The Care and Feeding of Magical Creatures (
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Now that there are more characters in the story, I’ve added a “Show Speaker Names” option in the left-side menu to help disambiguate who’s saying what for readers who don’t like to do so via fonts.
[This post is intended for people who’ve already read Magical Creatures, and contains minor spoilers. If you haven’t read the story, I recommend you skip this and just dive in.]So I’ve gone and rewritten most of Magical Creatures. It&rsq
!!WORLDBUILDING SPOILERS FOR MAGICAL CREATURES AT THE LINK!! I’ve posted a creation myth for the Magical Creatures multiverse on my AO3: The Five Pointed Star.
I’m actively working on the next updates to Magical Creatures. While you’re waiting for the next chapter, check out reader Jackie Madra’s wonderful story I’ll Be What You Want, set in the Magical Creatures universe.If that doesn’t satisfy
sorensfw: …with a bang and a whimper. @sadehall and @sorentycho have already been suppressed from search results. If they get deleted entirely while I’m logged out as part of the protest over the next 24 hours, find me in one of these places: Mastodon:
sorensfw: The BlackMirror Aethereal Edition Beta for web and mobile is now live, bringing BlackMirror to anything that runs a recent version of Chrome! Until Dropbox approves me for production, only the first 500 users can connect, so check it out
sorensfw: There’s a lot of panic running around my dash today about various people’s blog’s getting arbitrarily deleted, and noone seems to know what’s happening (if, actually, anything). There is most certainly something happening, and it’s
sorensfw: BlackMirror I don’t just write porn, I write programs. This is one I’ve been writing for a while now, and which I use to keep my personal journals, do divination and spirit work, and write Magical Creatures. It’s free and open-source
The rewrite of IV.2 is coming along nicely. While you’re waiting, here’s a commission of Blueeyes’ pet (as seen before losing her clothes in Limbo) done by the wonderful and talented .
Read it here. Alternate chapter title: Coherent Equestrated Volition Alternate chapter title: Shader Model Alternate chapter title: Come on Cutie Inspirational music for this chapter: I guess I can start announcing chapters on FiMFiction now.
Read It Here. Alternate chapter title: Extended Edition Alternate chapter title: Tutorial Dungeon At 20,000 words, this is the longest chapter of Magical Creatures yet. Inspirational music for this chapter: This update also includes a few small
I’ve just changed a pretty major section in Just Who The Hell, about halfway through, at the part that was formerly a supposed origin story for the succubi. Search for “tarot” in the page to jump right to it.
The next chapter and finale of Part III is up: Toys Not Tools. “These are your presents,” was the answer, “and they are tools not toys. The time to use them is perhaps near at hand. Bear them well.” – C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and
Ephemeral is writing a really wonderful and fun fanfiction about the borderlands of the Garden: The Cultivation and Nurturing of Nymphatic Beings.
Read it Here “He had turned into a dragon while he was asleep. Sleeping on a dragon’s hoard with greedy, dragonish thoughts in his heart, he had become a dragon himself.” – C. S. Lewis, Voyage of the Dawn Treader Chapter title
I’m trying something: updating in the middle of a chapter. Read the first 3000 words of chapter III.7 here. Update: the chapter is now complete and renamed to Mirror Moment.
Read here ALL NEW and REWRITTEN FROM SCRATCH. This is the first completely new chapter since retconpocalypse. Chapter title is from the infamous Fifty Shades of Grey quote “I’m not a Hearts and Flowers kind of guy”. Content notes:
Chapter III.5: Wake the Cutie Chapter title from the trope, of course, and BE’s pet’s actions with certain things in the chapter. Alternate chapter title: Breakfast (named for the Newsboys song) That’s right folks, I’m back
That one fantasy with all the ribbons and the wrapping paper thing, from The Sword of Good (true story: this image scrolled across my dashboard literally the week after I wrote that sentence, and I hadn’t shared it with anyone yet). This seems
Status: Author still alive: yes Authorial existential crisis: 0% complete Rewrite of chapter III.5: 0% complete Rewrite of chapter III.6: 0% complete
Authorial existential crisis due to protagonist experience: -80% complete Next chapter: 90% complete Omake #1: 96% done
Next chapter: 80% done Omake #1: 95% done Omake #2: 100% done 90% edited Authorial existential crisis due to protagonist experiences: -14% complete
UPDATE: Chapter III.6 is down for rewrites. Coming back soon. Read Here “One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.” - C. G. Jung Chapter title is of course from the first Chronicle
Next chapter is 100% complete, 97% edited (YES HOLY FUCK EDITING) Next next chapter is 85% complete Omake #1 is 85% complete Omake #2 is 100% complete 0% edited Author existential crisis due to protagonist experiences is 5% complete. Gratitude to all
UPDATE: Chapter III.5 is down for rewrites. Coming back soon. Read here Chapter title is of course from the framing-story portion of that great Hollow Heart favorite The Princess Bride. Importantly related this week is the sidestory Monster in the
Things in progress: New chapter is 100% done and to be posted tonight. Omake #2 is 50% done. Omake #3 is 100% done 0% edited.
maracolleenbanks: In honor of the full moon, I’m releasing a new story. It’s inspired by Lorelei (a water spirit from German folklore) and infused with moonlight. Coming to Pandemonium: Lorelei Enjoy! PS I’ve made a new site just for my fiction.
New chapter is 80% ready. Omake #2 is 40% done. More soon.
I know a lot of people liked this story, but it doesn’t belong on the Magical Creatures newsblog. A post explaining why may or may not be coming soon.
The new chapter is 75% ready, and I have two omake in progress. More updates as they’re ready.
The new chapter is coming, soon.
“I have come home at last! This is my real country! I belong here. This is the land I have been looking for all my life, though I never knew it till now…Come further up, come further in!” ― C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle Read Here Inspirational
Read Here Alternate chapter title: And a Thousand Thousand Alternate chapter title: Awash
there’s a reason they call it falling in love Read Here Inspirational music for this chapter: Mara is has a new chapter of her serial that’s set in the same continuity as Magical Creatures up. Warning: SFW
All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has read… -C.S. Lewis, The Last Battle Chapter Title is
Alternate Chapter Title: Falling With Style Stay tuned to this newspost over between now and Saturday for more updates and end-of-part-II bonus materials. UPDATE: bonus materials were promised. Bonus materials shall be DELIVERED. Read the chapter here
“…Lyra I summon and bind you here!” —and there’s a blur and something rushes through me and out of my hand and with a bamf of displaced air Lyra’s bound, her grin turned surprised and lusty with widened eyes at finding my fingers firmly
Now I Can't Get Down
Real soon. …you didn’t think I’d let Ostara’s feast go by without birthing something did you? In the meantime, check out a minorly-spoileriffic sidestory over at r/rational.
I realize it’s been a bit without an update, but this project is not abandoned. Rather the opposite, in fact. Stay tuned for an update within the next week.
It’s been a while without an update, but the story’s not over. Look for more chapters as soon as this Friday. Slightly more info here:
Did he smile his work to see? Did he who made the Lamb make thee? – William Blake Read Here By popular demand, referenced websites will now be linked here: Scarleteen was mentioned previously and is Important. I think we all know
sorentycho: Okay, now that the latest chapter is up, I can get back to cleaning up the Pandemonian creation myth that’s a crossover with The Little Mermaid for publication. Yes really. Stay tuned.
Read Here “Fiction writing is the art of sailing a ship through someone else’s dreams. The skill is not in convincing the reader the ship would be physically capable of sailing. It’s in making a ship so beautiful the reader will want
I didn’t post any notifications for Part I or Chapter II.1, since these were all posted at once, and so here in this big post are the newsposts for those chapters. Eat Cute “The only thing that can go wrong with wish fulfillment is the failure
“Love is stronger than death, many waters cannot quench love. Even Rivers and Seas at once cannot wash it away.” -Inscription found above the Hollow Heart Abyss, Charybdis’ Breath region Read it here:
And so it begins, two years and one day after the first words were written down. “The only thing that can go wrong with wish fulfillment is failing to show gratitude by acknowledging that that’s what it is.” -Mara No seriously go
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