The Silent Girl (
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frankydagostino: Danielle Brooks & Samira Wiley on Celebrity Girl Crushes
hotllamasex: derekstilinski: #favorite character out of all television characters ever seriously he literally just moved from drake and josh to icarly he didn’t need to change at all
Hi there
stupid-fucking-rope: shagmestyles: There’s a drunk guy outside singing What Makes You Beautiful to a tree. So I opened my window and played the actual song and he just got so happy. He looked at the sky and yelled, “You’re beautiful too, Jesus.”
lepreas: once a slayer, always a slayer
bludgeoner: hey guys so i ran into a huge wad of cash recently (i promise i didn’t rob a bank or anything) and i wanted to do something nice here’s what you will win (all items will be brand new and in their original boxes/packages) a hand written
Pristine And Pouty
justus-chan: legendxofxzach: One time during my freshmen year of college I forgot to do a history paper that was worth 20% of my grade and the teacher didn’t accept late work, so I waited until the professor handed back the papers and angrily asked
shut up and let me see your jazz hands
blindthoughts: The wisdom/common sense of some of the youth truly gives me hope. Wow, I’m gonna keep this in the back of my head.
not-blonde: Winona Ryder in high school “I was wearing an old Salvation Army shop boy’s suit. As I went to the bathroom I heard people saying, ‘Hey, faggot’. They slammed my head into a locker. I fell to the ground and they started to kick the
SpongeBob SquarePants
I'm The Toughest Girl I Know...
cosplay-gamers: The Wild Thornberrys Marianne Thornberry by Tascha Dearing Nigel Thornberry by Joshua Walker Photos by Sophie Keen, ZeroKing2010, and So Say We All
tastefullyoffensive: [gporafk]
I don't need you to "save" me
ultrafacts: Source For more facts follow Ultrafacts
earloffabulousness: When i was little i wanted to grow up to be a disney princess but im pretty sure i just became Yzma
brynndowney: AND AGAIN
moriarqt: i feel like tina and louise from bob’s burgers are both me because on one hand this is me in many ways but this is also me Yes!
Enjoy yummy food? this blog is for you!
thatfunnyblog: The American collegiate system in one gif set
pathetic but aesthetic
thewordsofclayton: sirtarantino: a guy walked into the board room and said “hi sweetheart if you could fix me up a coffee real quick im meeting with the regional reports manager in like five minutes, thanks darling” and i just stared at
resist this urge
pleatedjeans: 20 Pet Owners Who Are Doing it Right
stuartsometimes: I warned you
bookoisseur: therealehimetalorunuabona: meinefluchderzeit: animals with albinism - Real life Shiny Pokémon That snake is gorgeous.
cisles: Hey guys I’d never thought I’d do this but I really need your help. In the pictures above is my best friend Ryan. Ryan has a semi-severe case of autism and he has severe epilepsy. Yesterday around 7pm he had an epileptic seizure in the pool
ratedpg10: A WIZARD!
nocturnalriots: Saint Bernard puppies: (x)
shelliebellieee: Today I was having a bad day at work. So my friend took me to the pet store on our break for some instant antidepressant.
buzzfeed: Kitty Forman: best mom or best mom?
6. I have to organise items by colors ,numbers, and chronological order.
hello beautiful xx
quotelounge: Everything Love
victorious: More Here!
blondiepoison: Piper Chapman + names
prettygirlfood: Easy Apple Dumpings 2 large baking apples or 3 medium. Granny Smith recommended. 2 cans Crescent Rolls (8count) 2 sticks butter 1 1/2 cup sugar….I use a little less if I’m using a sweeter apple than Granny Smith. 1 teas vanilla
tarzanna: tell it girl
punkrockluna: i always love this part because it means that maleficent had to be like “haha ok i’m gonna cover her with my cape and when they go WHERE IS SHE i’ll be like BOOM TADA”
natalie-dormers-smirk: You bet your sweet ass she does.
omfgsid: My 4 year old brother told me he was scared to grow up and cried for like 10 minutes straight finally I asked why he was so scared and he said he was scared of drinking coffee coffee
evabadon: “when women wear makeup they’re basically lying to us” well i don’t see why i’m being blamed for a man stupid enough to really think i have red and gold eyelids
jewist: so i updated that orange is the new black offense thing bc it was kind of inaccurate and i added some of my faves ok here