shinigami/otaku (
submit your pics
seiji-kun:Konosuba: kazuma understands
shycutieboobs:Morning stretch.
bunsen:she tried
voodooprincessrn:I AM GROOT
abduction:by David Schlaich
ocean man
mycherrycrush: MYCHERRYCRUSH.COM Go sign up to see all my newest videos and photos <3
lyssamaxiscute: sir-fucks-alot: anangryblack: dookiediamonds: ladytranquility: dookiediamonds: fuckyourstyl: dookiediamonds: nomynameisrollin: dookiediamonds: I hope black women had a good day today. I hope black women smiled today
his-lilmiss: I live to serve the worthy.
theropegeek: Learn More FAQ American Psychological AssociationGLAAD: Transgender FAQHRC: Resources for People With Trans Family Members Layout by TheRopeGeekText by TheRopeGeek and @cutestwhore TheRopeGeek is a straight cis
absentee blogger
cosplay-is-right: cosplayheaven69: Cosplayer: Jessica Nigri. Country: United States. Cosplay: Lucoa from Dragon Maid. Photos by: Fake Nerd Boy. I dont usually Post Jessica Nigri, but…..Lucoa
sosuperawesome: Ceramics by Shiyana of Ox and Otter on Instagram Follow So Super Awesome on Instagram
wobblies-and-puzzles: sheldon718:Look a here 😝😝😝😝 wIGGLY wOBBLIES & pRIVATE pUZZLES !!!
ampleboobscleavage:Diora Baird
One Night in Neo Kobe City
parks-and-rex: yoantoneo: ruinedchildhood: Where!? I want them soooo bad!!! YOU CAN BUY THEM ON AMAZON! USA CANADA INTERNATIONAL
Welcome to Hell
bellaxiao: Mad talent 😫 Her Twitter: ohsocerena Her IG: ohsocerena
yousing: (via 浴衣や着物姿の和美人二次娘画像をたんまりと | 唐墨速報)
from my eyes to yours
ohlucybear: ufo-the-truth-is-out-there: Humans Are Gross: Submission Agreed.
Hey, Disney Lovers!
lux-kiske: Character art by Daisuke Ishiwatari for Chain Chronicle.
aku-no-homu:シャリオ by artist たま (@sin05g)
studio-gt: Beast Boy just wants to be cuddled.
aisarenai: SINoALICE main characters.
i've moved to @ryuko
aku-no-homu: Akko is your force by artist Tin (@Tinzhang)
lalalalack: 本日発売Force of Will 「新世界童話 リ・アース」にて【守護の王剣 ゼロ】担当させていただきました!今回がゼロの最終段階ですね。今までのぶんも幾つか一緒に・・いっぱい描けて感慨深いキャラでした・・・
kenkamishiro:东京食尸鬼 by 小邪神 Permission to repost given by artist.
anime-to-the-t: 闇リー by 杜もりお
futureisfailed:[Fanime1111] kissaiさんのツイート: “버블검 크라이시스 2040 버젼 아스카~ 디비디 5번 표지 참고”
overbutts: Ana
carolgp:She’s my favourite❤
thedemonlady: awwww this part is very adorable ♥
kim-note:a반 이번에는 개성없이 평화롭게여행간거 세인트영멘으로 패러디한 사진들!
strangemonochromes: Berserk (ベルセルク) // Kentaro Miura
yandere-yandere: · えがお · ✨ by HxxG / ホン
8bitsaitama: @NEBU_KURO
sugaryrainbow: Marina & Pearl SplatsTwitter
memyselfandhate: iamonlydorb: sucysucyfivedolla: the inside of your butt is warm enough to hardboil an egg oh no I’m not falling for this one again what
mrwhiteishere: Kaho Shibuya
littleskyprincess: 🍭 tongue like licorice, lips like candy 🍭