Insipid Lullabies of Compliance (
submit your pics
Oh, this is a thing :o
* Black Beauty leaves Vegas * - by Eagle1If a fetish plane was wearing shiny latex or PVC or something, it would probably look like this, and that’s hot :>Also, this plane has really nice contours…
Nine Inch Nails - The Perfect Drug (Nine Inch Nails).Still one of the best remixes ever. If you don’t believe me, just wait until the halfway point…
krakenqueen: expressions-of-nature: by Stian Lothe These photos accurately portray my emotional state at this time.
Golly! I'm a real horse!
Twilight’s really losing it lately on her descent into godhood and the inevitable madness that accompanies it. It’d be really awesome if she became the villain and had to be saved NMM style
Welp. i was just about to go to bed :I
aaaa these eeveelution figures are cute :D
ricksketchbook: Patreon sketch requests for November! (Will there be another set for this month? We’ll see!) ugggg so much greatness in one post!
Luna’s Discovery by F1r3w0rkspfffhahaha xD
omg <3 <3Girlieginger is the best
Cubanate - Internal.I kinda wish there was a version on youtube with the short track that precedes this one (”Ex”) which kind of segues into it. Ah wellSometimes this is the best music for how i feelInterference has long been among my favourite albums.
soulstoodirty: WANT
monopon512-nsfw: Who wants some sloppy VelvetxRarity Full Res | Commissions | Me I knew that once i encountered this ship, it would work, aaand i would… … … …like it
Them’s Fightin Herds Poster by Seccrani Look at the sass on that deer
Oh, maybe this is how digital art is supposed to beginsilhouettes
oh noohhh nooowhat is thiswhat are you trying to pull tubmlr
Hah, this video is pretty awesome :D(thanks for he submission heads-up jeremy, never seen this one before!)
gnoll-train: Gnole Tribeswoman Colored by megamoth
alpha-beta-gamer: Pavor Nocturnus, is a short, sinister tale in which you try to figure out where your girlfriend and your dog have gone. All is not as it seems in this creepy psychological horror - what has happened to your two best girls? Play The
mizbelle: if a red ribbon bow is appealing to you, katy’s the kitty to call Pretty cuuuute
be gentle I'm scared
autumnbramble: tempusfidgets: a secret about me: i kind of love soup i had miso soup that was delicious, and taco soup is great tomato soup tho, chicken noodle soup, it’s just so exciting it’s such a warm, uplifting meal lentil soup good great
drbdnv: Also, found this demon girl from 2012 buried in my drawings folder. What a cutie super cute!
lolMy claw thing i made when i was like 12. Sharpened butterknives, watch out!I’m actually really surprised the duct tape is still supple and not dried out.They ARE actually pretty sharp along the edge… :F
Whaaaaaaatomgso, i retrieved this box of stuff from my childhood that i haven’t opened in at least 15 years (but the stuff has been in there probably 20+) and this was in thereI… don’t remember that ;_; waaaaThen again, this was probably from
zetallis: One of three images I did for Nan Desu Kan 2015 for their Mythical Mascots theme! This was used for Guest badges and books. *~ Prints Available ~* Twitter | Instagram | Store
Question meme thing i stole from Comi, but i forewent the ask part and just answered them all even though it was probably a huge waste of time aaahhghh1:Is there a boy/girl in your life? There’s me… i’m a boy/girl 2:Think of the last
cosplayblog: Submission Weekend! Harley Quinn (left) and Powergirl (right) from DC Universe Cosplayers: [Submitter] Callmepowergirl [TM / FB] (Powergirl) Anarchy Cosplay (Harley Quinn) Photographer: BAdeptPhotog
delta-stream: Eeveelution Icons (excluding Sylveon) needs more sylveon, but still great!
Really cute worgenby 綿峰
Hilt - World’s Goin Down / The Ride.Just taking a moment to blog this (even though i have before) since it’s on and it is probably my favourite 11 minutes ever in music history
I wonder if anyone would throw money at me to draw erotic Velvet from Them’s Fightin’ Herds
Well this looks nice
gnoll-train: Gnoll by Penett
omg look at this argonian :o …what a cutie :>Person is Dreg (FA)
meanwhilebackinthedungeon: — Iain McCraig —:::— Centaur — Wow
Evading the Witchwing: World of Warcraft Tribute by Chadwick-J-ColemanThat’s a nice harpy…
autumnbramble: cactus told me you trade small objects for a mcdonald but it didn’t turn out very well anyway…
Fungoid Stream - Prehuman Shapes (Complete Album).This is really good, it gives me some of the same feels as Void of Silence’s Toward the Dusk, which is one of my all time favourites. This may end up with that distinction as well.It’s just…
zombiemiki: New Pokemon Center exclusive plush - Dragonair, Dragonite, and Mew! ohmygodddddd those dragonairs ;____; aaaahhhh <3
askloona: ≡▀≡▀
isei-silva: margary: My Bird of Paradise costume (yes, that little bird with the weird mating dance.) @oboonobird oh my god xD hahahaha
guoh-art: some doodles and a few characters belonging to lucid Oh wow, that birdtaur thing
theartofanimation: Ryota Murayama - - - - ugh Ovopack is so disgustingly good ;_; <3
scaleeth: I did most of this -months- ago and forgot about it for a while. Woops! I found it again and since I still like it, decided to put on some finishing touches and upload it. Weasyl Link
unicorntribal: Yes YESSS YESSSSSSSSsssSSssssss . New sphinxes always get my attention… new artifact sphinxes, while never happening until now, also get my attention… new sphinxes that look cool and aren’t beardymen get my attention even more…
candelaillustrates: Thylacine, somewhere in the Australian mainland a very long time ago. Gouache on paper, almost A3 size. nicelacine