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There was another request for Vriska/Fef blackrom, though this is pretty mild. Kinda nice to just shitscribble for a change.
I doodled this when I did that Feferi lateral-titjob and figured someone might like it. Poor Eridan.
I just noticed a two year old Panty and Stocking R34 thread I made on /i/ is still alive. Kind of odd to think there’s only a two-year difference between those (my 2-year-old polished pinups hold up only slightly better). Looking at the old one
Another commission from the sale. For being the student of a brilliant sorcerer and an accomplished pyromancer, Rosabeth comes across as fairly… dim. (⌐■_■) Came out tamer than I intended, giant veiny cock notwithstanding.
Another commission sale piece, this time for Donggong Rumpus! Dangly Rudepus Dangan Ronpa - I still need to play/read/whatever this series. Mainly ‘cause I like the character designs. This should’ve been done last night, but I couldn’t
That’s getting a little metaphysical for me.
The third from the commission sale: Carol and Trent from the webcomic Leftover Soup! I’ve done plenty of webcomic commissions and fanart before, but I have to say that this is the first requested by the artist themselves.
First of the commission sale! Cerebella getting spitroasted by Eliza’s mooks Albus and Horace.
Windranger is the superior qt3.14 ranger.
Well here’s what I’ve been busy with the last 2 weeks: A 15 page comic for the Monster Anthology: Demon Edition! It’s about a ronin and an oni, just so I could make a terrible title. This is also why Bibliophilia was thrown on the backbu
A commission of arcade Sona from LoL. I’m sorry League, I… I’m a DOTA player, now.
Mel’s meant to come across, superficially, as a stereotypical, annoying anime fangirl to pester Mia as her roommate, as Mia’s half Japanese. Mia is the opposite - I wanted to draw a sexy librarian, but I purposely wanted to avoid the stereotyp
It is done. (belatedly)
The title is definitely because Mia works as a librarian, but the focus was never intended to be on that aspect. I’ll be doing more scenes in the library later, though. But all in all it’s one of those titles that is only tangentially relat
I’ve been experimenting with coloring styles for the Monster Anthology. I think I’m gonna go with this, so here’s a preview of part of the first page!
My near-decade-old Wacom tablet finally gave up the ghost. RIP IN PEACE Hurry along, new, baby tablet from China. You cannot arrive soon enough.
I wanted to draw this, but midway I wanted to play videogames more, so take this 5 minute shit scribble for the time being.
bibliophilia-comic: Part 06 - Page 03 I’m still messing around with line weight. I think my lines were getting way too big on the previous page, so I went to the opposite end, haha. There’s a larger size if you click. Another reblog from the Bibliophili
bibliophilia-comic: I finally decided on starting a Tumblr for Bibliophilia, so here it is! In the future I’ll pretty it up with actual buttons and a character page and whatnot. If you haven’t read it at all, this is the first page of the 6th chapter.
THIS GUY KNOWS WHAT’S UP. Hopefully this gives you some [ Sticky white stuff ] Also her voice actress is showing up again in Bloodborne, so that’s neat.
SURE. I don’t even really like Priscilla (Maiden in Black is the only acceptable ‘Souls waifu), but here, take a buncha sketches. I’d recommend opening the sketches in a new tab so that Tumblr doesn’t squish the fuck outta them.
A 3-page Spiral Knights b/w comic commission based off of this ancient drawing. Comic commissions are always fun to do! I feel like I’m in my element.
I’ve been working on stuff I can’t post on here for a while, so here’s a commission I did a few weeks ago but never got around to posting. It’s the commissioner’s OC and the chick from the Queen of Beers album by Sonic Pulse.
A comic commission of Kneesocks and Brief from Panty and Stocking. I didn’t care when Evangelion screwed with its viewers, but teasing a second season of Panty and Stocking that won’t ever come was going too far, Gainax!
Aha, so there you go. I didn’t know non-members could do it. But it looks like if you edit your filtered items you should be able to see it!
I just noticed this doodle was sitting in my sketch folder for months(?). Speaking of which, I’ve finally started reading Part: 6. (Part 4 is still my favorite)
Hey folks, I’m reopening commissions now that I’m settled in after moving! Basic pay info is as you see it on the image. I take payment through Paypal (just don’t mention specifically what it is in the Paypal note). CLICK HERE FOR MY
I’ve been meaning to draw something for James for quite a while. The dude’s improved by such leaps and bounds over just the year or so I’ve been following him that it’s a constant inspiration. Check out his stuff! Steph’s
monsteranthology: COME ON, COME ALL, TO THE LEGENDARY DEMONIC RITUAL KNOWN AS KICKSTARTER TO HELP FUND THE MONSTER ANTHOLOGY: DEMON EDITION! The Monster Anthology is a series of books dedicated to all things Monster people! The Demon Edition is the 2nd