The Chuckwagon Revival (
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We discussed a lot of pictures in Episode 94, so here is a mega post with all of them. The first two are of Freeland’s shit on the wall. No one’s proud of it. It just is what it is. No clue how he missed that mess. Next pictures are
Everyone calm down...
John and Seth make another appearance on Philistine Radio
For next weeks episode, we’ll be discussing the Joe Don Baker kung-fu thriller, Golden Needles. Marvel at Mr. Baker as he tries to kick above his waist. Spoiler alert! He does not.
John guests on An Innocent Looking Bookstore
Check out our friends at Philistine Radio and a creator of Cards Against Humanity
Here’s the trailer for the flick we’ll be discussing next week. Netflix calls it Act of Vengeance but the box art and this trailer both call it Rape Squad. Either way it’s…something.
Here’s the trailer for the flick we’ll be discussing on tomorrow’s episode. Ohhh dat moustache…
Freeland did one better than taking a picture of the arsenal of weapons by his bed…he made a MTV Cribs style video. So sit back and enjoy your look into Freeland’s bedroom. Where the magic happens. And by magic, I mean the jamming of
Here’s the trailer for the next flick we’ll be doing, Klown. It’s pretty good and if you’re a fan of the Hangover and can watch a subtitled flick then you should watch it. Also, I’m gonna tell you up front that we’re
Philistine Radio - Episode 77
Freeland enjoying the finer things in life.
Here’s the trailer for next week’s flick. I’m not entirely sure what to say about it other than if you don’t get that blouse in some Oxy Clean that bloody ejaculate is going to stain.
Ask and you shall receive. Here’s a gif of Dennis Rodman chucking a dwarf at a basketball hoop. Courtesy of Ian Corey.
We’re not train enthusiasts so we have no clue what HO scale is but something tells me these are some top of the line trains. Also who can turn down so much extra imitation crab meat? Not us.
Vote for The Chuckwagon Revival Podcast in the 2012 Stitcher Awards
Here’s the trailer for the flick we’re going to be discussing next week. Holy hell, it is something. So if you have 75 minutes to spare and like watching montages of dwarfs working out or being put in silly costumes, then we’ve got
Here’s the trailer for next week’s episode, Explorers. Revel in it’s 80s-ness.
Here’s the trailer for the flick we’ll be talking about tonight. I think it’s fitting that they used Gary Glitter as the music for the trailer cause after I watched it, I felt like I had been molested.
This week’s show and tell. Please let us know if you decide to take him up on his services. We’d like to know and frankly this isn’t a category on Yelp. Though it probably should be…
Here’s the picture Seth talked about during his Show and Tell segment. It really is delightfully horrid.
Here’s a bit from Episode 29 of the Chuckwagon made using the new Source Filmmaker. There are plans for more of these, so if there are moments from the show you’d like to see, let us know.
Freeland doesn’t tan well…done.