Street art for the real, natural feminine beauty (
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24hourpartyboy: Sorrel -
achselhaare: 2brews: No shave November = all year Perfect!
stuffeddoggie: crochet bikini, armpit hair, summer day via internet k-hole
elspipadore: mygirlfund-events: MyGirlFund’s Kerfuffle has big beautiful and clear eyes. Help her shine in our contest by reblogging! Fantastic babe
deanup: seahorseintheforest: Can you handle it? Wish I can!
hairypitsclub: baby you are beautiful too
killerkurves: fecundcunt: Bra Fitting, 2013
shivajisen: Model:
siren-songs: After being teased about body hair my whole life and called hairy mclary, shaving daily… sometimes twice daily, I’ve realised not only am I not that hairy, but that it doesn’t matter being hairy because obviously the hair is meant
neath-the-marquee-moon: no shave november selfie???
girlslimee: i took a nap when i got home from work today so of course i am wide awake now
hippies-natural-armpits: Want see more hairy girls visit HERE
GirlPower! :)
besthairyarmpits: natural armpit
elspipadore: baretobush: Hey look, it’s a vagina! More specifically, it’s my vagina. And you know what? It’s pretty awesome. It’s an amazing, elaborate, wonderful, mysterious part of my body that I am not afraid of or ashamed of. My labia is
presidentwashington: youngsterjosh: boys aren’t supposed to wear dresses?
ofbirta-ofbirta: i may or may not smell like a horse
achselhaare: whoisjessicagrace: Just messin’ around Just thinking that this looks very nice.
iamthelittlefish: Burning Man 2013
just-carrion: kittenpits.
catnip-ple: letting my armpit hair grow out again and i feel like a majestic goddess already
actionboy: iloveoffmyunderarms
kelpfoot: Drunk Corey yay.
womanlyhairypitsoftheworld: How did this ever become unattractive? Back to nature everyone!
womanlyhairypitsoftheworld: I’m a little hairy - a bit of a unibrow, bushy arm pits - and I figured I could spend a lifetime defying that or embracing that. I shaved for a while, but ultimately decided that I prefer going au naturel. EXCELLENT :)
babycuts: <3 cute <3
sadwich: 296/365 yesterday. my bra broke so i had to go buy some new ones, i got this and one with polka-dots. also wanted to show off how long my cute armpit hair has grown.
radfembabe: Feminist babe here to subvert your gaze
deanup: priapia: Feminist armpit gif selfie! Beautiful
spookypuke: pjmix: **5505** (by 3cm) same
hairfarmers: achselhaare: Ich kann mich Riley nur anschließen: Achselhaare können sogar extrem sexy und sinnlich sein. Besonders wenn sie bei so einer hübschen Frau als Katalysator im positiven Sinn wirken. hanginround: armpit hair is sexy too
www-oobe: Laney
achselhaare: Without being nude a very intimate and personal photo. Thank you!
achselhaare: I totally agree. And by the way: you look absolutely cute! neuroticbaby: So, these are only a FEW of the tweets that were aimed towards me, for openly being a female with armpit hair. There are millions more that I may or may not post.
hairypitsclub: flowerpits ~ Lovin’ being a fuzzy thang. So charming :)
hairypitsclub: Hairy all over, cause fuck it. It helps weed out people who would be poor company anyway. And makes others reflect for a second, I can hope at least.
tastytrixie: From 2005
cloudyskiesandcatharsis: Iconic quotes about Art and Creativity
achselhaare: Liebe Mary, bedankt sich herzlich für das Bild, das Du hochgeladen hast. Mitmachen ist hier ausdrücklich erlaubt - bitte einfach oben auf “Submit” klicken!
amoxes: The Natural Lollipop girl Model: Begita I support women who don’t shave Hairy pits in art
hairywomenrock: Vintage Hairy Pits!! :)
flowersofgaia: Wish I still looked like this. Good weight, good size, fit and happy.
beijingercouple: pajarillo-is-dreaming: got 3 different coloured stretchy crop tops/ “comfort bras” that are great because they pretty much show my boobs and nipples as they are but just in pink and purple and blue :D oh baby… what boobs and
ohouidespoils: Osez garder vos poils si vous en avez envie : en réalité la plupart des gens s’en fichent, et ceux qui s’en formalisent ne méritent pas votre attention. Dites leur seulement qu’il s’agit d’un formidable détecteur de superficialité.