18 Fun, Laid Back, And Open Minded (seansoldier00.tumblr.com)
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International Space Station Transits Saturn #nasa #apod #iss #internationalspacestation #saturn #planet #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “Dragon 2 Propulsive Hover Test” http://youtu.be/07Pm8ZY0XJI
This is some good ass beer! #fistmas #holidayale #revolutionbrewing
Liked on YouTube: “The X-Files Theme Song (With Lyrics!) - Loot Crate January 2016 Theme Video” http://youtu.be/V21RVjE3qnY
The View Toward M101 #nasa #apod #comet #catalina #c2013us10 #dust #iontails #spiral #galaxy #ursamajor #universe #intergalactic #interstellar #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Someone is cold, melted cat, lol
Stars and Globules in the Running Chicken Nebula #nasa #apod #stars #star #molecular #gas #dust #ic2944 #runningchicken #nebula #molecularclouds #thackerays #globules #galaxy #universe #space #science #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “Megan Boone Sexy Legs and Upskirt” http://youtu.be/Kvr-CTkLxlE
Liked on YouTube: “Ariana Grande Sexy Interview Upskirt Legs” http://youtu.be/i-pbO0K7VKM
Liked on YouTube: “Natalie Portman upskirt, sexy legs on late show” http://youtu.be/RRbZhfNP5A8
Liked on YouTube: “Jessica Alba Sexy Upskirt and Sexy Legs” http://youtu.be/9afuaqM1ayk
Liked on YouTube: “Top 5 Brutal Facts About Getting Shot” http://youtu.be/f1qvvD8N17c
Liked on YouTube: “Top 10 Disappointing Deaths of Great Characters” http://youtu.be/Cxb7_f2SfCY
This is so true!!! Lol 馃挵
A Dark Sand Dune on Mars #nasa #apod #jpl #caltech #mars #planet #sand #dune #curiosity #rover #probe #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Thanks for the Love @tiny_g_nina!!!
Proxima Centauri: The Closest Star #nasa #apod #esa #hubble #telescope #satelite #spacecraft #proxima #centauri #proximacentauri #star #interstellar #space #science #astronomy
So @loudennnn! 馃槀
Dr Who?
Liked on YouTube: “JJ’s Enterprise re-design makes sense? Maybe it does? New Evidence.” http://youtu.be/3KKhV-TmJY0
The “other” cockblock!
Wright Mons in Color #nasa #apod #apl #pluto #planet #dwarfplanet #wrightmons #ice #volcano #cryovolcano #newhorizons #probe #spacecraft #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “PTZ Camera Installation and Setup.mp4” http://youtu.be/lD8O8GCyjj4
Infrared Portrait of the Large Magellanic Cloud #nasa #apod #esa #jpl #caltech #stsci #largemagellaniccloud #satellitegalaxy #cosmic #dust #herschelspaceobservatory #spitzerspacetelescope #dwarfgalaxy #universe #intergalactic #space #science #astronomy
Nipple Tato! Lol
Liked on YouTube: “Merry Model X-mas” http://youtu.be/PPQ67VVpsZs
Prometheus and the F Ring #nasa #apod #prometheus #moon #satellite #saturn #rings #fring #cassini #spacecraft #probe #solarsystem #space #science #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “3 Australian Girls Singing Bohemian Rhapsody in the Car” http://youtu.be/wwnFK3RvngU
Earthset from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter #nasa #apod #earth #moon #lro #planet #satelite #lunarreconnaissanceorbiter #solarsystem #earthset #space #science #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “VertiGo - A Wall-Climbing Robot Including Ground-Wall Transition” http://youtu.be/e9P9_QM8cN8
Having a good time enjoying some beautiful company!!! Best Club around! (at Cabaret Lounge)
Liked on YouTube: “HELL’S CLUB.MASHUP/MOVIE.OFFICIAL.AMDSFILMS.” http://youtu.be/QajyNRnyPMs
Liked on YouTube: “Taylor Swift - Out Of The Woods” http://youtu.be/JLf9q36UsBk
Liked on YouTube: “F-35C Completes First Arrested Landing aboard Aircraft Carrier” http://youtu.be/STVAM85y3i0
Happy New Year 2016!!!! #happynewyear #2016 (at Chelsea, Massachusetts)
My neighbor brought me crack sip! Soo good!
Happy New Year’s Eve Everybody!!! Be safe!!! (at Chelsea, Massachusetts)
Liked on YouTube: “效孝袨 袘校袛袝孝, 袝小袥袠 袩袨袛袞袝效鞋 10 000 袘袝袧袚袗袥鞋小袣袠啸 袨袚袧袝袡!” http://youtu.be/W55b4BcCPM4
Liked on YouTube: “Ice Bucket Challenge Gone Wrong - Ice Bucket Challenge Fail” http://youtu.be/OPSJwWciWZM
Liked on YouTube: “Sexy girl ALS Ice Bucket Challenge” http://youtu.be/n8b-Ez5JDok
Solstice Sun at Lulworth Cove #nasa #apod #sun #star #winter #solstice #lulworthcove #england #solarsystem #science #space #astronomy
Liked on YouTube: “SLIP | @PhillipChbeeb & Renee Kester | @ElliotMossMusic” http://youtu.be/qk00gbDwGqM
Liked on YouTube: “Falcon 9 First Stage Landing | From Helicopter” http://youtu.be/ZCBE8ocOkAQ
Liked on YouTube: “Valkyrie: NASA’s Superhero Robot” http://youtu.be/IE-YBaYjbqY
Liked on YouTube: “2015 World Synchro Champs SP Team Canada 1” http://youtu.be/NJuY1C4Q-N0
Liked on YouTube: “Demi Lovato Covers Adele’s "Hello” | Seattle’s Fall Ball" http://youtu.be/9PUMKYhoLRQ
Liked on YouTube: “Young housewife (epic downblouse)” http://youtu.be/vbp3bM_m01w
Liked on YouTube: “Harmonica + Beatbox” http://youtu.be/oE1HDmaAW4A
Liked on YouTube: “stickStoff - Bucket drum - 2012” http://youtu.be/arKMUNfq7pQ
Liked on YouTube: “UPDATE: Homeless ‘piano man’ gets makeover” http://youtu.be/gt5H-pSsyiM
Liked on YouTube: “Interview with Donald Gould the Morning After His Viral Video!” http://youtu.be/O3wb-Yt1V9Y
Liked on YouTube: “Amazing Girl Drummer Does BIGBANG - Fantastic Baby Street Performance” http://youtu.be/yC-Rt0TXnOY
Liked on YouTube: “Homeless Man Plays Piano Beautifully (Sarasota, FL) (ORIGINAL)” http://youtu.be/JCguq3hTC2M
Liked on YouTube: “AMAZING street performers make puppet come to life !” http://youtu.be/iIYzmKJs-gc
Liked on YouTube: “Child challenges the best dancer in the world and humiliates him” http://youtu.be/_l38qapc3rA
Liked on YouTube: “Dude Sits Down At Public Piano…. Gives it a Schoolin” http://youtu.be/f8xmSlMb1dg
Liked on YouTube: “Wattyl Drum Kit” http://youtu.be/UUoIIOIcV8A