The adult drawings of Shiin (
submit your pics
In one the patreon polls this simple idea of an Ino Dp came second, so I figured I could at least make a little something with it.Check out the patreon and stuff
kogeikun: Today January 26th 2015 is the second birthday of my dear Wendolin and her friends have organized a surprise party. I hope that turn many more.Thanks for all this time and I hope you enjoy the adventures of Wendolin much as I do. Party guests:
beach thingy
2 sketches i did a little while back
animation stuff
Elizbath and John
bleach, patron, brilliant benefactor reward, And hopefully you are having a good new year : )
patron pic from 2 months ago
well.. o_o
sketchy thingy, Paying for robb’s music lectures. I’m not quite sure why, but I blame you risax for inspiring a man to draw these goblin girls! ^^ I also made some kind of substitute for a forum,
bit of a quicker picture
Animation doodle, I started with something easy that i was familiar with. posted this a few weeks ago for the alturistic adjutant tier, started doodling on a blowjob animations yesterday, a lot more work, but kinda fun. I might have a rough something
femboysnstuff: teaser? but as mentioned in previous questions, don’t have time to set this up untill later this week, Now i will start working on the next elizabeth/john page and some other random updates, random info for those of you that might be
Guess I should post this patron pic, it has been a couple of months now so I think it’s only fair i make it public : )
shiinsart: femboysnstuff: something simpleshare/like if you care for these kinda things and i might consider selling/continuing some of these stuff in the future. Just puting this out there, created a tumblr for it, I’m still not sure about this,
sketch request, patron thingy. I forgett what the characters are named, I not good at digimon, sora, tai.. and..another guy o_o
a small 3 panel strip, penny streaming again