purple Flurp (s-m-dm.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
I’m going to meet someone I love very much for the first time today.
Sundays are the Worst
ks-iph: marks that don’t require broken blood vessels
picaet: sans titre by Lina Scheynius on Flickr.
picaet: Nurk2011_12_04p by Kaarel Nurk on Flickr.
picaet: sans titre by T E R C I O P E L O on Flickr.
picaet: G by Silvia Lavinia Segantin on Flickr.
telapathetic: come into bed and listen to the rain with me
felibre: 64/365 by ~Abby on Flickr. The day that we injected food coloring into fertile eggs at work to make rainbow chicks. Then a coworker stamped my hand with ink that turned out to be permanent.
uh oh trouble
fables of the reconstruction
mpdrolet: Iceland Loïc Le Quéré
sickpage: Miranda Lehman
elisemesner: Elise Mesner Photography 2014 Madalyn Knebel / Oranges
clubmink: i love plants
oxane: Instant Facelift
sarsenet: shlohmo: SF + NY shows All ages. More dates soon… 🌹❤️🌹 sofia lets go to the ny show????????? fuck no it’s 18+ literally kill me
dasviceroy: My Kind of Woman
draw me lyek 1 of ur french gurls
picaet: cynthia e.wood
untrustyou: Mary Caroline Needham
picaet: POLAR BEARS: Members of a local winter swimming club Alexander Klyukin, left, and Vladimir Korabelnikov swam in the Yenisei River during their weekly session in the town of Divnogorsk, Siberia, Friday. The temperature was around minus 22 degrees
picaet: vanessa milde
picaet: sans titre by imyourglamorouscat on Flickr.
hifas: Duplo PousarHélio Fervenza
finally developed some old disposables christmas 2k13
I love you, Amaka.
chahooo: Follow Chahooo for pure streetfashion and clothing giveaways soon.
ohverytired: In Iceland
marceljcastenmiller: Photographed by Ryan McGinley.
ervehea: Hand Sewn portraits by David Catá
dasviceroy: spin ache
wetpoetry: mercury is soooo fucking cool
Dirty Bangs
modernhepburn: Skin.
Welcome 2 the party
sad happy
unabide: Except by Suppose Design