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Aura of Emerald by XenozoaMaster Sniper, Aura Song: Age: 14 Gender: Female Race: Human/Vessel Height: 4’1” Weight: 97 lbs. Weapons: Bow and Arrow Weapon Names: Silver Bow, Killer Bow, Double Bow, Brave Bow Birthplace: Outrealm Village/Kingdom Birth
A bit of a teaser for tomorrow’s character. She’s actually quite small. Both in size and in the chest department. XDCan you guess who it is?
Aquamarine of Emerald by XenozoaLove Struck Devoted Pawn, Aquamarine Tyros: Age: 21 Gender: Female Race: Human/Vessel Height: 5’7” Weight: Refuses to reveal Weapons: Lances, Spears Weapon Names: Double-edged Silver Lance, Spear, Brave Lance Birthplace:
Ashe of Emerald by XenozoaDemon Huntress Ashe Falbourn: Age: 19 Gender: Female Race: Human Height: 5’8” Weight: 126 lbs Weapon: Light Blades Weapon Name: Sophisticated Huntress Birthplace: Unknown Birth date: Unknown Shadow Fang wasn’t the only
Shadow Fang of Emerald by XenozoaSniper of Darkness, Shadow Fang: Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Shadow Being Height: 6’ Weight: 200 lbs. Weapons: Bow and Arrows Weapon Names: Eye of the Abyss Birthplace: Unknown Birth date: Unknown A shadow that was
Chain of Emerald by XenozoaKnight of Despair, Chain Grimsley: Age: Unknown, looks 18 or 19 Gender: Male Race: Unknown, looks human Height: 5’ 8” Weight: 120 Weapons: Katana(Swords) Weapon Names: Leash of Evil, Anyun Birthplace: Unknown Birth date:
Alex of Emerald by XenozoaWoodland Hero, Alex: Age: 20 Gender: Male Race: Elf Height: 6’ Weight: 137 lbs. Weapons: Heavy Blades, Swords and Axes Weapon Names: The Forbidden Dark (Sword), Silver Axe Birthplace: Mysterious Woods Birth date: Unknown A
Rena of Emerald by Xenozoa The King and Queen’s Royal Guard and Greatest Knight, Rena: Age: 27 Gender: Female Race: Human/Vessel Height: 5’ Weight: 138 lbs. Weapons: Swords and Light Blades Weapon Names: Noble Rapier, Killing Edge, Brave Sword, Brave
Tumblr exclusive sketches of today’s character, Rena! I don’t know why i went ahead and drew her undergarments…It’s not like I wanted you guys to see them, baka! >.> A few changes from her first concept art, but nothing
Xenozoa of Emerald by XenozoaFaceless Emerald Bishop, Xenozoa: Age: Unknown Gender: Male Race: Dim Shadow/Dragonkin/Demon/God Height: 5’9” Weight: 15 lbs. Weapons: All Weapons and Magic Weapon Names: Brave Sword, Killing Edge, Wyrmslayer, Armorslayer,
Queen Krystal of Emerald by XenozoaQueen of Emerald Kingdom, Krystal Sayuri Age: N/A Gender: Female Race: Human/Immortal Height: N/A Weight: N/A Weapons: Light blades, staves Weapon Names: Queen’s Rapiers, Dragon’s Bane, Diamond Staff, White Emerald
King Miles of Emerald by XenozoaMonarch of Emerald Kingdom, Miles “Tails” Prower: Age: N/A Gender: Male Race: Anthropomorphic Height: N/A Weight: N/A Weapons: Staves, Swords Weapon Names: King’s Staff and Royal Rapier Birthplace: Emerald Village/Kingdom
Miss Sakuragi by XenozoaI’ve been gone a while again~ But I’m back, again, too~ (temporarily) I blame all the video games coming out for the 3DS and the WiiU. >.> Anyways, here’s a drawing of Kumori in a similar way as the previous drawings
Legend of Ze- Wait, what… by XenozoaYes. That is all. Not really. I’m just shamelessly drawing Maria cosplaying as Link from the Legend of Zelda series. This WAS meant to be an idea for Halloween, but I was too busy to make a completed drawing
Telling Tales 2 - Lyss by XenozoaA little something I’m doing for CafDee in which I draw the characters from his Telling Tales series. This time around, it’s Lyss! I’ve made a huge re-haul of his character based on the chat we had over Skype. Most
Telling Tales 2 - Ten by XenozoaAnd now we have CafDee’s character Ten from the same series as Lyss! Much like Lyss, Ten has gotten an update as well. However, as for that axe, its a placeholder for now. The rest of them are over here at Ten sketches.
Soulless - Emerald Queen’s Gear by XenozoaThe gear that the Queen for the Emerald (black) pieces will use. The Queen will come at a later time.
Soulless - Coat of Arms by XenozoaAnd the coat of arms for both sides. The Emerald (black) pieces coat of arms is the Emerald Emblem. And the Seraphim (white) pieces coat of arms is the Cruxis Emblem. The pieces that will come will contain one of these
dereklaufman: randy-van-der-vlag: This is great! It also makes me realize I need a reblog blog so I can reblog stuff that I like. ^_^ Please reblog what you like and get artists get exposure. This rule applies to twitter as well. Help each other! <3
Souless - King Miles Tails Prower by XenozoaThe king of one of two sides in this chess piece kingdom. I’ve yet to decide whether his side will be the black pieces or the white pieces. Meh. I’ll figure it out soon. These are just two designs I made
Sketch Dump 3 by XenozoaA sketch dump for the past week of drawings that have come out but sadly I haven’t had the time to upload. T3T This sketch dump in particular has sketches of Daisuke and Mint (both of which are otakugirl0975’s characters) and
Kawaiidesu! by XenozoaPlease don’t ask about the choice in title. XD I don’t draw many cute looking characters (and I lack them as well), so I felt like drawing something cute to change things up a bit. That and continue practice using the shading
Death by XenozoaAnd following Maria and Mariah from Souless is none other than Death herself! Doesn’t matter if it be Souless: TCPK or Godslayer, Death looks exactly the same in both worlds. I took practically the whole page with this one. I’m glad
Mariah A. by XenozoaAnd now a drawing using similar techniques as the previous drawing of Queen Adamentia from the Souless project. Wanted to add her crown, but didn’t have a lot of room on my page in my 8x5 sketchbook. Maybe I should have used my 8 1/2x1
Tactical Mind by XenozoaRemember those sketches I uploaded earlier? Well… that was a prelude to this drawing. Oh, and by the way, not all of the drawings were done on the same day. Some are spaced one to four days apart. Basically drawing when I have
Maria A. 2 by XenozoaNot quite fond of the end result in this one. But I also tried using similar techniques like I did in the last one. As for the change in look, Maria is supposed to be 2 years older than her past appearance. I may redo this one at
Maria A. by XenozoaA drawing I did using some shading techniques I picked up in one of my art classes that I decided to use just recently. No, really. It’s been almost a year since that class and I’m just now using some of the techniques I picked
Maria (FeMU ver.) by XenozoaSome sketches I did for the Souless project that I’m working on in my spare time. I don’t have much besides sketches for the moment, so I’ve got a ways of a distance ‘till the end, yo. And due to the fact that most
Gift - Kumori by XenozoaAnd finally, the last drawing from the OC Watcher Gift Project is of Kumori Sakuragi! She’s ZeroOfLegend’s OC that he kindly let me have. Was a real surprise to see him come by and request a gift. So I hope she lives up to
Gift - Fiona by XenozoaThe OC Watcher Gift Project is nearing its end! I’m almost saddened that it went by so quickly… T^T Well, anyways, here’s CafDee’s OC Fiona (who is one of my personal favorites… So I like the villainous characters, is
Gift - Melody by XenozoaFrom the OC Watcher Gift project, here’s RVBandANIMEfreak’s OC, Melody (and her Purin/Jigglypuff)!
Gift - Rhythm Blue by XenozoaA gift for otakugirl0975, my devART lil sis~ Here’s her OC from the OC Watcher Gift project, Rhythm Blue!
Gift - Jillian Malis by XenozoaPart of the OC Watcher Gift project! This is a gift for DemonResurrect427 of his OC, Jillian Malis. (more details at the source [Click the image])
Gift - Red Jax by XenozoaA gift from the Watcher Gift Project. Here’s natewhalley’s OC, Red Jax.
And the last six individual images from the other sketch dump.
Here are the individual images from the sketch dump.
Sketch Dump 1 by XenozoaMy sketches have been piling up recently. So instead of uploading them individually, I decided to upload them as a bunch. And I think I’ll do this from now on. The theme for these sketches? Souless!There are sketches of DemonResurr
Sketch dump 2 by XenozoaAnd a second sketch dump. Theme this time? New Characters! I’m not going to go into detail as to who these are, but I will say that they are all on the list of 106 characters (which may end up increasing in number…). One of
Gift - Sari.EXE by XenozoaA gift for KrystalSharz of her OC that was first drawn by ZeroOfLegend. I’ve made a few changes to her recent look which include making her appear a bit older and a different sort of Buster.
Maria A. (First Concept) by XenozoaAnd another drawing based on this character’s first concept art. I’m pretty sure you can all guess by now what character from what Nintendo franchise was the inspiration for her, right? Ah, Maria. My first ever
Aura Simoom (First Concept) by XenozoaI don’t think many of you have seen Aura in her “Original” clothes, have you? Well, when she was first conceptualized, this is what her clothing looked like (hence the words “First Concept” in the title).
Request - Satoshi (Ash Ketchum) by XenozoaA request from KrystalSharz who had requested Ass Ketchup. I-I mean, Ash Ketchum. Nailed it! Whew! >_> Anyways. I had him done since a few days back. I just haven’t gotten around to uploading him.
GIft - Mio Yamoi by XenozoaRemember that mystery deviant I was talking about? Well, our mystery deviant is none other than HavocZero66! This gift is a thank you for including my OC Mariah in a birthday party and an OC mash up! Thanks again, bro!
Gift - YamiToast by XenozoaAnd now, a gift for YamiToast! I’ve been meaning to pay him back for coloring my OC, Death.
GIft - Xels Waltz by XenozoaAnother gift and another of CafDee’s characters. I haven’t drawn her in a while, so this gift gave me the chance to draw her. XD
Gift - Chelsea Grimsley by XenozoaOne of four gifts that I had promised to a few deviants. And to start things off, here’s Chelsea Grimsley from the Souless project. She is the alternate dimension version of CafDee’s Chelsea Grantier.Of note, the
Some not so needed sketches of various weapons. >.>
Some sketches I did for a commissioner over on deviantart. I WAS done, but a friend wanted to borrow my sketch book.When I asked for it back, it had less pages and some were torn. Worst part is: the finished commission was not there anymore. TT_TTEven
Regret sketches by XenozoaLord status achieved! Just be carful, he’s prone to breaking things when he trains.
Hope sketches by XenozoaThe waifu is strong with this one, And not just because she wears a wedding dress, either.
Terra sketches by XenozoaPsychotic little girl with big ass hammer in hand. Nothing scary about that! No, not at all!
Alice sketches by XenozoaAlice is one of those ridiculously strong for their appearance characters. Trust me, don’t pick a fight with her if you want to live. She’ll impale you with a lance (or javelin, for that matter) from the distance of about
Amy sketches by XenozoaD’aww, the lil’ Sage is mad~ Just be careful around her. That short temper comes with a powerful Fire Tome! Small package, big eruptions!
The Creator sketches by XenozoaWhy is it that the big and bad guys have greater advantages? Nevermind. I just realized there’d be no point if you were overpowered and everyone else wasn’t. Though, that would make you the antagonist, wouldn’t it?
Hotaru sketches by XenozoaBefore you ask! Yes. She did steal Hidden Phantom’s outfit. Luckily, she didn’t have it adjusted or fitted to her *ahem* curves.
Destini sketches by XenozoaUser of Chakrams and the youngest Goddess of the Outrealms! Here is Destini! Goddess of both Light and Life! And daughter of Death! … Wait, what? That doesn’t make sense. Does it?
Mariah Doodly Sketchy Thingy by XenozoaA little something I felt like doing after using up every page in my sketchbook. I was really tempted to add her nipples…
Souless bunch 3 by Xenozoa
Death sketches by XenozoaAnd then, we have Death. Her body’s proportions have been changing a bit here and there. Though, one thing has remained constant: the size of her breasts.