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Hold Me Tight As I Surf Your Waters.
leslieseuffert: Kim Keever (NYC) Across The Volumes
piercednip: 19!
Romantic Pornography
Dreamer girl.
Mulheres são tão safadas quanto homens, a única diferença é que mulheres de verdade escolhem os momentos corretos para mostrar esse lado.
x-three: Love, Sensual n’ Romance blog ← More ♥
heyfunniest: Best Kiss Cam.
artinwords: collapsed: this should be the way to observe animals, not with them locked up in cages. this plays with ur mind Someone would still manage to get eaten and ruin it for the rest of us
Tiger at rest early morning
2-spook: Just in case
paradisevogue: ♛
oomshi: i’m blonde, i’m skinny, i’m rich & i’m a little bit of a bitch
yelloweyedcrowley: things that totally 100% happened in s9 → 16/23
foxmouth: To Walk In Wildflowers 2013 Danielle Hughson
Quando você cair na rua finja que morreu que ninguém irá rir de você.