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Cuz fucking…
Humping on a Saturday…
OMG! love…Love…LOVE this!
Honest Men - Episode 1
Boyz will be boyz…
At first, it looked like the lighter haired guy was more into sucking cock than his darker haired friend was…but over the course of the video, you seek where the darker haired guy gets more and more into blowing his buddy’s cock. NICE!https://thisv
When str8 men stray…
Wake up you sleepy heads, rub your eyes, get out of bed! It’s SATURDAY morning!
Oh PUHLEESE! I could suck this cock down and still have room left over in my throat…well…at least he’s getting some good training in…
It makes a nice sandwich.
This is a rarity in porn flix…a movie that TRYs to be funny and actually suck-seeds! It kind of mixes a John Waters trashy fun sensibility AND manages to get hot sex scenes as well! WELL DONE!
Grunting over these hot GRUNTS!
SPRING BREAK…I guess it’s kinda like the Risky Business of porn…you’ve seen it tons of times..but when you’re switching channels and it’s on…you just unzip and watch it.
Joe Gage’s KEGGER!
Friday Matinee : Tulsa County Line from 2001 and directed by the man himself: JOE GAGE!
Well…you know how it is…
There’s some REAL hot ass shots toward the end of the video…
Cruising on the beach….now who hasn’t done that!
OMG! Now if I had been that audience dude…and that stripper was practically shoving his cock in my mouth..I would have STR8 up asked him: “Buddy…I’ll suck that cock in a NY minute if you let me”…and if he had said go for it…DAM
Watch and LEARN!
Anybody ever read this book? I’d be curious to know if you liked it or not!
Getting hot and bothered?
At the start of the match…then…At the END of the match…just sayin…
Now how many people watching this match are hoping that rip in the ass will keep getting bigger!
One of the joys of watching a wrestling match - hot jock ass with legs spread giving a clear view of man pussy and balls.
Well…um….yea…Mike…you’re right….you’re body has certainly improved since you’ve been spending more time in the gym… sure has,…
Okay you movie buffs out there!What movie is this from?UPDATE: Congratulations BiAlphaDude - The top pic is indeed from Hitchock’s masterpiece VERTIGO…and guess what? so is the bottom pic which is part of a dream sequence in VERTIGO as well!
So it’s finals time at college…they keep the library open till midnight…you’re down in the basement and you go take a piss in this old shitty ass bathroom that’s hardly ever used…and right on your heels some other dude is coming
OMG this is priceless…our teasing wrestler knows exactly what he’s doing with his hands on his cock and wants everyone watching to appreciate his sexiness and his cock…and look at those two poor bastards in the background…the dude
Driving around in carz with boyz…
YAY!!! Daddy’s home!
Now I may not get down on my knees very often…what with my size requirement and all….BUT…when I DO, THIS is how I roll..and I shit you not.(Except for the mask thing…LOL…though it’s not like I’m opposed to it! LOL)
Ummmm…now THIS is a party.
Rafael Alencar headlines this 2015 offering: The Godfather. Probably one of the best fuck flix to come out in the last 5 years. A very hot cast and the whole Godfather theme is played out nicely without getting to overblown. And again a VERY sexy cast
In the 21st Century…vampires don’t suck the blood out of their victims anymore…they suck…
REGULARGUYZ - Breaking NEWS! All the news channels are talking about the IRAN UPRISING going on today…but they’re getting it all wrong! HERE’s the real IRAN UPRISING!
The King of Rock and Roll : ELVIS PRESLEY
Kirk Douglas..yummy
World renown artist Jean Michel Basquiat (12/22/60 - 8/12/88) On May 18, 2017, at a Sotheby’s auction, Basquiat’s 1982 painting, Untitled, created with oil stick and spray paint and depicting a skull, set a new record high for any U.S. artist
Joan Crawford alone and with Claudette Colbert (both Leading Actress Oscar winners by the way!!)
Now here’s a fun threesome…
This is how it starts…
Classic Cock
You done ironing my underwear yet bitch boy?
Now that’s a fun boat ride…
Oh the tease of it all…
Ah…a day at the beach…
Pardon my drool….
Military guyz are supah sexy….
How it starts…
I’m only posting this picture - not for any sensual aspect - but because I think it’s a great encapsulation of the fantasy and adventure of childhood. How many of us can remember running through fields, off in our own minds..creating a separate world&hell
It’s art…don’t ya know…
Now THAT’s a day at the beach!