Muses and Musings (
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cfnm: These two obviously learned the possible perks of a CFNM yoga class. Get a look at more HERE Get your CFNM updates @
watchingher-watchinghim: She just doesn’t look too impressed
watchingher-watchinghim: Did she just discover that he’s not wearing any pants?
watchingher-watchinghim: Seems like she appreciates a nice woody, but hasn’t decided whether or not she wants to reach out and touch someone.
It doesn’t match his online dating profile.
Negotiation in progress.
Lucky fellows.
Handsome gentleman with a lovely lady ogling his pole.
Handsome mature gentleman getting hosed down.
Ladies love a naked male with a nice pole.
Loving admirers for a handsome mature gentleman.
fanchettesc: Réflexion
masturbatrixmethodologies: A masturbatrix demonstrates a CFNM technique designed to encourage fetish dependency on her legs and hosiery… The first squirt!! ..and the he’s directed to her lovey stocking covered legs for his sevearl further
beautiful-cfnm: He is not sensible.
wtsthings: That’s all?
givemecfnm: CFNM And Femdom Or If You Would Rather Get Laid Click Here
naturistelyon: Cours d'anatomie / Anatomy lesson Line Jansrud in Newton’s Pubertet episodes.
wtsthings: Checking him out.
myxself: no latex, no high heels, not uncomfortably dressed, love it!
wtsthings: sanostroker: oooohhhhh I am gonna cummmm! Lovely CFNM couple.
wtsthings: Lovely.
cfnm: “Oh my freaking God, Nick!! Hold it out straight so I can get a pic of that monster!!” Get a look at more HERE Get your CFNM updates @
trimbody: systemic1117: Lovely ladies enjoying a nice cock. Such skill Lucky man in good hands.
wtsthings: Yes Ma'am.
nudebeachnaughty: She seems quite uinterested in that! Oh my, alone on the beach and I come across a lovely cock. My lucky day.
Lovely CFNM couple.
systemic1117: CFNM good clean play.
zoeblancsec: altobagoo: On pourrait croire que c’est toi….!!
cfnmchap: So hard, so desperate, so exposed and all this lovely lady (from a set I loaded previously) does is watch and wait. Delicious torment! She certainly knows how to maintain the tension!
systemic1117: thedailyperv: eichmanns: how embarrassing. I hope they’re not going to make him masturbate to make it go down. (via lunarblack) We’d bet they’ll do SOMETHING to assuage his embarrassment! Nurse should spank him on the bare until
systemic1117: doncastergit: Submitted by Chris Feast! Lovely CFNM couple.
spanked2tears: Pre-spanking masturbation. There will be no excitement during his punishment. Only pure suffering.
odelyon: Rencontre Meeting
systemic1117: Pre-spanking inspection.
systemic1117: werewolf136: Naked couples outdoors. Handsome hard cowboy. Lovely couple. I’d be hard too.
msginaapproved: Awe.
systemic1117: birthdaysuit-cfnm: 2014 Nudes a Poppin Lovely CFNM couple.
systemic1117: birthdaysuit-cfnm: 2014 Nudes a Poppin Fantastic!
systemic1117: birthdaysuit-cfnm: 2014 Nudes a Poppin She’s gorgeous and lucky.
systemic1117: I hope she rides him and puts him away wet.
birthdaysuit-cfnm: 2015 Toronto WNBR
cfnm-handjobs: CFNM handjob videos here:
systemic1117: cfnmgold: Oldies but goodies! Adding to her album.
systemic1117: Inspection time for these lovely ladies.
systemic1117: Nice couple. She’s got him trained. Naked for her at all times.
systemic1117: playinginpublic: Add me on skype, yahoo, Kik, snapchat Username is manstrbatr My thought exactly.