W R I T E W O R L D (writeworld.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
Writer’s Block A picture says a thousand words. Write them. Mission: Write a story, a description, a poem, a metaphor, a commentary, or a critique about this picture. Write something about this picture. Be sure to tag writeworld in your block!
Why didn't you fight for me?
Food for Thought from Kristen Fischer on Freelance Switch
Word of the Day: Brisance
The chest was too big and heavy to lift.
Some Juicy Tips from Tom Walker on RobsWebTips
Word of the Day: Selcouth
Bad Creative Writing Advice
Word of the Day: Gasser
Not if I can help it.
Word List: Alternatives to "Cigarette"
Word of the Day: Iniquitous
Artistically Suppressed
Creative Encouragement from Jacob Cass at Just Creative Design
Suggest Word Lists for us to make!
Orson Scott Card - Why new writers must submit to Writers of the Future
A Gentle Nudge
Maybe I loved him.
Word of the Day: Dowager
Black and White Tips from Jody Cleghorn at Write Anything
One more thing about the Book Club (for now)
WriteWorld Book Club
Word List: List of Red Wines
How do you guys feel about a book club?
Word of the Day: Astringent
Writing Tips from C.S. Lewis
inkblotoftheday: Inkblot of the Day #40 Instructions: Tell me what you see. -Enjoy
It was a portal.
Word of the Day: Remit
Six Lies About Creative Writing You Should Never Believe