NCThepoetess (
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here-is-the-food: Pero seguiré.
here-is-the-food: Uno como que ya se acostumbra.
purplebuddhaquotes: “You know what? Certain people think they will feel good if certain things happen. The trick is: you have to feel good for no reason.” — Richard Bandler
purplebuddhaquotes: “Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell.” — Alan Moore
la-amarillista: yo ya no quiero competir con nadie. espero que usted también cumpla todo lo que sueña.
aquinyonez: “Que te digan “me haces bien” es una de las cosas más lindas que te puede decir alguien.” — A.
I saw you in my sleep, darling
purplebuddhaquotes: “It is important to express oneself…provided the feelings are real and are taken from you own experience.” — Berthe Morisot
purplebuddhaquotes: “Love says: I’ve seen the ugly parts of you, and I’m staying.” — Matt Chandler
quotesndwords: I know it’s difficult, but you have to let him go. You have to force him out, because deep down you know that not doing this will only hurt yourself and nobody else.
biblioteca-prohibida: “No hay nada mejor que verte venir; en cualquier sentido.” — Keep reading (via bohemiofilosofico)
friendly-animals: (Source)
uptional: “You can never explain how painful it is to say goodbye to someone you love.” — 3 am thoughts (via suspend)
purplebuddhaquotes: “Your greatest need is to clean out the enormous mass of mental and emotional rubbish that clutters your mind. You need to learn how to select your thoughts just the same way you select your clothes every day. This is a power you
relecturas: “I don’t think I could love you so much if you had nothing to complain of and nothing to regret. I don’t like people who have never fallen or stumbled. Their virtue is lifeless and of little value. Life hasn’t revealed its beauty
Ya no es sólo “noviembre sin ti”, ahora es todo el pinche año sin ti
thesweetestsouliveseen: Qué caro se paga el precio de no elegirse a uno mismo primero.
Me estaba comentando una tipa hace un momento que la gente que hace cosplay son unos frikis y están locos. Es la misma que viene a trabajar con pestañas postizas y maquillaje bronceador. También es la que todos los años sale con túnica y capirote
desearia-estuvieras-aqui: No esperes a que se muera la gente para quererla.
clarihda: Para mi es extraño sentir esta tranquilidad en mi pecho, no ser de nadie, no pensar en nadie, no cuidar a alguien más…después de tres años de locura sin parar es de verdad pacifico no estar enamorada de nadie más que de mi misma. Ella
Purple Buddha Quotes
here-is-the-food: En halloween…
beauafrique: Just gonna bless ya’ll today with my son’s beauty! 👌🏾😍❤️ @juhaamubayiwa
Forever searching
send-friends: “He luchado por tanto tiempo en una guerra que no me pertenece, que ya no se si estoy a favor o en contra; he luchado tanto tiempo, que ya no se si gané o perdí; he luchado tanto por amor, que me he convertido en desamor.” — El
purplebuddhaquotes: “Even if others abandon you, you must never abandon yourself.” — Terry Helwig
purplebuddhaquotes: “The best way I can love you is by not losing myself in you, but growing with you.” — Navin E.
roberto-zeron: “Busca motivaciones alternas que te nutran y te aporten enseñanzas que sirvan para plantar y cosechar.”–Roberto Zerón
worldamongbooks: “Pensé que lo había superado, hasta que me encontré llorando a las 3 am sin razón alguna.” — Lyn.
No podemos ser perfectos, pero al menos intenta dar lo mejor de ti, así no te sentirás tan basura y sabrás que no te diste por vencido.
siempresarcastico: Me encontré a un grupo de hondureños y me preguntaron por la Bestia, les empecé a contar de ti, de que te amaba con locura y me fallaste. Todos me abrazaron, lloramos, el más prieto me robó mi cartera pero creo que ése no era
siempresarcastico: Ojalá este halloween te disfraces de persona, ya cansa verte de perra.@siempresarcastico
siempresarcastico: Repitan conmigo:-Los disfraces no se compran en la sex shop.@siempresarcastico
siempresarcastico: No importa que tan mal te hayas portado conmigo, si algún día necesitas de mí, vete a la verga.@siempresarcastico
Equivóquese, pero asegúrese de aprender.
toxicalert: Vale la pena compartir.
neverland-dc: Lamentablemente ya te haz vuelto una persona tóxica para mi vida.
Despertar 29 de Octubre
qvotable: “Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.” — Sylvia Plath
numero-impar: “Ámate tanto que no necesites convencer a nadie para quedarse.” —
purplebuddhaquotes: “I still remember the first time you fell asleep in my arms. You saved me from another night of nightmares and replaced them with dreams of a future together.” — Joshua Greenaway
purplebuddhaquotes: “I laugh harder with you. I feel more myself with you. I trust you with me–the real me. When something goes wrong, or right, or I hear a funny joke, or I see something bizarre, you’re the first person I want to talk to about
purplebuddhaquotes: “Crying does not indicate that you are weak. Since birth, it has always been a sign that you are alive.” — Brontë
purplebuddhaquotes: “I did not always think he was right nor did he always think I was right but we were each the person the other trusted.” — Joan Didion
purplebuddhaquotes: “Life, he says, doesn’t have to be so bad all the time. We don’t have to be anxious about everything. We can just be. We can get up, anticipate that the day will probably have a few good moments and a few bad ones, and then
purplebuddhaquotes: “She was an extraordinary woman, and I went to bed that night feeling like I was perhaps more than ordinary myself. This was the effect she had on me.” — Khaled Hosseini
purplebuddhaquotes: “I began to draw an invisible boundary between myself and other people. No matter who I was dealing with. I maintained a set distance, carefully monitoring the person’s attitude so that they wouldn’t get any closer. I didn’t
purplebuddhaquotes: “One day, whether you are 14, 28 or 65, you will stumble upon someone who will start a fire in you that cannot die. However, the saddest, most awful truth you will ever come to find - is they are not always with whom we spend our
purplebuddhaquotes: “The sign of a beautiful person is he always sees the beauty in others.” — Swami Sivananda
purplebuddhaquotes: “I don’t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside me there’ll always be the person I am to-night.” — F. Scott Fitzgerald