Stay wild (
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teenage wasteland
man-and-camera: Meadow ➾ Luke Gram
Trying To Find Myself.
She Dreams of This
the-psycho-cutie: i want to be the one you tell everything to at 4am when you can’t sleep
ifyoucarryonthisway: hello 911 my sock is falling down inside my shoe
urbanclictionary: doin a group project like
slapping: conxerse: all i have is low self esteem and good taste in music literally me
telapathetic: why am i only motivated to sort my life out at 4am
hope for now
breakinq: vertical/photo
enjoy lurkin
thexraymachines: Bells Beach photo/lawrie
pour yr sins on me
cats >
With Pain Comes Strength
hplyrikz: I can relate to this
acidic-violet: bedazzled-bitch: oh-colorful-pills: DARK/SOFT GRUNGE BLOG☠ ♡Grunge♡ Cocaine✞pussy $
So this is me.
lolsofunny: so there was this girl in my class who showed up to class everyday with her thong sticking out and one day my teacher just walked up to her and said ‘let’s keep victoria a secret’ he got fired but it was still funny
daisieangel: florialy: Rosy x ♔ ➳♡ ♔
defendth3faith: have you ever been sexually attracted to a voice
pajamaswag: I will never get over how badly she won that one.
cattkitty: im like a kitten, i need attention and i need to curl up next to you and i need you to pet me and tell me im cute
mstrkrftz: Trip to heaven by Dariusz Łakomy
kisschases: if i ever date a famous person and got hate for it I’d honestly be the most sarcastic bitch ever to them I’d be like lol can’t hear you over the great sex we just had
rottingcat: awwww-cute: Meet Simba. He’s a Leonberger THAT IS AN ARCANINE
queerios-and-milk: I really worry about which selfie my family would put on the news if I ever went missing.
lindsaylohoean: people who make their snapchat stories 100 fucking seconds long
gazesmeet: note to self
17yr: woah calm down im just trying to date your dad
hopel3ssly: riarai: Everyone always talks about hazel and augustus but people rarely appreciate the beautiful friendship between isaac and augustus. this makes me so sad
chanel-smokes: most relevant thing rn
There is so much beauty before our eyes that is so simply over looked
discovers: hahaha aww nice try though
Not Porn