Perpetually Caffeinated (
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sadly, I have four other Avengers shirts. And today wikl be day three of wearing one. I REGRET NOTHING
WIP part two of Thor/Loki. Heading to bed now, will finish tomorrow when I’m less tired.
Ever wonder how I drunk fanfic? This is how. Dean/Castiel, blasphemy!kink. Abuse of a Rosary.
WIP shot of the Thor/Loki. Just to, you know, prove I’m actually drawing it. @3@ might take a bit to get this finished the way I’m happy with.
I'm on AO3 now. Chock full of more self loathing than ever, but I'm on there.
Abusing my access to pens and crayons at work.
NBD, just teaching my students to giggle like Tom. WHY DO YOU ASK
So...I accidentally Thor/Loki PWP ficlet.
I’m not sure if you’re aware, but I am a serious artist.
fyeahartstudentowl: Always.
pure Loki crack, inspired by this post (excuse the ugly copy and paste, working off of my phone)
A preview of the horrors yet to come
More Gabe in Asgard crack. oh dear god.
more SuperVengers, with Gabe gifting his powers to Loki and hanging out in Asgard as the Other Loki
COVEREDINSNOW YOU BETTER LIKE THIS. Steve/Tony from all the Avengers feels.
SPN!Loki makes Avengers!Loki an archangel for shits and giggles. WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG. If this hasnt been done before, then I have seriously overestimated the internet.
FINALLY finished this Fem!Cas. Tried out a simple coloring style since there wasnt that much detail in it
quick ThorLoki sketch before bed, for brodinsons. Posting it now to counteract the boredom of my gpoy.
Protip: I’m not being rude when I refuse to let you use my inking pens. I’m being hygienic. Srsly. Im surprised I dont have tooth damage now because of how much I use my mouth as a third hand.
thorloki comic. cant stop wont stop.
one last sketch to prove Im not dead. There are exactly two people who know wtf this is about
Finally succeeded in drawing a nonfugly Loki while at work.
Aaaand last post for now, my first fem!Dean in a while to go with fem!Cas. I’d still like to tweak some things, but I’m overall happy with how they look now.
Proper picture of Fem!Cas. No seriously, I enjoy drawing Castiel as a woman far, far too much…
Was trying to get a handle on how I see fem!Cas being. I really spend way too much time on female Deanna/Castiel action… Oh, and PS I’m alive!
Fandom, what are you doing in my Korea. ((no, I’m STILL not dead. Just dying. From busy and not having internet.)
Dean loves Cas. Cas loves Dean. But Cas learned how to be human from Dean, and all Dean ever learned in life was how to sacrifice himself.
You're watching SeraNatural
In which Hamilton realizes Jefferson has a big, gay homo crush on America.
what am I drawing oh god
Does anyone have any canon!verse Merlin/Arthur fics they would recommend...?
Hallucifer and Sam. Just because.
awindmillneverhurts: perpetuallycaffeinated: and then I never got anything done again while at home, ever. the end. Okay so maybe you can answer my mother’s question: where is a cat’s bellybutton? Logically they have one, since they’re mammals,
and then I never got anything done again while at home, ever. the end.
b-l-u-e–s-k-y: Another person on whose dA gallery I could spend years in. still love this pairing. am appropriately ashamed. BUT NOT ENOUGH TO REBLOG THIS OLD ART OF MINE.
It had to be done.
christiannightmares: ‘God’s Take On Masturbation’: A demonstration? Techniques from the Master? (For a related post, click here
Hey. Guess what. I’m all up in your Christian Rock, using it for my Destiel play lists. Broke Your heart a thousand timesBut You’ve never left my sideYou have always been here for meYou never let me goYou never let me goDon’t ever let
pencil sketch of fem!Dean/fem!Cas. Welp, back to anatomy study.
Lucifer vs. Hallucifer. Done in classic Anne Style, which basically consists of three steps: Begin arting Realize its crap Throw eye-searing pink on it and call it a day
Dean/Cas valentines doodle done during my lunch break
a rough–VERY rough– concept sketch for the series of images. Don’t worry, I won’t be spamming you guys as I go along zD
Germany/Italy and Russia/America s&m jokes on post-it notes, drawn during my lunch break
I accidentally Hetalia. And by accidentally I mean with clear and malicious forethought. Best viewed/considered to the song Strict Machine.
Quinn and Natio, in another pen work doodle
doodle of my OC Quinn done at work when my workstation had a fit and froze…oy vey
Panel from something I was working on on livestream earlier today/technically yesterday. Not sure if it’s worth finishing, or putting it on the “rework entirely” list now.
because this is what happens when I go to a bar/nightclub with my SPN-obsessed friend. And I was the designated driver, so there is no excuse for this.
Human!Lucifer/Sam concept doodling for Allar. Sort of like it, but not quite worth it to break out the scanner
the42towels: foundingfathersfbconvos: perpetuallycaffeinated: Now that it’s printed (pretty mediocre-ly, I might add. Thanks, Staples.) , this is officially my favorite spread of the Founding Fathers booklet. Founding Fathers booklet? What? I WANT
quickie to remind myself that I DO have acrylic paints…