Blog: Followers Likes = Confusion

tags: hondaparts, civiceg, honda, newparts, hondaheads, ej1, builtnotbought, hondacivic, nwp4life, egcoupe, civicparts, hondalife, checkerdsports, crashbar, ej2
My View At The Moment… #CheckerdSports #Honda #CivicEG #CrashBar For The #EJ1 #EJ2 #HondaCivic #EGcoupe #BuiltNotBought #NewParts #CivicParts #HondaParts #NWP4Life #HondaLife #HondaHeads Thanks To My @channy_francis For Supporting My Lifestyle
tags: hondaparts, civiceg, honda, newparts, hondaheads, ej1, builtnotbought, hondacivic, nwp4life, egcoupe, civicparts, hondalife, checkerdsports, crashbar, ej2