Reflexion Cotidiana (
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loumargi: by Jules Joseph Lefebvre (1836-1911) Odalisque - 1874
loumargi: George Washington Lambert (1873-1930), The Sonnet - c. 1907
(via ko-no-ko, pjmix)
my sexy corner
NSFW 18+ Adult content only
patient-fox: 🐺
tokujiro: Anri Sugihara
Totally Lost
modernartstudy: a modern magdalen, 1888william merritt chase48cm x 39cm
modernartstudy: frédéric bazille peignant à son chevalet, 1867pierre-auguste renoir105cm x 75cm
modernartstudy: la toilette, 1870frederic bazille
BellisimaBelinda BeautyByBelinda
aurora-nordstern: #lingerie #gold #yellow #Honey Birdette
eroticvisualart: Erotic Visual Art - updated every hour!
erosart: Konstantin Razumov
parappurathu: Ilene Gienger
jai-envie-detoi: H D Photographer: John McNairn Model: Helen Diaz
20 modelos vigentes para América Latina
museumaddictsanonymous: Carel Fabritius, The Goldfinch, 1654
museumaddictsanonymous: Théodore Roussel, The Reading Girl, 1886-1887
Peter Paul Rubens / Pedro Pablo Rubens
namk1: Once upon a time in Paris…….by Thomas Kinkade
pixography: Luis Ricardo Falero
smithsonianlibraries: Are you shellebrating World Turtle Day? The yearly event aims to raise awareness about turtles and tortoises, along with the harmful impact human action can have on them. We have many resources on turtles, including some of the
Próximos trabajos
master-painters: George Hendrik Breitner - Neighborhood Street in The Hague or Scheveningen - 1923
master-painters: Gaston Bussière - Salomé - 1914 Gaston Bussière - Dance of the Veils - 1925 Gaston Bussière - La danse de Salome ou Les papillons d'or - 1928 Gaston Bussière - Deux enfants aux couronnes de fleurs Gaston Bussière
master-painters: Gaston Bussière - Les Néréides - 1927 Gaston Bussière - Sea Nymphs at a Grotto - 1924
master-painters: Harald Slott-Møller - Poor People in the Poor Doctor’s Waiting Room - 1888
auriferis929: William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1825 – 1905) - Nymphs and Satyr(1873) (фр. Nymphes et un satyre) Адо́льф Вилья́м Бугро́ (1825 – 1905) - Нимфы и сатир(1873)
auriferis929: José de Ribera(1591-1652) - Euclid (detail) (1635) Хосе или Хусепе де Рибе́ра (1591-1652) - Евклид(1635)
auriferis929: Herbert James Draper(1863—1920) Герберт Джеймс Дрейпер(1863—1920)
Classic Art
auriferis929: The Grasshopper,1872,Jules-Joseph Lefebvre.
auriferis929: Herbert James Draper(1863—1920) - The Pearls of Aphrodite(1907) Герберт Джеймс Дрейпер(1863—1920) - Жемчужины Афродиты (1907)
auriferis929: Herbert James Draper(1863—1920) - Eros and Psyche Герберт Джеймс Дрейпер(1863—1920) - Эрос и Психея
Sans titre
master-painters: Philip Wilson Steer -Nude woman seated with a Japanese gown
morethanphotography: lazy sunday by sslaventiy
master-painters: Antoine Calbet - Ondines
sexy-without big words-just beautiful..
namk1: Rain Dancer
guns-gas-trenches: Mata Hari- the Dutch born beauty who the French executed (by firing squad) following accusations of being a spy for the Germans in 1917
topcat77: Egon schiele
A Romantic Gentleman
detailedart: A sample of haunting and troubling gifs of famous paintings. (Via From the artwork Beauty, by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro.
i-love-art: Arthur Leipzig (October 25, 1918 – December 5, 2014)
fenday: x