Moving from theory to practice. (
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Words of Emotion
Omggg….. the. Things we don’t really think about. . But so true.
Laruga Yoga
kinoyoga: Trust and surrender. Two of the most simple lessons and yet so difficult to really learn. Stress and worry are familiar. Peace and freedom are like steps into the unknown. Ranting and complaining are too practiced, while patience, kindness
debrides: I worked with toddlers and pre schoolers for three years. Sometimes I accidentally slip and tell a friend to say bye to an inanimate object (“say bye bus!”) & occasionally they unthinkingly just do it.
sketchesinstillness: Yogi Piglet-
thearcalian: sirartwork: reblog for noises @mostlycatsmostly Purrfection
kushandwizdom: .
inspiring-awakened-motivation: Day 797 (Year 3)
inspiring-awakened-motivation: Day 798 (Year 3)
Book Porn
mybigfatfitlife: thenatsdorf: “I’m invisible.” [video] Adorbbbbssssss
Trying to take the lesson. Having difficulty. But willing to learn.
reverthelp: When you say “LA ILAHA ILALLAH” you will notice something very interesting. YOUR LIPS DO NOT MOVE. Try it, say “LA ILAHA ILALLAH” your lips don’t move. Allah is the Most Wise and in His Infinite Wisdom He has made it so when Muslim
sovifit: What you seek is seeking you. 🙏🏽🔮 @kellypenderyoga in the Traveling Gypsy Pants & Classic Black Top 😍✨ __________________________________________ #sovifit #sovifittribe #yoga #yogaeverydamnday #namaste #fitfam #fitness #holistic
You are another me
The Upper 1%
Never give. Have a reason to jump out of bed.. no matter how small.. jump out of bed n make this day happen.
m0tiv8me: Seriously tho! I appreciate it! :) I appreciate u following me. 💙💚💜
Eid Mubarak to all my muslim friends!
Islamic Reminders
kinoyoga: It’s all about practice. It’s that simple. What unites all yoga practitioners is that we all practice. It might be deep and flexible some days and light and healing other days. It might be inspired, strong or emotional, but it’s still
touch the earth
acrylicalchemy: Michael Carini | The War of Art Loves this.
jessitheyogi: My progress in Reclined Dancer’s pose. These photos are 18 months apart. I often get asked about ways to increase flexibility. My only advice is to be consistent with your practice. Believe every step you are taking is advancing you,
alyrfit: || GOOD VIBES || • If there’s one thing i learned to be true, it’s that your vibe attracts your tribe. I want people around me who are healthy, happy, positive, spreading love, making a real change. I don’t want negative, unhealthy,
Check out this Pin on Pinterest!
Too fucking amazing… the victory dance at the end. Everything. .
catsbeaversandducks: Business Cats Hard At WorkA Japanese company in Tokyo hopes to help their employees unwind and increase productivity by adopting rescue cats into their office. In a cramped and hectic city like Tokyo, having a pet is often a luxury.
inspiring-awakened-motivation: Day 783 (Year 3)
karolkat: He who stands on tiptoe doesn’t stand firm. He who rushes ahead doesn’t go far. He who tries to shine dims his own light. He who defines himself can’t know who he really is. He who has power over others can’t empower himself. He
stephynow: If I cannot speak from my heart, I will dance from my heart. You cannot silence the dancers. Their presence needs no tongue and emotes in the now. They move. They love. They live. PS - everyone is a dancer.
Confessions Of An Anonymous Victoria's Secret Photoshopper
Exercise without “Exercising”
buddism: Be kind whenever possible . And this is always possible.
tallulahpomeroy: My sister Xanthe modelling the book we’ve made for our grandparents, The Adventures of Twiglet. 24 pages, 10 illustrations, side-bound.
kinoyoga: Faithful actions bear the fruits of peace and happiness. Fearful actions bear the fruits of pain and suffering. Faith comes from a belief in your wholeness, a recognition of your worthiness and a heart full of love. Fear comes from a feeling