Xochicopalli (xochicopalli.tumblr.com)
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cazadordementes: Las raíces de la tradición del albur mexicano, desconocido para la cultura hispana, se encuentran en la cultura mexica.Cuecuechcuicat o “Canto travieso”: Un antecedente ritual prehispánico del albur mexicanoPatrick Johansson
pictoline: En el Día Internacional de los #PueblosIndígenas, un poema en náhuatl del “Rey Poeta” Nezahualcóyotl sobre nuestro breve paso por la Tierra ✍️🌎
theseoulavenger: Daft Punk - Something About Us (click it and dig it)
como-sea-te-odio: Something about us – Daft punk
te5seract: #313 - Azalea / Azalka & #315 - Azalea / Azalka by photo.by.DK
Del Amor Y Otros Vicios
pam3alpadi: [A quién corresponda]
nevver: Sorry
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ahealthblog: Pregnancy Nutrition Guide Infographic ➡ http://www.ahealthblog.com/pregnancy-nutrition-guide-infographic-1.html
ahealthblog: 500 Rep Back And Core Resistance Band Workout ➡ http://www.shape-able.com/S2yFdIpj
Caminos Sagradxs🌶
league-of-extraordinarycomics: Juggernaut by Jaynorn Lin
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endless-comix: Mike Hawthorne
cafe-por-favor: …
rumwik: Very suspicious…
sosuperawesome: Jonna Hyttinen on InstagramFollow So Super Awesome on Instagram
wapiti3: Natural history of hummingbirds, or hummingbirds constituting the family TrochilidaeBy Mulsant, Martial Étienne, 1797-1880 Bevalet, L., Sclater, Philip Lutley, 1829-1913 Verreaux, Edouard.Publication info Lyon: In the Office of the Linnean
cigarrillos-rotos: “Regrésenme 3 años atrás, ya sé que hacer.” — (via ups-mentira) Evitara pasar por la plaza ese dia…
Pain is temporary, pride is forever
wiselwisel: Keep reading
Art and Literature - Kunst und Literatur
humor2080: Ajaj
humor2080: Ajajja
fluffypinktail: Wanna put something else in my mouth?
Apps To Kill Time On
1217love: From the way you smile, To the way you look, You capture me – Nathan Sykes - Over And Over Again
lionandramphotography: Summer’s last romance
Escuela Nacional de Enfermería y Obstetricia
redskullspage: Captain Marvel by Ebas
elpalodelchurrero: Y es lo que hay, putos.
priyankasgf: iamchinyere: Why is this funny to me? I need to grow up. the lion king live action looks good
sabanasblancasuniverse: Por cosas como estas nunca voy a madurar 😭😭😭
cooldadhats: gif87a-com: Street art in Mexico city This is so fucking dope man
El chico de los memes
c–a-o–s:jajajjjjaja xD
hogwartsconsultingtimelady: magmashine: can’t help falling in love on a kalimba This radiates calm
sabanasblancasuniverse:Vía: @ffoottooss
octahedronhd: en Santiago, Chile
dailytweets: man this edible ain sh..
Pusheen the cat
leahberman: summer roséinstagram
Cozy vocab in Huasteca Nahuatl
lapinchecanela: =IN CIHUANACAYOTL=Tomado del libro “Tohuehuetlahtol” del Mtro. Inocente Morales Baranda “Teuctli” y Miguel Ángel Hernández “Huitzcalco
raudiel: 10 Formas de Decir “Te Amo” en México.10 Ways to say “I love you” in Mexico.
nativefaces: “A lot of Spanish speaking indigenous people of Mexico always tend to say to me, “I see you writing & speaking Nahuatl. I wish I spoke, Nahuatl, too!”But what they don’t know is that MOST of us, more so us that were raised