hey dad it's me (wuffen.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
Mako-chan is the cutest and if you do not think so you are wrong.
Time warp meme, drawn for comic blog.
I wanna know what people assume about me because of my tumblr.
SO I FINALLY WATCHED THE ADVENTURES OF TINTIN it was not good but it was basically gay porn without the actual porn so I’m inclined to like it despite how fucking awful it was
Don’t mind me, just posting new versions of old bits of animation as a gifset to show my teacher who wanted to see them.
The “Draw all your past and present OTPs and die of shame” project, part 5/??: Haseo/Endrance (.hack//G.U.)Shipping status: shipping so hard you have no idea
The “Draw all your past and present OTPs and die of shame” project, part 4/??: Yuuri/Wolfram (Kyou kara Maou!)Shipping status: I shipped this harder than I’ve ever shipped anything when I was 15 so I don’t think I can ever get
The “Draw all your past and present OTPs and die of shame” project, part 3/??: Shigeru/Satoshi (Pokémon) Shipping status: I don’t even know what’s happening with these 10-year-olds but I just ajhsdfgljhsdfflhfljbasdgfhjasdf //feels
creative anxiety comics
The “Draw all your past and present OTPs and die of shame” project, part 2/??: Kakashi/Iruka (Naruto) Shipping status: so dead no one has seen it move in centuries
The “Draw all your past and present OTPs and die of shame” project, part 1/??: Roy/Ed (Fullmetal Alchemist) Shipping status: dormant but activates when provoked
A comic strip I drew for this year’s Helsinki Pride magazine (don’t know if they’ll use it but I’m assuming I’m free to publish it either way since I didn’t get paid and whatever).
5 AM quality sketch of Edan, a fire-elemental Anti-Guardian from sir-crawly’s fic No Hope Here (which you should read, although it will rip your heart out of your chest and drive a pickup truck over it three times before feeding it to a pride of
injureddreams: “That first touch was the beginning of their undoing. Their long goodbye.”. Another dedicated to my dear Wuffen! I decided to make this a five part series. So this is part two~ FIVE PARTS FIVE HONEY IT’S TOO MUCH OH MY GOD
Pencil sketch commission for Lamppu. I’m sorry it took so freakishly long! ;___; Tried to make up for it by concentrating on their faces a bit more… (Cas still doesn’t look like himself, MISHA WHY IS YOUR FACE SO DIFFICULT)
I DIDN’T THINK I’D EVER DRAW HUMAN!BUNNY BUT I DID AND NOW I’M CONFUSED Anywho, my take on him was largely influenced by Rinpin’s version (and Wolverine, which I first was annoyed by but then remembered that it’s actually
Happy Easter from your unca Wolf!
injureddreams: “Even if our time together was brief, it didn’t make saying goodbye that much easier.” Dedicated to my lovely Wuffen who brought out my old movie otp. I hope you like this hon! I’VE DIED AND GONE TO HEAVEN I just want to print
Just some pointless animation (was related to school but kinda isn’t anymore), thought I might as well post it.