Absolute Women (superwomaniac.tumblr.com)
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Nicole and Fani have fun terrorizing Miami Beach.
“You can shoot with your puny gun, I’m bullettproof !”
Absolute woman’s Thick Thighs
Absolute woman selfshot : so much curves !
Paparazzi shot of an Absolute Woman. The poor man is dead, crushed into his car when he was trying to escape the super strong Amazone.
Dolly one of the most sexy and beautiful Absolute Woman. She’s proud of herself.
“Renee G” , class 3 Absolute Woman.
Absolute women together prepare to lift a mountain.
Aria says to antoher Absolute Woman of class 2 : “What’s up little one ? You’ll be able to speak to me as my equal when you’ll be as strong as me !”
That’s how Wonder Woman should be !
Abslolute woman Lolita : extremely young, but very dangerous because of her tremendous strength.
Another Kim’s appearence.
Kim has several appearences, but most of the time she’s the perfect tall sexy blonde with big breast, large butt and thick legs. She’s a mountain of femininity and power. Name: Kim alias “STRONG GIRL” Age : 22 Nationality : French-
Emmanuelle is one of the youngest Absolute Woman in the world. However this beautiful 15 yo child has an overdeveloped body that allow her to lift or press about 5.000 tons ! She completly unaware of her tremendous power.
Absoulte woman goes for some shopping.
So proud of her body, so proud of her power…
Name: Aria Age: 35 Nationality: American Height: 220 cm (7’2) Weight: 420 Kg (903 lbs) Power Level : Class 1 Goddess strength: She can lift 100.000 tons to 150.000 tons when she gets aroused. Alignment: Good Aria is the strongest woman of the universe.
Ludmila, Samantha and Aline, 3 Absolute women of class 2. Those women possess titanic strength and when they are together, they make a lot of destructions !
Absolute women are all proud of their powerful sexy bodies.
Absolute woman’s smile.
Absolute woman’s sexy and powerful calves.
Name: Cory Age: 35 Nationality: American Height: 217 cm (7’1) Weight: 498 Kg (1097 lbs) Power Level : Class 1 Goddess strength: She can lift 90.000 tons. Alignment: Neutral-Good One of the most powerful Absolute Woman in the world, Cory is a spectacular
Name: Courtney Age: 40 Nationality: American Height: 197 cm (6’5) Weight: 301 Kg (664 lbs) Power Level : Class 3 Colossal strength: She can lift or press 75 tons. Alignment: Evil
several people died after those deadly blow kiss because Absolute women often forget they are super human so a simple of their mouth kiss can be a hurricaine !
When Caroline blow you a kiss, you’re already dead beacause of the hurricaine wind she makes with her mouth.
Name: Monica Age: 28 Nationality: Italian Height: 230 cm (7’6) Weight: 384 Kg (847 lbs) Power Level : Class 3 Colossal strength: She can lift or press 100 tons. Alignment: Evil, dangerous. This shot was taken by a guy who have been killed by Monica
Name: Isia Age: 21 Nationality: Nederland Height: 223 cm (7’4) Weight: 351 Kg (773 lbs) Power Level : Class 3 Colossal strength: She can lift or press 110 tons. Alignment: Neutral
Name: Rosee Age: 39 Nationality: Spanish Height: 201 cm (6’7) Weight: 290 Kg (640 lbs) Power Level : Class 3 Colossal strength: She can lift or press 90 tons. Alignment: Good
Aria in her normal life, testing special 13.5 high heel shoes. Name: Aria Age: 35 Nationality: American Height: 220 cm (7’2) Weight: 420 Kg (903 lbs) Power Level : Class 1 Goddess strength: She can lift 100.000 tons to 150.000 tons when she gets
Introducing one of the most powerful Absolute Woman in the world… Nom : DANVER Prénom : Kim Sexe : féminin Pseudonyme: « STRONG GIRL » Née le : 01/01/1990 Age : 22 ans Lieu de naissance : Paris, France. Lieu de vie : Los Angeles,
Absolute Woman’s big butt and thick powerful legs.
That’s Absolute Woman’s butt !
peacepax: Crystal Let me play with rocks !
Very dangerous Absolute Women twin sisters. They kill people and destroy entire cities on their way.
Absolute Women love Absolute Women
Name: Sarah Age: 25 Nationality: British Height: 251 cm (8’2) Weight: 703 Kg (1549 lbs) Power Level : Class 1 Goddess strength: She can lift over 100.000 tons ! Alignment: Good “Does Aria’s got such beautiful massive boobs ? I don’t
American Patriot Absolute Woman.
Leanne is a colossal 1200 lbs Absolute Woman with titanic strength. She’s bending this heavy undestructible steel bar with no effort.
Name: Amber Age: 25 Nationality: German Height: 210 cm (7’10) Weight: 362 Kg (798 lbs) Power Level: Class 2 Titanic strength: She can lift 9.000 tons. Alignment: Neutral Amber is a beautiful blonde bimbo. She’s what we use to call a “dumb blonde".
Name: Audrey Age: 20 Nationality: Canadian Height: 241 cm (7’10) Weight: 500 Kg (1102 lbs) Power Level : Class 2 Titanic strength: She can lift 9.000 tons. Alignment: Neutral
This couch is too small for a 7'5 Absloute Woman !
Name: Carol Age: 25 Nationality: Brazilian Height: 211 cm (6’9) Weight: 380 Kg (771 lbs) Power Level : Class 2 Titanic strength: She can lift 10.000 tons. Alignment: Good Carol always use her super strength to help weaker people and fight crime.
Crystal Bottoms