Sex & Stuff (
submit your pics
pet-the-kitty-reborn: Getting to that pretty shade of purple.
Bored at work. Send in some asks or submissions?
Its Shaking
Theme Test
happyendingscum: check this fresh pic of me by broken666moon
You guys should follow us cool kids on Insta: @whiskeybrunette @pro_narcissist
toshikokasen: spending £46 on a skirt that barely covers my ass wasn’t the brightest of ideas
Your Body Is Art
Love Bound
billionsone: we–like–bondage: Send some messages? Anon, or not. I’m bored! - D Bored not horny Horny is more of a character trait than a state of being, at this point. 😅
Send some messages? Anon, or not. I’m bored! - D
ramblings-of-a-narcissist: My beard is growing back so slowly. Happy early Selfie Sunday! Have a selfie of me, guys!
Some of you might like to know that after a year if separation, we are now back together! 💖
It was his 7th birthday on Tuesday!
Here you go, Anon. Since you asked so nicely. Want to see more? Keep fucking complaining about it.
Oops, here’s another.
Here’s a photo of our dog, you guys. 💕
fadee-intoyou: I had no idea how many photos I had of Yuri on Instagram until I just went through and tagged all of them with: #yurigram. So if you wanna look at his cute photos, go there, or you can just follow my Insta: @whiskeybrunette
This big guy is doing well! We started chemo, and the 3rd day after was a little rough on his stomach, but he’s feeling much better today.
umavelhaalma: With this recent trend of eating pineapples people have come up with the assumption that your pussy is supposed to taste like sugar. PUSSY IS PUSSY. it’s not supposed to taste like a fruit salad or a strawberry milkshake. It’s genitalia
You guys can also follow us on Instagram to see what we’re up to until we’re back together. T: @whiskeybrunette D: @pro_narcissist
Hi guys, We’re not posting anything sexual because we’re still not back together, but we wanted to let you all know that Yuri’s lungs came back CANCER FREE on his follow up x-rays today and we are able to start chemo soon. Thank you
We do this a lot, but it’s probably for real this time. D dumped me in May, and we were just floating along being semi-together, but not official, and then a couple of days ago he completely ended it, saying that he doesn’t want what we
Our precious dog had his leg amputated today. The surgery went flawlessly and he seems to be adjusting okay. We start his chemotherapy in 2 weeks and could use some help with funds. Please donate if you can.
I know we’re blowing up your dashboard with posts about our dog, but we really do need a lot of help, we’re seriously begging you guys for help. We’ve already made the ũ,000 for his amputation, but without chemo we’re basically
germanystuck: the worst feeling is when one of your friends brings up a kink that you kinda like but then they’re like “IDK WHY PEOPLE LIKE THAT SORT OF THING THAT’S WEIRD” and you just (sweats quietly)
We need Ŭ,000 for our dogs chemo, please consider donating.
Alright everyone, we’ve scheduled our dog for his amputation but we still need Ŭ,000 for his follow up chemo treatments. If you could donate บ, or even ũ, it would help us out immensely. Donate here. Please, we love this dog with all our hearts.
Some photos of our baby. <3 He has osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer and he needs amputation and chemo… We still need Ŭ,000 more. Please donate if you can.
Click here to support Yuri's Cancer Treatment
Earlier this year my wife was in a coma. A friend set up a “Go account” (not sure of the proper wording for the account?) on Fbook to help raise money. It generated over . Just a thought for another possible avenue to raise money. Prayers and
propertyof14 said: I get paid later this weekend, I’ll be donating really soon you guys, it’s not a lot but it’s what I can spare. </3 Thank you so much!!
If even just a small fraction of you donated a dollar or two, we would reach our goal and then have some wiggle room in case something unexpected happened. We would really appreciate it. -T and D
Please consider donating to help us with our dog’s cancer treatment.
So the link on our last post doesn’t work for some reason, but the, “Donate,” button on the side of our blog does. Please consider donating to help our dog with his cancer treatment. Love,T and D
We Need Your Help