X & Y (x-9-y.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
Y - Triangle
swamped: Alexey Dubinsky Y - bonnet rouge
Y - arbre
Y - flamande
aiyacampbell: aiya campbell http://therealchipwillis.tumblr.com/ Y - arrosage
Y - lacets
Y - dedans/dehors
Y - pointes
Y - Stripes
aventure-digitale: shavadonle: bbfm: bendmeover: Corps_Circuits (via bendmeover) Y - points
Y - Pliée
libidinoustmbling: fluffyteens Y - Jeans
Y - Encre de Chine
eroticlightbox: Y - Points
Y - Twist
regardintemporel: Fritz Henle - Buttocks, 1954
avalon010: for more Grille
m-as-tu-vu: L’Autre sphère ..*
zengirls: Legs Perspective. Y - Legs
Y - on idea
annantan: Le théâtre d’ombres
ukboudoir: Snow #ukboudoir Snow
Y - Gold
Y - Wet
Y - naughty day
suxum: by kiramed Miror
nakedworldofmars: last-picture-show: Sun shard Igor Moukhin
T & Y
zengirls: Excellent curvature
hotparade: Sam Haskins
vivipiuomeno: Noriaki Yokosuka ph. - Shafts 1972
babinus: Les Clavettes… Hélice
decentfellas: Yulia Arkhipova by Troy Hodnett.
Y - Retro
bornbythesea: philguillou: Cora Keegan by Steven Yatsko for S Magazine
Y - Sein
vollschoen: voll schön voll schön
regardintemporel: Pierre Boucher - Nu rayé, 1935 Pierre Boucher - Nu rayé, 1935
escreveralto: František Drtikol František Drtikol
brookeva: So thats my butt, with a jellyfish projected on it. Average Tuesday… Photo by the wonderful Joe Ornelas Photo by the wonderful Joe Ornelas
hoodoothatvoodoo: Photo by Chico Bialas Photo by Chico Bialas
hoodoothatvoodoo: Ellen Von Unwerth. ’Maria Luisa With White Pearls’. New York, 1992
vivipiuomeno: See Nude - Korean calendar 2014 See Nude - Korean calendar 2014
vivipiuomeno: Nude With Golden Lace by Josef Ehm ph. 1946 Nude With Golden Lace by Josef Ehm ph. 1946
annantan: Les fleurs prises au piège Y - Fleurs
annantan: Presque prête Y - presque
Y - Fendue
Y - Capitole