When the clutch drops, the bullshit stops (refocuses.tumblr.com)
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thefinefriend:if you know what you want, only accept that. nothing else.
shinypocketknives-deactivated20:love when i reblog a mutual’s post and they reblog mine. romance.
elysiumcalled:SICK and TIRED of waking up to no cuddles every morning 😣
sensualhigh:a form of intimacy.
brazybunny:All I know is… I’m gettin this bag n this body right
ruinsmami: pull her hair away from her neck to kiss it
softgaylads:what if u ran ur hands through my hair absentmindedly while i was sleepy,, ha ha just kidding,,,, unless?
fuck-renan: me being smooth af
ashstfu:people really used to get places by a horse. no aux or anything
lorddgc:Eat her pussy with the same passion you want her to suck your dick
6sage:The sexiest part of sex is seeing/feeling how good you’re making your sex partner feel
rarekahuna:Fuck small talk, tell me when everything started to go wrong
wholeheartedsuggestions:*picks you a flower* pretty flower for pretty person
astound:if you aren’t thinking about me you should be
yungdonr:it cost nothing to b nice
95dg:Very selective about the company I keep
malikmydick: i’m not always horny but i kinda am tho
highassi:the introverted urge to find 1 person you feel comfortable with and do literally everything with them
Sammy 💎
latenights: Be careful who you open up to. Only a few actually care, the rest are just curious.
repent: “If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.” — Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart (via suspend)
medele:when you both have the same vibe.
sensaciondlbloque:I want passionate-you’re-all-mine-romantic sex 😩
hurricainn:Why is my sex drive so high wtf
anothersadist:dry humping that turns into me pinning you down and using your body
sub-scorpio:Oh, you think I have pretty eyes? Your kids could have them too 😌
sspictt:Fonte: @sspictt
gamwthnzwhmou:Reblog if you had a Tumblr for 5+ years
miniskirtmilf:Men who slut you out then baby you after >>>
spectrometrie: im so glad discovering music is endless
aidashakur: How about we get our shit together, together?
lexxnova:Energy Matched energy give it back 10x 😅
ogfvckpvssy:Masturbation tip: let me do it for you
thealfaguy:Hearing I miss you from somebody you missed too >>>>>>
ambitious-az-a-outlaw:People who can’t communicate think everything is an argument.
z-ndjenja:My toxic trait is I smell so good you’ll moan when u hug me