Sexy Weight Gain (
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mcflyver: theweightgaincollection: Miley’s fattening journey - well done! Incredible
mcflyver: straightedgejuggalo: Never too much Boberry! My god.
mcflyver: bigbellybabe: I love being a sexy fatty. You should.
biglegwoman: My birthday is on Halloween so in college I’d wear “my birthday suit†as a costume. There’s again about 50-60lbs of extra me crammed in this outfit, and absolutely no room for a bra!
inkandrolls: That Fat Girl rocks the big belly look!
gaininggeek: ithinkyouregrowingonme: Oh I say, how delightly soft, curvy and jiggly!! Love the curves creating all that jiggle! Dream tata’s, all the way :)
theweightgaincollection: Perfect gain: Eliza Allure
feedyouintotheabyss: Jaw/Floor Interface
subtlefeeder: I love it when she looks at me this way
ladysoftandsexy: 60lbs difference, that’s what it looks like
yetanotherfeeder: WOW!! So sexy! So fat!
theweightgaincollection: My new favourite gainee: Eliza Allure
princeofdarknass: Kimberly Marvel
starstruckbbw: The most scared I’ve ever been during a video…lol I giggle at my reaction every time! I added extra just video to show you that it wasn’t because of my fat ass jiggling :P
Not even full :D Nice belly! If you are thinking about gain some weight.. dont hesiate!! you´ll looks better with more extra weight. week on growing! ;)
from-thin-to-fat: Guess whos back with another before and after ? Im up to 368 lbs now
mcflyver: Love this gorgeous sexy beauty
theweightgaincollection: Eliza Allure
hungryfeedee: Dream life.
gassyfatchicks: “mmm look at that ass jiggle! pretty good huh! *smack* PPPRRTTTTT oh excuse me, that was the indian food i had ealier, guess i shouldnt smack so hard hehe!”
mcflyver: bigbellybabe: One year ago to now. Hells yeah x) That’s about as hot as it gets.
crazyarmydude13: kevinnewsomuniverse: Big & Sexy! Phone Sexy
bigbootybeautyxxl: Mirror, mirroron the wallwho’s the fattestof them all? :D
mcflyver: Love her big blubbery muffin top
bricout: objectif devenir bien grasse
cl6672: Remarkable job this little piggy has done fattening up ;)
bricout: piggy sport
onemorebitebp: Stuffed in 3 steps…
icefishing5642: (via TumbleOn)
konstardiy: subtlefeeder: Awesome gain!!! Hope she will get even fatter during 2014!
feedersdream: <3!!!!!!!!!!!!
subtlefeeder: The way jeans SHOULD fit!
bigbootybeautyxxl: Its not easy being fat ;)
inkandrolls: Bit of a before and after for you.
juststuffedbellies: mcflyver: Something tells me she didn’t mind gating so fat. This is why I love curvage. She’s incredible.
fishnethousepet: Betty and I Weigh In! Betty Dreadful ( ) has made a trip across the pond and we got together to make a very sexy weight and measurement comparison video. We start out comparing our busts, waists, bums and
fatcurvystories: bigbootybeautyxxl: All those cookies add up… ;) I love that her hips are just as tall as the back of the chair. Such a healthy curvy goddess.
jerry1973: Mmmmmmmmmm… (via TumbleOn)
jerry1973: pinkbbw: FEDEX ME THOSE PINK PANTIES NOW…. (via TumbleOn)
hellothefatterthebetter: Lovingly assisting digestion after an extra fattening meal.
donthidebigbellies: Filling in :)