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WIP of Clouds on a commission, the line art is missing because it’s a surprise if you follow my FFXI DA
My new twin OC’s Cotton & Candy! Twin cat girls! I plan I guess on dressing them in sweet lolita fashions ect, I’m not sure exactly of their attire yet but it will be lots of frill. *edit* Matt talked me into giving Cotton glasses orz;
For my friend Jeremy, because he makes me laugh pretty damn hard, also… come on, elvaan men blm’s! {All right!} My two elvaan men twins! Azarashi and Dronzer, there will be fanart one day! Anyways I gotta finish his two commissions this
Ok I had to…
The only reason I watch this anime ok.
roi-chan: Lol Apparently China has it’s own virtual pop idol, which a lot of people are complaining is a cheap knock off of Miku. While I can’t say Japan owns pigtails, skirts, virtual idols or any of that, what I can say is omg that face. It looks
I will acquire the new One Piece game in November when it comes out in America. I will be playing as Boa as much as possible… I did however find out there is much fan service to be had… Also did you guys know, Matt got me a Boa figure!
I know it’s not much but this is for my friend Rachel who is going through a really tough time right now. I thought I would draw her something sweet and innocent of her FFXI character, I tried something new called ‘middle age character’
Your favorite FFXI area
So uhm!!!… Trying new things I sketched the face shape first rather than eyes… (^∇^); I think she came out cute, IA vocaloid! YAH! Also guys, I used that new scaled window technique, oh my GAWD-use it! I saw so many mistakes that I
Hey guys! I thought I would share this cool little tip I JUST learned! Basically as you draw so you can see the scaled version in real time as you draw! Cool right? Here’s how you can do it too! 1. Make sure your document window is not maximized.
More doodles, this was done after all my hard work on commissions today! A SeeU sakura version! Wieee so cuteee! Guys the great debate- do chibi’s look better with or without noses! I can’t decide but it seems the without noses is way cuter
MIKKKUUUU… Save me from my art block… orz; Wtf did I do before vocaloids?… Anyways, still trying to get used to drawing again BLAH! I have to get back into it so I can finish commissions and FINALLY— STOP THEM AND START ON
Just a doodle trying to get back into drawing… ARGHASGNAF… Yeah I know ;_; commissions… hard to work on them when I can’t even draw! ART BLOCK GO AWAYYY. Also I got this piece of armor today after leveling, It’s not great
Sum up your blog in one word.
Doodle of that… One dog thing… From that one anime…yeah
Commission progress, forcing this motivation into myself… FFFUUU Also for some reason I don’t want flat white teeth anymore, I want to give them depth! Will take a lot of practice I guess! Also orz;;; ignore the white around the eyes, I
ahhh my favorite thing to do right now hair shine and lip shine! It makes their lips SO soft and gorgeous! ;///;
Trying to get myself into art mode to finish commissions because I just don’t have motivation to draw at all really… Warm up quick Kaiko who is btw a official vocaloid people are telling me… I really think her design is cute otherwise
Here’s some close up’s of a picture I never posted, well I still have to finish the background, (obviously I think you can tell) but I stumbled across it today cleaning up my PC a bit and thought I’d share some close ups! I’ll
I guess I can post this now?… My designs for Sakura-con 2013 mascot, though I am not happy with any of these, I won’t inform you which one I used. (Though I do think the character is ADORABLE her basic design with hair style/colors and just
Something I doodled up for Dannychoo on Facebook! I saw they posted a tutorial on how to draw her here-> and I wanted to draw Mirai for a while now, cause she’s just flat
A gift I drew for Akashimo it’s a original character of mine. Lobo!
Gift for blackash! Shes my girl I can spaz about link to! n_n @BA: PFTTT. Naw. I’m sick and all shakey so my hands are super sketchyish! Glad you liked it though!!!
I was getting some paper and found these old original characters. Meet the witch of the candle night.
FLOWING HAIR… This is something I always have troubles with, so I’m working hard on it… Hopefully it turns out okay!
Just a little Miku chibi for your day, not sure I wanna sell these or not but they sure are fun!
Just some previews, I’ll be caught up with commissions soon enough! Then I’ll be taking on a fresh new batch full of special deals so please keep your eyes open ^^ It will only be for a limited time and first come first serve! (BTW it
WIP I think I’m getting a lot better with adding in other colors with the main hue I use. I really love the eyes! Now if I can add in different colors with the hair and clothes I’ll be golden! Also the eyes blurred off, I tried it thanks
Uhm! I started back on XI, and it’s quite enjoyable doing missions for Matt since he never beat any of the story lines, and we can duo everything, it’s fantastic! So anyways I just had to doodle this, it’s been in my mind forever relati
Commission WIP almost got another one finished beside this one, the DRK chibi is giving me a time though! I had to redo his body completely, but slowly getting along on that one!
Well here she is! Mascot revamped, in a style they want which is apparently very popular… It seems chibi’s in these styles are progressing, I saw Dannychoo using something similar. I really think she came out cute! I mean it might be another
More vocaloid stuffs for anime cons~ Cyber Neko Kaito here, I really like the design honestly, maybe I added a little ‘more’ for the fangirls haha.
This is rolling girl, but from the Project Diva game, now if you haven’t seen this version over the drawn video please go check it out =>! I didn’t know what to expect
A quick sketch to get this off my mind, of course… Another One Piece OC of mine, Elvoriah… possible link to => I don’t know it was a idea I wanted to get outta my head, ignoreee. I
My design for a website mascot! I hope they like it!
Doodled in PaintChat with Matt, a picture of Sora being all cute in her wedding gear, with her valentines day weapon! Bow down to her love!
Livestreaming in just a few moments! I know it’s late but I’m working on commissions! Stop by if you have some time! ^p^
I can’t really focus tonight just because of lack or sleep lately I don’t know why I have such a hard time sleeping earlier… ANYWAY! This is for a DA cosplayer- K-A-N-A I really enjoy all her cosplay’s she just has the cutest
Back to working on more commissions! I feel great as ever working on commissions! I feel so productive and tomorrow I have a interview at the staff place! Things seem to just keep getting better and better! Anyways back to commissions for the rest
I’m trying to keep my new years res. of coloring more! I doodled this earlier as a break in between commissions cause I been going on no fuel for a day. Shirahoshi from One Piece, she will eventually be my first cosplay in a shark costume!
So, I found out what helps my art blocks… Take a shitty old picture you did, and fix it up with how you’ve improved now! YEP! I drew this like a year or so ago?… Anyways, I fixed a LOT of stuff with the face, it was horrible. I added
Wolf girl OC I created in OC PaintChat with Matt! He really liked this for some reason, he said something about the lines had a traditional feel! I fuckin’ suck at OC lol… Slowly seeping out of this art block! ^p^
reblog if you dont have a bra on.
Touched up this junk because I didn’t like the angle I was going for I couldn’t do it without a up-skirt shot… Redid it and I think it looks okayish now.
I dunno a quick idea I had about luffy in a meat crepe, Matt was so poutsy when he found out they had meat crepes at the crepe kiosk we ate at in Seattle.
Mini chibi gift for Xaxi since he bought me a 12 month sub on DA for my Birthday… Thank you again what a big surprise when I got home for the holidays from Matt’s!
So here’s my first design for my OP character, she works at the palace for Boa Hancock the empress, she runs the ‘Boa Hancock’ fanclub on the island… and is literally Boa’s number one fan. She always carries a picture of
I made us romantic matching icons…