What makes me horny (swedishguy70.tumblr.com)
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hairypitsclub: I love my armpit hair
HOT! haruhifannumber1: So I’m going through Yohio’s twitter page and I find THIS. >w>
inhiding87: underarm hair is sexy
femmeantichrist: My hair is getting so long! Fufufu~
redo-redundance: Hey guys check out my hair, I grew it myself. I kinda feel like a weirdo for loving my hairy armpits so much, but I really really do. I’ve always felt like I didn’t want to shave my armpits, and I wouldn’t for weeks at a time,
wa11flower: wassup
tachenooire: 2 poor 4 razrz
frigrrl: living the s.w.e.d.e.n. way
rainbowtastica: I start modern dance class this week :D I wonder if the teacher or any of the students will comment on my hairy pits and legs. Anyways I think its gotten longer :D :D
ourhairyness: Awesome pits.
aheadfullofpesticide: Last summer.. Missin’ my pits!
You look super!
she is sooo beautiful
hairfarmers: divine.
hairypitsclub: Chair of the Fat Chicks with Hairy Pits for a Better World Committee