shittyhorsey: Witcher 3 Monster Pack 5 Griffin, Wyvern, Harpy, Nekker, Barghast, Arachnomorph, Elementals, Forktail, and Shaelmaar from Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt. Griffin, Wyvern, Forktail, Barghast and Arachnomorph ported fromMoggleoutfitter’s xnalara

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Animal Pack Animal models from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.Bear, wolf, pig, cow, three litte pig, oriole, crow, rooster and whale models. Multiple skins for the bear, wolf, cow, whale and pig models.Re-upload of Roach model

The Witcher 3 Character Pack 5 Source Filmmaker Models of Madam Sasha, Jutta an Dimun, young Ciri, Uma, Sara, Joachim von Gratz, Geralt in Yennefer’s underwear, plague doctors, novigrad soldiers, valdkaarl berserkers, ofieri warriors, mage, merch

Witcher 3 Monster Pack 5Griffin, Wyvern, Harpy, Nekker, Barghast, Arachnomorph, Elementals, Forktail, and Shaelmaar from Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt.Griffin, Wyvern, Forktail, Barghast and Arachnomorph ported fromMoggleoutfitter’s xnalara models.Multip