Madhog and Team Yume (
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MADPlay “Shantae: Risky’s Revenge DC”, Part 2: “Magic Dance”The boys get hypnotized by Shantae’s sexy, time-stopping dance… for about an hour. That is the only explanation why no progress was made whatsoever.&mda
MADPlay “Shantae: Risky’s Revenge DC”, Part 1: “Shake Your Pirate Booty”Every time Madhog makes a reference, take a shot! Your liver will explode by the end of this video.—Support Madhog on Patreon: http://www.patreon.c
An Update on the “Courage the Cowardly Dog” OSTHelp Madhog out with the next playlist!—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook: https://www.faceb
MADPlay: “Albert Odyssey” (What is Happening!?) Watashi wa… SHOVERU KNIGHTOU!!!—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook: https://www.faceb
MADPlay: “Freedom Planet” (IT’S EPIC!) “Sonic the Hedgehog” meets “Biker Mice From Mars” meets “Star Wars” meets unbridled gushing!—Support Madhog on Patreon:
A Bus Ride to Typo-Laden Insanity (Peter Chimeara’s Original Stream)Here is the complete experience, raw and unedited, for your listening pleasure.—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyu
Joker Hi-Jacks the Peter Chimaera Stream!This happened right before the reading of “Batman: Nemesis Fight.”—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebo
MADPlay “Shantae: Risky’s Revenge DC”, Pilot Episode: “I Dream of Tia Carrere”Madhog and Devar try out the recent PC port of a cult classic platform game from the Nintendo handheld systems. Will they enjoy it or will they
Bonus Content for “FORGE”Devar showcases a couple of unlockable goodies from the game.
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 8: “Fleeting Beginnings” Rusty finally gets out from Stable 02 (ehr, the Underground Empire), only to find the end credits. Yes, the game is over. Or is it?Check the demo here:—Suppo
HUGBEES.dashMadhog has a new phone and this is what he does with it.—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook:
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “The Matrix Return” (Peter Chimaera Week, Day 4)What if the Matrix had another Matrix inside? Whoa!This concludes the Peter Chimaera Week… for now.—Support Madhog on Patreon:
She’s Got The Moves (Promo) Starring: Tia Carrere in the role of a much younger lady. Sorry, that was mean.—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook:
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “Castlevania: Wisps of Dracula” (Peter Chimaera Week, Day 3)Summary: “Richter Belmons fights Dracula.”—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume:
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “Desert Bus: A Romance Story and for Ladies” (Peter Chimaera Week, Day 2)This bus ride is made of scientific discovery.—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “Batman: Nemesis Fight” (Peter Chimaera Week, Day 1)The team takes on one the most “acclaimed” bad writers of all time in a brain-draining reading marathon of madness simply known as the Peter Chimaera
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 7: “Great Power Brings Great Meddling” Oh no, the Mole Man is taking over the Underground Empire! Quick, use apples!Check the demo here:—Support Madhog on Patreon: http://www.patreon
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 6: “The Last Nailbender”Everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked! Oh wait. Wrong show.Check the demo here:—Support Madhog on Patreon:
MADPlay “Wakfu”, Session 2: “The Three Doofuses” (with Deamonox)Join three hapless adventurers as they run around aimlessly, killing random birds and stealing each others’ scavenging material. Truly, a quest for the ages!&mda
MADPlay “Wakfu”, Session 2 - IntroductionA new companion joins the party as The Adventure begins again!—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook:
Fanfiction R&R: “Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons” Sober Rant (Ch. 74)You, BASTARD!! You made everything work!—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog&rsqu
Darktime Stories: “Candle Cove” (Creepypasta Reading)Do you remember this old puppet show? It was about pirates… and screaming.—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumb
The Sun is Dying, We Killed It It’s the last sunset of this little planet (not really).—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook: https://www.facebook.c
Madhog and Faries Play: “Imperishable Night” (2/2) Someone set up us the little girl… with moon rabbits!?—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s
Madhog and Faries Play: “Imperishable Night” (½)Someone Set Up Us The Little Girl!—Support Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook: https://www.fa
MADPlay “Wakfu”, Session 1: “Teenage Mutant Ninja Cthulhu” What happens if you mix “Portal” with “Dragon Ball”? You get the best playable class ever, that’s what!—Support Madhog on Patreon: http:
MADPlay “Heretic”, Part 10: “Spring Time in Hell” Madhog embarks on an intellectual debate about modern fantasy literature while Devar slaughters demonic spring breakers from hell. Something about this sentence doesn’t sound
Come Inside (Channel Trailer) Take a Peek: Madhog on Patreon: and Team Yume: http://www.teamyume.tumblr.comMadhog’s Facebook:
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 5: “This is Just Grape!”Presented by Madhog thy Gardener.Check the demo here: http://forgegame.comDEVAR’S TIDBIT OF WISE REASONING: ‘I didn’t get a chance to state my view and my thoughts of what I meant
Team Yume Attack! Team Yume sets off for Great Justice!!!
March 2015 Update (Walfas Style)A Walfas Madhog Appears!Support Madhog on Patreon:
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 4: “Madhog Thy Gardener” BUY SOME APPLES!!!Check the demo here:
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 3: “Rusting Rusty” Rust is Love! Rust is Life! Rust is POWER!!!Check out the demo here:
Team Yume’s “Disgaea” Cast (Episode 2) Madhog and Faries discuss the “Disgaea” series.
The Entertainment Industry in a Nutshell “There’s No Business Like Show Business.”
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “Reimu Fights The Bad Guys of Adrkness” Welcome to Gensokyo, where little girls shoot lasers everywhere, zombie vampires aren’t like zombies and chainsaw lawnmowers are magic! Don’t forget to
Top 10 Most Insane Moments in “My Immortal” Experience Thingies!
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 2: “Puzzling Might!”In the lengthiest cutscene this side of “Metal Gear Solid”, Rusty learns that the Dead Ones are indeed… deadly. Also, puzzle solving! Hurray!Check out the demo here:
MADPlay “FORGE”, Part 1: “Destiny Forged Anew”Somebody actually made a sequel to “Loom.” It stars Rusty Nailbender, the guy who spent the majority of the previous game either asleep or dead. Madhog can hardly contain his joy…Check
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Epilogue) What ever became of the ending?
Riding Rainbow: “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” (Parts 1 and 2)Hail Penguin Hitler!
Madhog Reacts to: “Where the Dead Go to Die” This is the original audio recording of Madhog’s first experience with this nightmare. Have fun with his mental degradation.
Master Presentations: “Where the Dead Go To Die” (Part 3)Your mind was raped and it took it like a champ.
Master Presentations: “Where the Dead Go to Die” (Part 2)This is why you shouldn’t let a demon dog teach your kids about the facts of life.
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (FINALE)The ejaculating climax!!!
Master Presentations: “Where the Dead Go to Die” (Part 1)You mustn’t watch this film. No, seriously, do NOT watch it.
Foxy (from “Five Nights at Freddy’s”) in 5 Seconds“And then Foxy comes in and he changes the tempo…”
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Ch. 39-41) - HOES OF WAX Vampire has a nightgun that shoots orgies at night… CELEBRATE GOOD TIMES COME ON!!!
MADPlay: “Videogame: The Game” (EXPLOSIONGASM!!!)This game is presented to you in Relax-O-Vision.
MADPlay “Annatier’s Descent”, Part 2: “Fear” HAVING FUN?Download the “SCP-087-B” mod: Mod; Annatier's Descent.rarReitanna Seishin’s website: http:/
MADPlay “Annatier’s Descent”, Part 1: “LIFE’S A PARTY”WELCOME. DON’T LEAVE.Download the “SCP-087-B” mod: Mod; Annatier's Descent.rarReitanna
Fanfiction R&R: “Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons” Sober Rant (Ch. 73)Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts. Think unsexy thoughts.Read the original story:
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Ch. 37-38) - BEAUTIFUL PPLIn this chapter, YOU become a pervert who likes to wear a teenage girl’s underwear… YOU should be ashamed.
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Ch. 35-36) - BACK IN TIM!In which your childhood turns into a goth and commits suicide by slitting its wrists.
Riding Rainbow: G1’s “My Little Pony” (DVD 1)These are most of the episodes from the classic “My Little Pony” show (as presented in the first DVD of the Italian release) that Madhog has covered. Enjoy his slow psychological
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Ch. 33-34) - TOMCEPTION!!!Wait! If Tom Bombadil is Satan but he’s also Tom Anderson, and if Satan is the Bark Lord, does that mean that Neo is Ross’ dog? WHOA!
Manic Expression Presents: “A Site in Scarlet”The culmination of hard work among so many members of Manic Expression has finally come together, long live the expression.Like our Facebook: us on
Team Yume’s Dramatis Lectio: “My Immortal” (Ch. 31-32) - 15 MORE CHAPTERS!?They thought they were done with this story… They. Were. WRONG!
Team Yume Mini-Cast: “F-5 The World!” Madhog and Ross whine about wrestling for half an hour while Devar nods in silence… And then BROCK LESNAR German Suplex’s EVERYTHING!
Comic Dub: “Jurassic Rock” by RiPerils (I Am Bored of The Internet)“Jurassic Park” could use a bit more… Rad-ness!Find more comics at: