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takshammy: A Song of Ice and Derpsource: http://imgur.com/gallery/eSrjd
I wanna know what Lord Baelish can do with his little finger....
wheezyandherman: Creepyfinger.
bowtiesandbatman: Daenerys is a motherfucking badass and will forever be my favorite.
thelordberic: Jaime & Cersei How I Met Your Mother :D
jonsnowbadass: Buy Game of Thrones Merchandise ==> http://bit.ly/19zIiWD
georgetowngman: Missandei Missandei speaks nineteen languages including High Valyrian (her favorite), the Low Valyrian dialect of Slaver’s Bay, Dothraki, the Common Tongue of Westeros, and has some knowledge of the functionally dead language of the
got-tyrion: Happy National best friends day Jorah Mormont
that-fucking-lame-dude: Jon Snow at a hockey game, this actually happened
valarmorghilus-deactivated20160: Actual Sweethearts ↠ Sophie Turner
: It was kind of funny, the flowers. Like he read somewhere that if you get invited to dinner, you’re supposed to bring flowers.
patrickkingart: Totally lost it at the Loras one.
droqo: Who would you like to see on the Iron Throne?
all-those-pretty-guys: ok, enough internet for today
daenelicious: Natalie Dormer for GQ {X}
mickeynina: The almost mother. -“Belly Full of Turkey” (1x09) How I Met Your Mother
princejohnny-archive-deactivate: By the time I got the role in Taxi Driver, I’d already made more stuff than De Niro or Martin Scorsese. I’d been working from the time I was three years old. So even though I was only twelve, I felt like I was the
ejacutastic: how does she know that’s even aimed at her that is a public bathroom Lol
samxbucky: Well, I think you might be my knight in shining armor.
televisionwithoutpity: buzzfeed: Charts Only People Who Live In Westeros Will Understand. Game of Thrones chart form! Love this! valar237
rubyredwisp: Vanity Fair Cover Shoot with the Game of Thrones Cast
alchemypotato: Let us never forget that after 8 seasons Dexter ended with the titular character deciding to start a new life… as a lumberjack. #Spoil alert
Lol yes I’m serious.
whataregifs: Pure Happiness. (x) Haha!!!
noelfshr: 2x02//4x07 It’s funny that Mandy fall in love with Ian in the beginning and they two ended up fucking each other’s brother.
Genius idea valar237
frankunderwood: Celebrity headshots by Andrew Brucker
valar237: @zmhleo @valar237
perksofbeingafanboy: “When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.” @valar237
lokiofmischief: Roose Bolton’s cold and cunning, aye, but a man can deal with Roose. We’ve all known worse. But this bastard son of his … they say he’s mad and cruel, a monster.
stradivariuspk4: pocosun: nitemarephantom: #omg their reactions tho i mean krum is like fuck yeah and fleur is all yeah bitches who else but me!?! and then there’s cedric who’s like well duh i’m pretty and then harry is like fuck why is it always
thedailylovejournal: Night at the Oscars with Ellen Degeneres.
rustcohll: I know who I am. And after all these years, there’s a victory in that.
dicapriosleonardo: Matthew McConaughey, best actor winner for his role in Dallas Buyers Club, is congratulated by best actor nominee Leonardo DiCaprio at the 86th Academy Awards.
Hell yep