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beskt: Photograph by David Uzochukwu
beskt: Oil Painting by Robin Eley
clearthroat: i am not ok or comfortable with who i am i am no closer to accepting it.
joanneleah: Master of the Obvious.
twitter: birkinputa
A part of me has Died.
cupofcastiel: younger me: why am i so obsessed with gay people me now: i am a gay people
happy international women's day to the trans women who rarely ever get acknowledged as the genuine women they are
sittenlos: Im Endeffekt werde ich aus mir selber nicht schlau. Ich dachte, meiner selbst sei mir bekannt. So oft, wie sich meine Gedanken um mich drehen, so oft wie ich dachte, dachte und überdachte, immernoch denke, denke und mich überdenke, zerdenke.
anndemeulemeesterfanclub: @ walter van beirendonck fw16
hannahaltmanphoto: So in 1863 Édouard Manet created a painting called Olympia, which shows a nude woman laying on a bed. What makes this painting sick is that people FREAKED out because she was making direct eye contact with the viewer. Her gaze is
feminamorte: Psychout for Murder | Rossano Brazzi, 1969
bookfreaky: Androgynous Polish model, Bartek Borowiec.
sunday morning
sittenlos: WeHeartIt
sittenlos: I’ll take care of you von Lucie Zelená
sittenlos: by Bianca Serena Truzzi
im-so-dirty: instagram<<
lovingdomworld: Loose tied hands of my beautiful submissive. Sir R
docile sadist
sittenlos: unbenannt by Dear Pao,
sittenlos: venus (in our blood) by ♡ heartagram
eudaemonie: i want to rip my heart out
sittenlos: * by Lucy Zharikova
sittenlos: [ 01 / 365 ] Internal Forces by Daniel Serva
sittenlos: constellation by laura zalenga
sittenlos: knotted love [41] by laura zalenga
sittenlos: 14 by damontosa
sittenlos: unbenannt by Pommelien Koolen
sittenlos: Untitled by kersti__k
10derloin: blood oranges are pretttty
sick and tired of being sick and tired
fox-corner: Untitled by Wolf’s kurai
sittenlos: unbenannt by Kyle.Thompson
sittenlos: unbenannt by Martin Valentin Fuchs
sittenlos: little things by kitty’
sittenlos: Laura, by Claudio Oliverio by CLAUDIOOLIVERIO.COM
are you mine?