Xanthor NSFW (xanthor.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
Lol,you guys went and posted those two pics I linked on Derpibooru XDThe Chrysalis one was already on there from a long time ago.that’s where I got it from. not sure about the rarity one tho.You guys are so fast XD
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, Got Iced in, no school, drawing Flutterbutt for the Christmas pack, ask me stuff ^3^
infernal-beggar: ghostcubed: I feel like this a lot about my friends. This is true for a lot of people on my contacts, I always feel like I’m a bother to them, so I just don’t message them
dimwitdog: From this months Patreon funded folio, Royals!Want to support my work but monthly payments aren’t your thing? You can download the high res folio here for ŭ! fantastic
foxintwilight: You guys did it. This is the final reward for breaking the last milestone for this art pack I am very happy to announce that there will be a Christmas-themed art pack released next month, so stay tuned for more booty! P.S. You’re awesome
oze-jp: Nobody knows her true name. I love you Oze~
snowlik3: prettyponyplot: Do you ever meet someone online and this person is so great, but you never talk, except of rare occasions when you say something stupid trying to make contact. But you think that this person is your friend and each time this
nekomestinyworld: A birthday gift for the amazing Xanthor! Happy Birthday!!! :3 Ahhhhhhhhh. Best birthday evar!!! >///
Pinkie’s Afterparty~Cake, presents, pussy, what else could make Pound’s party better?thanks to the creator of Pound Cake’s cutie mark———————————————————————————————————If
Tons of commissions animation for my birthday less than a week away pic for international futa twi day prepare for patreon chrysmas pack find a job try not to cry ;_;
Delicious Cake~The most underutilized couple ever!———————————————————————————————————If you like my art and would like to support me through some tough times, please consider becoming
omg, the commissioner actually printed this out and is hanging it in his house XD.this is the best thing Ive seen in a long time and made me giggle with joy.The print is 60 x 90 cm. or 35.4 x 23.6 inches.
Sexy Nurse~Would you like me to take your blood pressure~Nude version soon to cum———————————————————————-First Patreo
Commission for kng-bowserCarousel pony.Bright, colorful, bound what more needs to be said?
artbymoga: krimsons: worthless But really Truer words have never been spoken XD
matimus91-nsfw: Nightmare Night just got better~ unf~
thehorsesays: Queen of Hearts I’m probably going to get yelled at for this, but I worked long and hard (teehee) on this and I want to share. So I’ll just save the ‘good stuff’ for later on and show you the boring old clothed version for now.
As you can tell, I’ve opened up a patreon.Please hear me out.I never wanted to open up a patreon, to me it seems like another way to ask for money. I believe that all my content should be free and it will continue to be free.I’ve been out
Trick or Treat.A little late, but here none the less~Adult Scootaloo wants a treat, what’ll give her on this nightmare night~
snowlik3: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! I made a small game ( extremly small!) ….. Press on the picture to play it! btw thx to Xanthor ( he helped me a bit ! :D) art by florecentmoo I didn’t help so much as nag him XP
besidenmyart: Nothing like celebrating the holiday than with our favorite Queen :3 Happy Halloween everyone! urg, I need dis~
commission for ShadowedEmber on IBHorn-Gasm*:・゚✧had a ton of fun playing with the lighting on this one~
yay It’s finally done. go ahead and click through to receive the full quality gif~
work in progressgoing to completely color it and perhaps cell shade it if I don’t absolutely hate myself by then XPneed to take a quick break from commissions. drawing nothing but OC’s wears at me. decided to play around in photoshop again~do
Commission for AeonsWingI forgot how much fun it is to draw “ponies” hehe.another one down, more to cum~
Love me Senpai~long overdue gift art for AudrariusI really like this pairing now, that or I really like the attire.either way I love it.NOTICE ME SENPAI <3
Not-so-Typical Magic Show~as promised. looks like Trixie’s show went a bit awry.She’s used to it though, just another day in the life.
I finished this over a month ago and I was supposed to animate it. Things happened and I never got around to it. might as well post it since I have not intention on finishing it.
another of my long overdue commissions.It’s been a while since I’ve done a cell-shaded piece, forgot how simple and fun they can be.Commissioner wished to remain anonymous
Long overdue commission for TheDinoGamer95 on FurAffinity
matimus91-nsfw: Generosity FolioPre-orders here! With times falling hard on the family and we all know how expensive medical expenses can be. Now with that said a group of amazing artists and myself are creating a pack/folio to help raise funds for
Commission~another one for this guy. It’s nice to be able to draw again.Now back to some regularly scheduled porns
audraria: For xanthor, to reply for something he’s doing X) It’s on its way soon. I promise
Just uploading these so I can tag them under my art :PI also drew Rarity in a small artist collab.you can find the rest of the collab here VVhttp://xanthor.tumblr.com/post/89414497374/matimus91-nsfw-hey-there-everyone-a-few
Just uploading these so I can tag them under my art :PChrysalis I did in a small artist collab.you can find the rest of them here VVhttp://xanthor.tumblr.com/post/89414497374/matimus91-nsfw-hey-there-everyone-a-few
Oh Twi, you naughty girl.Abusing your princess powers like that.Poor Rarity never saw it cumming.who’s next on your list?
Commission for kngbowser on IBFinish (in) HerI’m sorry(no I’m not)Shao Kahn and Mileena cosplay
a little something for ZajiceHappy birthday dude :P
Examlook guys! I drew a background!had a ton of fun with this one. :D
snowlik3: Here the Luna game ^w^ View full flash here : - E621 Gif 1 - Gif 2 - Gif 3 The Game has one hidden extrascene, good luck searching for it ! Special thanks to Xanthor for the ideas and the help. hehe, I helped :D
Haven’t drawn a nice cock in a while. Twi’s the obvious choicehad a lot of fun with this one, more cocks soon XP
Beach Dayhad fun with this one.This started as a sketch I did at work yesterday XP
Full MoonFlash was lagging to hell…so I drew Moon butt.
Click through or HERE for higher quality.First time trying After Effects…Holly crap that program is awesome and completely shits on my computer at the same time XP. Might do one for each of the Mane 6