only
For anyone who wants a free pose-able human reference for drawing
awesometraditionalart: Sphinxes of the World by Jaimie Whitbreadtumblr - facebook - deviantart Sphinxes are basically auto-reblog for meThis is a pretty awesome set! - boo's Multistream
cassetterecorder: commission Hey i know this sheep..!She looks so awesome <3
The last time i got this sucked into a webcomic was the first time i read Unicorn Jelly… all in one sitting
slimshod: ecmajor: “Cat jokes always cut you deep. That burn was so sick it lit the candle. It’s made slightly worse by the fact that you really would like some (cat)food.”Prequel. I’ve never heard of this before, but i discovered this cute
Whoah there lady
“You’re not a hero. You’re not a productive citizen. You’re not even a real human being.“so help me i’m gonna hug this cat ;_;
cepheus-starhowl said: You’ve never read Prequel before now? Oh man you are in for a treat. This isn’t your average webcomic. All I will say is: Prepare to be enchanted.I’ve never even heard of it before this morning!But i already find myself
griffins-unicorns: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, promos of the 100th episode Slices of Life!My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, anteprima e spot del 100mo episodio Slices of Life! Wow i can already feel a disturbance in the friendship forceSo
“Cat jokes always cut you deep. That burn was so sick it lit the candle. It’s made slightly worse by the fact that you really would like some (cat)food.”Prequel. I’ve never heard of this before, but i discovered this cute feline character, Katia,
256k: dunno how long this is gonna be running but i made a silly thingone icon in this post is by me, the rest are by my gf!the name generation is seeded by the date – most of the time, only one of the daily three asswolves will be replaced the next
phaeaciusofmystery: Here’s another piece with that clockwork robot doe that some of you might remember, whose name is now Madame Nuremberg! This time with a bit of a redesign, and a… vaguely Star Wars/Samurai Jack-y art deco-ish backdrop. Need
phaeciusafterdark: Redesign of another robot character of mine! Synthetic Exploration and Reconnaissance Android model 9-B, SERA-9 for short. (Not ‘Sarah’, btw. That’s a meatbag name and she very much dislikes it when people call her by it.)
mlpanonart: Doing some drawing and coloring. For the second drawing I attempted to paint it without inking. I don’t think it came out very well, although it is probably because I have no idea how to draw cats. Third and fourth drawings are colored
strangebiology: The Google Cultural Institute documents the world’s art and other cultural treasures. At the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Google workers 3D scanned these skulls, which you can view at any angle. SKULL DANCE PARTY
sainegrey: When I saw this picture of Gilda on ECMajor‘s Tumblr I just had to color it! Colored with permission: Original Not everyone is as slow at colouring my art as i am xD<3
cometkins: ecmajor: autumnbramble: nightguardmod: kewlbot: friendly reminder that those guys who where making that My Little Pony fighting game that Hasbro shut down is still working on a fighting game of a similar theme. i gotta say i’m in full
Contrastate - To the Princes of the New Republics.I love the songs they’ve done with spoken word (more like shouted word, but yeah)
autumnbramble: nightguardmod: kewlbot: friendly reminder that those guys who where making that My Little Pony fighting game that Hasbro shut down is still working on a fighting game of a similar theme. i gotta say i’m in full support for a fighting
Contrastate - A Live Coal Under the Ashes (Part 1).
gamefreak2715: YES YES YES fuck, that last one, godxD Sorry followersI don’t know why these exist, but i lolled a little
Perk up, Dorschie
sparkafterdark: sparkdoodles: Others see a hateful apathetic jerk, I see a girl clutching tightly to the only memory of happiness she had, desperately trying to protect it from any “friends” who will just hurt her again. One if the hardest parts
Oh my gosh! Kung Fury is finally out!31 minutes of pure epicness ;_; Hah… all in all this is a bit much for me xD I can take some cheese in my cliche, but god damn. I think that guy took acting lessons from Keanu Reeves …and was that the guy who played
knittingcoach: Cool new #knitting project: a Tasmanian tiger skin knit by Ruth Marshall on display in the Grant museum of Zoology. That’s awesome… knit skins, what a cool idea :D
royalgryphon: for Onom! 100% truth
Ah, a tumblr! I will reblog from there :3
coming for YOU
powersimon: I love the movie The Secret of NIMH.Mrs. Brisby is such a badass character :) Who doesn’t love Mrs. Brisby and The Secret of NIMH <3
autumnbramble: dustyhooves answered your question:what if my legs came off? (like all four horse…Worm pony.carrotquill answered your question: what if my legs came off? (like all four horse…then you would be a slug.Okay but I mean what if I still
Yeah, i’m gonna colour this, and also make uh… an alternate version, but for now, have some graphite.*adds to the stack of things needing colour*
Revolting Cocks - No Devotion (12″).I really love this track… it’s long and drawn out and just… chill and great
We saw Gilda’s claws unsheathed for the first time, and they match her talonsIt looks neat in cartoon form, but i’m not sure if i can reconcile it with my drawing style… I love the splash of colour on her paws though, it evokes a clawpolish
These Arms Are Snakes - Big News.It’s hard to get enough of this band, because they were awesome
tristangryph: Pose? Maybe I should just eat that shiny camera?
This is surely the best abandon thread gif
I like how Gilda’s voice changed after she dropped her uncaring/mean front