Yume (szael.tumblr.com)
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shuukyo: psych0-olll3city: What shuukyo said about Tsukiyama forehead-touches just about killed me… NOW I CAN’T STOP THINKING ABOUT IT ;v; LOUD SOBBING AND SELF-CONSCIOUS SCREAMING
atsushinokyojin: sauce
kagehina: ハイキュー!!まとめ
tsukiyma: tokyo ghoul, ending images.
upsure: HWAT
arielucia: ;v; babies…
theglaringdream: 【RTS!!2】クロ月新刊サンプル by 春@RTS二17a [pixiv] http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44175263 KurooTsuki
freckledcrow: HQらくがきつめ by えっちゃん ※Permission to upload was given by the artist. Redistribution to other sites and editing without permission is not allowed
torrima: omg my first mini doujinshi and i’m so embarassed
idk-kun: Aoba knows what’s up.
viria: in which Sugawara-san said a gentle touch can relieve stress and Kageyama listened to him. I can’t believe I drew this they are so stupid.
viria: Hold him tight, Bokuto. Kuroo Tetsurou, at some point of Tokyo training camp, probably.
akashihuahua: Akashi-sensei as suggested by mirugi
How To say I Love you...
akashihuahua: @kurobasu_daily | theme = “dream” Explanation: I think what Bokushi see through their eyes can be compared to a dream for Oreshi. He can see it, feel it, but cannot touch it. So basically, here Oreshi is saying he only get to meet the
nishiannoya: BONUS: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ original text post
nagittos: ♔ The Karasuno Idiots. ♔
haikyuu-blog: HQログ by 私、らくだと申します。
loonytwin: Aomine: Now I see why you always jump first for fire related calls. Makoto, right? Rin: Shut up, you never complain… since you get to see “Bakagami”. — Kagami: Sorry Ahomine was such an ass, I’ll buy lunch, my treat. You like burgers?
steppingoncellphones: 【腐】HQ詰め by 遠藤なつ@ついった.Posted with artist's permission.
nnanaseharu14: Work by ゆ香
johannathemad: volleyball break
This was supposed to be for the color challenge but I ended up straying from the palette and wasn’t too fond of the end results sO HERE IT IS IN BLACK AND WHITE HAHAHA—
beni-shigures-deathmaiden: Ren for the save ;) Artist
nopantsunolife: When Kouki can, in one way or another, voice out his feelings- BBY KOUKI, GROOOW, GROW MOOOORE
lolygothica: Detail is important.
akashihuahua: very quick doodle last night for the theme: “treasured/precious things” I’m not sure if I should also post it here or not and I feel like I will regret this a lot later. lol
wailinpark: xD
oeilvert: nwn
umq: White Wolf by (laaneyy)
baka-satan: ▴
lunapiecesfansub: Nombre: Problemas de Confianza Vol. 1Pareja: Kid x LawGénero: Yaoi Hard Descargar Aquí
queenoftheantz: Okay so honestly I realised it really fun to interpretet kisses between different couples, so I will probably (95% chance) make some more, and just picking the ones I like! But most votes: Jeanmarco!
skyfly17: Furihatakun in Kingyoku.
sekaiichiyaoi: /eeq_p/
bristeryo: Boyfriends lmao
miyabuu: Another birthday pic for Sugamama, this time with Daipapa :3c (Quick scribble for #hq_69mins)
tanoshindeikouze: Haikyuu!! T-Shirt Pairings now available for pre-order at my new storenvy. Pre-orders will be available for 2 weeks (ends June 30) or until my stock sells out, whichever comes first. The t-shirts take about 2 weeks to make, so hopefully
vanyao: dont know what to draw?? draw daisuga
aeolusknight: The parents captains of Karasuno Volleyball Team these two kill me they’re so cute
romanodullahan: Daisuga ♥ *cof*Thisistheirfirstdatemlmlml*cof* •http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=259416
dimz-u: Thank you genericgirlb for the wonderful idea :DDD
finnoat-deactivated20171222: I believe they’re dating since their first-year /oi
keitaiga: Ugh I overestimated myself on this Haikyuu prompt and there was no time for colour… or fixing the shitty areas… ugh.
ikarinoakari: You’re my comfort
luhan-del-rey: シマ
simplyfx: Prophetic Dream by うにお
finnoat-deactivated20171222: Be ready for a world of hurt
kuroi-kotoba: Pixiv ID: 43932261Member: みつき
xamyachok: original
bluebellsandthings: [腐向け] HQ!!大菅でキス22箇所やってみた!! by オケイド Please rate and follow the artist!!!
nopantsunolife: AKASHI MEETS FURIHATA’S MOMThis took a bit long omg. I’m sorry. But most mothers are really chatty right—- SEQUEL:
saru-pulver-artblog: Part 1 / Part 2
saru-pulver-artblog: saru-pulver-artblog: Part 1 / Part 2 I always wanted to try this ‘Different Hairsytles for a Character’ thing (●´艸`) I’m sorry if it turned out too OOC after all _:(´□`」 ∠):_ I put it in two parts cause it might
nopantsunolife: PRACTICE TIME WITH AKASHI.You should have expected it Kouki. :”D And bonus:
kuro-hachi: Heichou has Shrunkby Lilly Do not redistribute or repost. Do not remove artist credits
kuroko tries out new sports