Three Musqueerteers (
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zensunni42: three-musqueerteers: hwaitingoveru skomentował(a) Twój post “just to let you know you can use iTunes gift card or google play to…” Fyi: using the Lezhin app to purchase coins is much much cheaper than purchasing it through the English
Ratana is packing Lily Love Secret Scene aaaaand… news about Lily Love Volume 1 ENGLISH version:
Toms: The Complex World of Female Love in Thailand —In Lily Love thread one user posted a link to this short documentary about tom culture and I think it really IS interesting so I decided to share it with you guys.Thanks Pixer for the tip :)
hwaitingoveru skomentował(a) Twój post “just to let you know you can use iTunes gift card or google play to…”Fyi: using the Lezhin app to purchase coins is much much cheaper than purchasing it through the English site.
Pulse by Ratana Satis - Episode 6All episodes are available on Lezhin English - read them here—Tell us what do you think about chapter. Check Forum Thread!
Pulse has less than a week and it’s already on top 3 on Lezhin ranking!Don’t forget - today ep6 will be out :)
REMEMBER GUYS! IT’S FOR SCIENCE!And tomorrow EPISODE 6 will be released on Lezhin!
leo-the-lion: Finished that. I’m getting creative here X’D
Lily Love by Ratana Satischapter 24 - Just wanna let you knowOnline (Read from left to right)***Three Musqueerteers’ releases——Ratana’s new manga - Pulse - is out! Check it here!
Lily Love by Ratana Satischapter 23 - My MomOnline (Read from left to right)***Three Musqueerteers’ releases——Ratana’s new manga - Pulse - is out! More info here!
Not 1, not 2 but 3 new chapters of Pulse you haven’t seen before!But don’t get to used to it ;) From next week it will be 1 episode/week on Fridays on Lezhin.—Want to discuss about chapters? Check Forum Thread!
Just finished editing chapter 23 as promised. Now we need to wait when QC will be done ^^
naila-ns skomentował(a) Twoje zdjęcie “If you didn’t buy coins on Lezhin yet, you still can do this on sale…”Can’t we read them without the coins?? Nope :( Sorry.Pulse is licenced title by Lezhin so you need to buy episodes to read
If you didn’t buy coins on Lezhin yet, you still can do this on sale :>Just saying…. You might need many of them if you want to read Pulse… Episodes are soooooo goooood :3
Lezhin FINALLY wrote about Pulse’s date so I can tell you now :DSchedule Announcement! Pulse will be launched on May 2nd, Monday. We were planning for our regular Friday launch but so many people inside and out have been clamoring for a faster
Status update about Lily Love ;)
Characters bios from new Ratana’s project - Pulse!
If Lezhin posted that Pulse is coming very soon, do you now believe me it is SOON?Above is new banner :3
CONGRATULATIONS RATANA SATIS!!Pulse got 3rd prize on Lezhin Comics 2nd World Comic Contest You can read first two chapters for free here!
Lily Love by Ratana Satischapter 19 - Big BrotherOnline (Read from left to right)***Three Musqueerteers’ releases—
The Mistress Story by 1st-Kurochapter 6 - SlaveOnline | Zip(Read from left to right)***Three Musqueerteers’ releases
ATTENTION!!Pre-order for Lily Love Secret Scene is open NOW!>>>You have time until April 30th<<< The book will ready for shipping around mid May 2016It’s only available for pre-order - no re-prints. So if you won’t buy it now,
sweet-toast: Happybday - Lilly Love by hanukara
Lily Love by Ratana Satischapter 18 - The LessonOnline (Read from left to right)***Three Musqueerteers’ releases—
Chapter 18 in final QC ;)
New art by Ratana from Lily Love Secret Scene
rts1519: WIP