I'm Bi-sexual, So no one's safe. (schoutt.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
Yup ._.
Yea…this is me and all my friends lol
Awesome haha
scifi-fantasy-horror: Abe Sapien by Jason Shawn Alexander Octo man?
traperkeeper: TRAPer Keeper Yes ples….
yea boys. ;]
Never liked Boarderlands a lot but i always thought Zero was a cool Character. Boarderlands is just to repeative for me.
Prettyness. Love color like this in action shots
More Wallpapers! Cause I’m bored as shit. I have a lot of random ones thanks to lurking on /B/
Does this acutally work on here?
Emblem i made forever for my channel. Name is 3 Guns Down. Any better ideas for an emblem, considering this is somewhat old.
What did the Printer ever do to you? D:
I miss Teen Titans. Such a large part of my child hood.
An ex of mine drew this for me about 2 years ago. Still hangs on my wall just cause it’s beautiful.
LMFAO love his satire
Waking up with Black Ops 2 then Onto Halo!
Name em all and you get a cookie! :D
superherosquad: Lydia’s comic book babe list:↔Wade Wilson/Deadpool One of my favs.
Now this is just beautiful
YUP! So many pretty girls i know are such bitchs
Live Streaming Halo 4!
aurlthisfancydeservesamedal: Making a Giantdad build, can’t wait to get through Anor Londo after work so I can buy green titanite shards and my armor Never did a GiantDad build, loved Havel the Rock builds, I did do Eastern Traverl Builds though,
So excited for DS 2, till then ill just keep playing this. Not that it’s a bad thing.
I few of my favorites. Techno kitty, The cyborg twins, the Legal lady, and the clock like one. My friend doesn’t like the legal lady, i think that is extremly sexy though. No idea why. Maybe because it’s just a massive tease.
Dumping more wallpapers for everyone. Sorry if there are a few repeated, i have forgotten what i previously posted and dont feel like looking all of them back up.
Wow… You know it’s been a long time since I’ve felt like this for something. Ever since my last ex i just haven’t felt much in my heart. You know that hole you feel that goes away over time, or that swelling that makes you feel
My rant about the Global Championship
Time by Hans Zimmer. One of the most beautiful pieces i have ever listened too. Really touches a few places in my heart
hipster-emo-cuties: http://bit.ly/12m2ble Hah.
Love this. Possibly my favorite series of games
Woah now.
no idea what this is but it’s gorgeous.
Creepy yet frightening
Love tribal tattoo’s that have more of an exotic flare too them. They are sexy on anything!
I find this strangly artistic…
Love wolves. I want a Siberian Huskie.
avataku: thesongofhealing: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood surely is ironic. oh the beautiful irony.
scifi-fantasy-horror: by Bulgarov Vitaly
vroom-and-doom: Pagani Huayra interior Love this car.
shooting-star-hentai: WF2013[夏]【コトブキヤ】超アフターレポート!!② http://amba.to/18IeqIW
Just thought id share a few pictures of myself cause i’m a faggit like that.
Yea…thats nice.,
damn, her chest must hurt.
Decided to do all the colorful ones together
More wallpapers. Help meh decide!