Untitled (richardaz.tumblr.com)
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Oh My!!! This man is HOT. I have to wonder what that COCK would look like with a hard on…like mine is doing now :)
Now that’s a pair of underwear I could get nose and tongue into. My fetish in life
What a view. So many ideas of what to do with that COCK.
beardedfuckingman: For more check out http://beardedfuckingman.tumblr.com and don’t forget to follow! Damn that’s HOT. Nice thick and creamy load
chrisprinalo: Pink. You look great on your new NP jock but I think you look amazing HOT wearing PINK or is it that amazing SMILE. I’m going with the smile. ADORABLE
Then ask for more
I sniff that hand
briefs6335: Just getting out of bed. No morning wood today. Bummer Would really enjoy helping you on this bummer
phdrsme: Quick cum shot Great cum shot. I could taste it now. Amazing COCK
wht-brfs-philly: Planning to post more…I have a huge collection of old school briefs…just getting started… Great Photo!!! Can’t wait to see More
Sexy Man!!!
hangingnaked: Follow me at hangingnaked.tumblr.com! Amazing View
rednecktrashymen: Love a man with dirty fingernails Wasn’t looking at the fingernails look at that COCK
Now that’s a view. Wish you weren’t any underwear for this one photo… White is the color of the day
contryboy48: 51 and still goin strong. And still going strong (60)
grimeandsmells: First load on a skiddy wet pair of whites. Gonna really dirty these up until the recipient is happy with the build up. Love watching you jerk off Great load. Would like to know more about the red pair you’re sniffing while jerking
phdrsme: All soft Amazing what that little pair of HOT underwear is able to hold. Love your cock….hard or soft
Now that’s a view I enjoy waking up to.
queersean68: Packing - October 27, 2015 Undressed like that I would definitely help him move
I want a sock!!
What a great view. He needs to move his hand
Damn, look at that COCK
watson84: brandito890: Got the warehouse office to myself again. So I painted the floor :) He is so freaking sexy Now that’s what I call ART
Great underwear photos. Damn HOT
A perfect 10. So HOT
What makes the blog so HOT is knowing what you look like, first off nude and then in your tight whities, then seeing you dressed up. I have this secret I know what you look like
restroomsnaps: ;-) Look at that sexy ass I am, I am and it’s amazing
I have to say I like you out of your underwear ;)
briefs6335: Wednesday morning 5:00 am. Early flight today. Need to have my coffee So HOT and at 5:00 AM. So HOT
thenerdybadboy: Snap chat fun Follow - www.thenerdybadboy.tumblr.com Pornhub - www.pornhub.com/users/Thenerdybadboy Amazon Wish List - www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/2FYJFL9I3BQC4 Instagram - larrythenerd Amazing COCK
What a view
What a large coffee cup
stmax51: Had to take care of business this morning before getting out of bed.
briefs6335: Tuesday in blue and pink Looking good wearing blue and pink, mighty good
briefs6335: Expect the unexpected Dame you look hot
gaeh79: Guauu So moist and juicy. Would love to taste all that precum
thenerdybadboy: Lost 5 lbs!!! So naturally I’m gonna take some nudies Follow - www.thenerdybadboy.tumblr.com Pornhub - www.pornhub.com/users/Thenerdybadboy Amazon Wish List - www.amazon.com/registry/wishlist/2FYJFL9I3BQC4 Instagram - larrythenerd
lockerroomproud: Now that’s a big softie! That’s a very nice big softie
This is a great photo. Has my favorer fetish, worn underwear
wetbuck: HELL YES!!!! Add sniffing the jockstrap and dirty underwear that gets me horny and hard
handsome-dads: handsome-dads.tumblr.com/archive thanks for the sexy submission #fit_dude Love to suck on this guys COCK
wetbuck: HELL YES!!!! Any of the photos having to do with that amazing ASS gets me hard. Gym ass is my favorite
snugglebearbottom: Jockstraps really are the best I so love looking at your ass. I hope to see more postings
snugglebearbottom: I’m just in a mood I just have say if anyone fits the title snugglebear its definitely YOU. I love you in the blue jockstrap but then I also love you with no jockstrap HOT damn you’re HOT
Very nice view. Great looking COCK
Oh yes. I’ll be right there.
Wouldn’t mind finding this guy in my kitchen. Love him wearing the underwear
straightkikrequests: I know a lot of you have been waiting for Colin!He’s not my usual type, but that smile! Damn.Please - if you like him, tell me and comment on it when you reblog!Got some vids coming up too. Enjoy ;) Omg!!!! All I ask for is 5
jockstrap-packages: If you are proud of YOUR package, send me a photo to uk.greytop@gmail.com Would love to rim his ASS
Omg great photo. Great COCK. Love the cum in the underwear. I want that underwear Judy as they are..
grrrr-4-fur: It’s dirty, sweaty and ripe and it’s all yours Dirty, sweaty and ripe just the way I like them. I would take that jockstrap off your hands
bears-haunts-n-taunts: Wanna see more?? Follow Me!
Would really like to see this view at my gas station. Gas wouldn’t be the only thing being pumped.
This guy is so cute and his COCKLooks good enough to eat. Would love to see some ass shots